Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 311 The Difference Between Men

Chapter 311 The Difference Between Men
In the dark room, you can't see your fingers.

There was a beeping sound from the other end of the phone, and it was obvious that the other party had hung up.

"You still refuse to accept the truth?"

The man laughed, and there seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

When the woman heard this, she immediately couldn't sit still!

She sat up suddenly, regardless of the baby in her stomach, she turned on the switch in the room at once.

"Mo Lingxuan! Haven't you liked that woman for a long time? If you are a man, then find a way to grab her! What are you trying to do with me here? I have nothing else to ask, I just want to talk about you Zhan, and your goal is only Xue Yingying. We each have what we need, so why not do it?"

She spoke so lightly!

Mo Lingxuan smiled and walked to the French window.

"Whether I am a man or not, it has nothing to do with you! I like her, and that has nothing to do with you——Wang!"

"How could it have nothing to do with me? Brother Xuan!"

She, who wanted to reap the benefits, became anxious when she heard this.

Her hand was wrapped around his strong arm, just like when we were together, she couldn't help shaking, and said coquettishly: "Brother Xuan, they are a couple now! If your plan is successful, we can put They separated, I just talked to Tan Junzhan, you and Xue Yingying, aren't you very good?"

"It's still the same sentence, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Housekeeper, send Miss Wang home!"

He couldn't listen to her advice, and issued a cruel order to expel the guest.

"Miss Wang, just please, don't make things difficult for the little one!"

The butler was even more pleased, he had never liked this Miss Wang.He has been used to being domineering since he was a child, and when he came to their Mo's house, he still looked domineering.The young master's behavior today is simply delightful!

"Hmph! Mo Lingxuan, you will regret it someday!"

"Then I'll just sit and wait for that day to come, and walk slowly! By the way, you can take care of the child in your belly, that's a good bargaining chip for you to 'turn over'!"

As soon as Ms. Wang raised her feet, before she took a few steps, he heard his admonishment in a loud voice behind her, and her heart was full of anger.

"Xue Yingying, Tan Junzhan, Mo Lingxuan. One day, I will let you all taste the bitter fruit of my day!"

When the peace in the study returned to the past, Mo Lingxuan finally withdrew his eyes looking into the distance.

He returned to the desk gracefully, and made a phone call swiftly.

In the living room on the first floor of Tan's house, the scene was very lively.

Since Xue Yingying became pregnant, her lacrimal glands have become extremely developed.

The little girl Pianzi's raised finger was covered with a layer of bandages. She took a few glances, and tears welled up in her eyes, and she almost burst out of the embankment.

Actually, Tan Yi felt uncomfortable seeing her mother like this, she called out in a timid voice, "Mom—"

When it was over, she fell silent.

She didn't know what to say, did she admit that she was pretending?

Don't mind, she doesn't dare, she still plans to keep her little life in the game world!
Tan Junzhan's eyes moved to Benny on the other side again, only to see this kid, his eyes were evasive, and he still refused to face him.

What does this indicate?

He has a guilty conscience!

Benny was educated under the influence of Xue Yingying since he was a child, and he would not know those lies since he was a child.

Now, for the sake of this little sister, it is rare for him to tell a lie, and he must feel very uncomfortable in his heart.Fearing that he would be exposed if he was not careful, he could only lower his head embarrassingly, as low as he could.

Looks like it's time to go out!

Tan Junzhan came to them quickly, he hugged Xue Yingying in his arms, raised her chin with his fingers, and Tao Kan couldn't help but get up: "Look, this little pear blossom with rain, isn't it?" What about my daughter-in-law? Let’s not cry, my husband will help you if you need anything!"

"You know how to be talkative! It's because Yiyi's finger was injured, and I didn't protect her well." Speaking of this, Xue Yingying was very worried.

"Are you really hurt? It's quite tightly wrapped! Come, come here, let Dad take a look!"

Tan Junzhan immediately stretched out his hand, ready to hold hers, and examine it carefully.

But if he really saw it, can he have any good fruit to eat?

Tan Yi knew too well that his father was just as sharp-eyed as he was alive.

Her mind was turning quite fast, and she hid neatly behind her back, shaking her head violently: "No, I don't want it! Dad is a bad guy, and he knows how to hurt me. Mom, why don't you tell him not to do this? I'm afraid that if he opens my wound, I'll be in pain, it really hurts."

"Good good!"

As a kind mother, Xue Yingying was not kind to her husband.

After saying three "good" words in a row, Tan Junzhan had already guessed what she was going to say.

With a long face, she taught sternly: "Did you hear what my daughter said? Don't touch her! Even if you want to cultivate their character, you have to wait until she recovers from the injury!"

Unexpectedly, when she was teaching him a lesson, the little guy was grimacing happily on the other side.

Feng Shui turns around, and finally caught this scene!

That's all, anyway, he still has other punishments to deal with her, not bad this time.

"Honey, you're right, I should listen to you."

A light kiss finally succeeded in stealing the fragrance on her face.

This look, this tone, is just like a standard wife slave!

Tan Junyan walked back to the Tan family's old house with heavy steps, and happened to see that scene as soon as he entered the hall.

He was completely dumbfounded, is that really the eldest brother?
Rubbing his eyes again, he was quite sure this time.

Waving to the door behind him, he shouted sharply: "The best man of this century, the best husband of all time, why don't you hurry up! This rare opportunity doesn't wait for anyone!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Why are you making such a fuss? Do you really think I've never seen the world as your mother? Jun Zhan loves her daughter, from childhood to adulthood, has she ever been like this? Make a fuss!" Jiang Yinshi walked past him and threw it at her. He has a few hygienic eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of footsteps continued: "Brother, I really can't tell, you can still say such boring words from your mouth? What a blessing! As for you, learn from me! "

As the only daughter of the Tan family, Tan Yan couldn't help complaining about her man after seeing her eldest brother's demeanor, and the first thing that bore the brunt was giving him an elbow!
The same man, or a man in the military camp, why is there such a big difference?
Unwilling, Tan Yi sat down beside Jiang Yinshi.

Recently, there has been heavy snow everywhere, which has caused a lot of trouble for the people to travel.

During this period of time, Tan Jianguo was even more busy, just like a spinning top, turning back and forth to make a difference.

The whole family was present except him, and Jiang Yinshi started a small family discussion during the rare gathering.

(End of this chapter)

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