Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 326 I Will Be Alone Forever

Chapter 326 I Will Be Alone Forever

Following the source of the sound, Tan Junzhan followed the sound.

After the figure of that person appeared in his eyes, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, it turned out to be her!

The manager didn't expect her to come, but instead provoked her. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse?

Lao Tzu said: Misfortune is where blessings rest, and blessings are where misfortune lies.Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and extremes of things will reverse.

Instead of worrying, it's better to go with the flow!

Tan Junzhan's hands wrapped around her waist like vines, and he couldn't help tightening.

With his action, Xue Yingying's curiosity also began to arise.

The voice sounded very familiar, as if it was an acquaintance.

acquaintance? !
She turned her head quickly and took a closer look, and it really was true!
"Gu Yazhi?"

Recalling the previous scene, Xue Yingying was a little unsure whether the person in front of her was her, or just a stranger who looked very similar to Gu Yazhi?
"it's me."

Gu Yazhi responded lightly, and the smile on her face was the same as her voice, she smiled lightly: "What happened just now was my fault, I hope you don't take it to heart."

"I'm fine, thanks to Ah Zhan's agility. By the way, just now, you and Jun Yan...are you two arguing?"

Xue Yingying pondered over her words for a long time before she could hold back such a sentence.

However, Gu Yazhi's body was always haunted by a feeling that was neither salty nor light: "You think too much! I still have something to do, so I'll go first!"

She quickly removed Xue Yingying's hand that was holding her arm tightly without leaving a trace, and then left.

What is this?

Xue Yingying was very unhappy, she lowered her head and thought about it, this Gu Yazhi seemed very unusual!But exactly what was wrong, she couldn't say why.

"What are you thinking? Everyone is gone!"

Tan Jun Zhan's words brought her back to her sanity.

"It's okay! Ah Zhan, I was too hot-tempered just now, so don't take it to heart. If you don't like this one, we can go to another one." Xue Yingying is no different from a little girl in love Either way, her eyes just revolved around him, focusing on all his needs.

"Sorry, this kind of thing should be done by a big man like me, don't grab me! I shouldn't be narrow-minded, girl, forgive me for my small belly?"

Suddenly there was a chuckle from the side.

The prince's eyes suddenly sank, and the deep meaning in his eyes was very intriguing.

For some reason, I felt a chill run up my spine.


It's still cold!

The frizzy little girl started to tremble when she spoke: "I, our person in charge is upstairs, he, he invites you to go upstairs, excuse me..."

"Don't be afraid! My husband doesn't mean anything malicious. The situation was critical just now. He was just out of breath. Don't pay too much attention to it. If you don't accompany me, then there's no need. I'm not hurt anyway."

Xue Yingying is a good talker.

"But, but..."

The little girl originally opened her mouth smoothly, but when she came to Tan Junzhan's side, she stuttered instead.

"Did your tongue get caught by a dog? Speak quickly, I don't have time to listen to you wasting time here."

A poisonous tongue has always been his demeanor.It's a pity that he couldn't bear to face his beloved little woman!

" are bullying! Anyway, I have notified you. If you can't go up, that's your own business. There are many beautiful limited-edition wedding dresses upstairs. If you don't go, it's your loss!" The little girl said wow Crying aloud, she covered her face with her hands and ran away.

Seeing her like this, Xue Yingying couldn't help shaking her head amusedly.

"why are you laughing?"

Tan Junzhan couldn't read her mind.

Before Xue Yingying could answer, he grinned with a good feeling about himself and said, "Oh, I see. Are you proud of your husband's ability to resist foreign enemies?"

"You're less narcissistic. I was thinking, I also came from that stage before! If I wasn't so thick-skinned back then, wouldn't I have to change my position today?"

"In the future, I will not allow you to say such things. If that person is not you, I would rather be alone forever."

The soft light shone on his handsome face, and she could see the deep affection in his eyes.

"Okay, let's just trust you this time. Since there are limited edition wedding dresses upstairs, why don't we go upstairs and have a look?"

Since we have an appointment with great kindness, why not go there?
Xue Yingying's idea is simple.

Tan Junzhan glanced at her, her eyes were full of longing, of course he couldn't refuse.

"it is good!"

After he agreed, Xue Yingying was so happy that she clutched his arm tightly with her hands and refused to let go.

"Ah Zhan, Western style or Chinese style, which one do you like? I asked you before and refused to answer." No, Nizi started to complain again.

The way he mutters is really cute!

After all, a wedding is only once in a lifetime, so she naturally has to be satisfied with both of them.

"It needs to be both traditional and romantic."

He once promised to give her a grand wedding.

Since it is a prosperous age, why should we stick to the form?

He can also tell that Nizi likes both Chinese and Western styles, so why not go with the flow and try both?

Which woman nowadays doesn't like to be in line with international standards?However, the elders almost still retain the old traditions.

In this way, the problem will be solved.

"Then... why don't we look at the Chinese style first? I've grown so old, I haven't really had much contact with it."

Tan Junzhan nodded with a smile, took her hand and walked upstairs.

"If you see the right one later, book it first! Anyway, it will come in handy in a few months. It is purely handmade, and it takes a few months to prepare for one piece. The time is just right."

Xue Yingying nodded again and again: "It's still my husband who is thoughtful."

"Who made me your husband?" He wrapped his arms around her waist, paying special attention to her feet.

"It's just, Ah Zhan, do you think the styles will be out of date if you book so early?" Xue Yingying frowned, and then asked this question.

However, once this question was raised, Tan Junzhan immediately laughed out loud: "Honey, I really hope you can keep your childlike innocence."

"What's the matter? You just know how to make fun of me!"

Xue Yingying lightly hammered him on the chest.

"Western dresses may still be said to be outdated, but Chinese dresses, as traditional dresses, have endured for a long time. In ancient times, there was a saying that the previous generation passed the phoenix coronet to the next generation. Do you think it will be outdated?"

Well, what he said made sense, but she was speechless for a moment.

Forget it, let him be right!

It's really embarrassing!

Before they knew it, the two of them had already come upstairs.

Suddenly, Xue Yingying's eyes were quickly attracted by the dresses hanging in the window: "Ah Zhan, come over and have a look, the embroidery of this dress is so delicate, doesn't it look like a modern style?"

"What a good eye!"

"This set of gowns and skirts is a work of the late Qing Dynasty. It has been handed down from the ancestors and has a history of more than 100 years."

"Wow, isn't this just an old antique?"

Xue Yingying was so frightened that she withdrew her hand, but she still looked back reluctantly.

To be honest, she immediately fell in love with this one. If she couldn't try it, she probably wouldn't like other styles either.

"Little girl, do you like it very much?"

Xue Yingying bit her lower lip and nodded without concealing it: "But, I'm afraid of spoiling this one."

"Just be careful! You can try it on first, and if it fits, we can make a new one for you."

Eyes are very important, the person who spoke may be the owner of this store!These days, very few people like Chinese dresses, and it is rare to meet someone who is destined, so he might as well be a favor.

"However, I'm four months pregnant now, my waist is round and my arms are thick, maybe the size is not very suitable..." Xue Yingying is still struggling with this problem.

Every woman wants to look her best at her wedding, and she is no exception.

"Trying it on is mainly to see if this talisman matches your temperament. As for the size, you can take it according to your pre-production. If it doesn't fit at that time, I can take it over and we can make another modification. These are not problems. "

Under the persuasion of the boss, Xue Yingying finally let go of her worries, and she began to try them on.

However, what was a big surprise, this only gown and skirt fit well, and the feeling of a pregnant woman could not be seen at all.

And after putting on this dress, it immediately made her more feminine.

No, Tan Junzhan couldn't move his eyes away.

"Azhan, what do you think?"

His eyes were dull, and he kept moving around her footsteps. This was already the best interpretation, but she just wanted to hear what he said with her own ears.

"It's very beautiful. If you wear this outfit, you will definitely overwhelm the audience. Girl, why don't we move forward the wedding! Just this outfit, it's as if it was tailor-made for you. I wish you belonged to me now!"

"When did I not belong to you?"

Blinking mischievously, she deliberately focused without knowing it.

"After the wedding dress is selected, let's find a time to remarry. We can't delay any longer!"

Don't listen to his firm tone, but he can't be fierce.

"Look at your performance!"

"Then... let's finalize this set first?"

Xiao Nizi is quite satisfied with this set, and her eyes are all squinted into a line.

Naturally, he followed her wish: "Okay, as long as you like it."

Originally, Tan Jun Zhan didn't like this kind of thing very much, as long as it looks good on her body, as long as she likes it, that's enough.

"Little girl, I've been in this business for so many years, and I've never seen someone as straightforward as you." She had seen a lot, asked for a lot, picked cracks in the shells of various eggs, and in the end directly shirked and said no.

Smiling slightly, Xue Yingying asked another question instead: "How long does it take to make such a piece?"

Handmade, she should be clear, it takes a little time.

"Because the base material and embroidery are all handmade, it will take at least half a year. I just heard you say that the baby is only four months old now, so it should be around the same time..."

(End of this chapter)

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