Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 335 Suspected of Being Topped

Chapter 335 Suspected of Being Topped

"don't want--"

Xue Yingying is a mother, how could she just watch her child being bullied.

Naturally, she stepped forward, intending to block Jiang Yinshi's anger.

Although she is not very clear about Jiang Yinshi's weird change today, she dare not bet on her child no matter what.

However, she suddenly felt dizzy for a while, and when her eyes suddenly went dark, she passed out on the ground.


Tan Yi's voice couldn't help raising several times.

Although she is young, she knows who is right and who is wrong!
"Hmph, I don't have a grandma like you. I just know how to bully people. I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Afterwards, she rushed towards Xue Yingying, crying all the time: "Mom, mom, wake up, don't ignore one by one..."

"Tan Junyan—"

Gu Yazhi, the reason why she appeared here is probably because of him.

Tan Junzhan's burning fire in his heart was not groundless, he raised his voice several times, and finally he finally let out the one who had been calling for a long time.

He swayed his legs leisurely, and just came out like this.

But when he saw the unconscious Xue Yingying in his eyes, his scalp seemed to be tense, and the corners of his mouth were even more tightly pursed.

His dark eyes fell on her pale face, and his eyeballs refused to move at all.

"You still care about her?"

Tan Junzhan's voice became more and more intriguing.

The other party didn't speak, but Gu Yashang stepped forward to explain: "Prince, I'm really sorry! If I hadn't come here today, Xue..."

"Shut up! Today's matter, I will not let it go. Since there is no room for us here, after my daughter wakes up, I will take her back to Huazhai, so that this kind of thing will not happen again."

His eyes were dark, with a gleam of fire in them, staring at Gu Yazhi's direction for a moment, the meaning was quite clear.

"That's right, it's my fault, I shouldn't be here..."

Gu Yazhi couldn't stand his accusation, so she lowered her head and muttered softly.

This sound was not pleasant to Jiang Yinshi's heart.

Originally, she did feel guilty towards Xue Yingying, but under the stimulation of Tan Junzhan, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"Jun Zhan, there are no rules and you can't make a circle. I'm here to talk about family well-being."

If it is not soft, it will be hard!

Jiang Yinshi immediately put on an attitude of a patriarch, persuading her earnestly.


Should his child be taught a lesson by violence if he is disobedient?

How ridiculous!

"My people, only I can beat and scold. Others are not qualified."

Tan Junzhan's words were harsh enough, it directly poked Jiang Yinshi's fragile heart.

Unable to bear it, she staggered back a step. After a long time, before she recovered, she said in a daze, "Ah Zhan, I'm your mother!"

"It's the same when the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu come! No one can slap my wife and children, no matter what your starting point is."

Having said all that should be said, Tan Junzhan felt that he was short of a word of advice.

After he hugged Xue Yingying horizontally, when he approached Tan Junyan, he could lower his voice and remind him, "I'm leaving, remember to pay more attention to Gu Yazhi."

What do you mean?
The loneliness in Tan Junyan's eyes turned into surprise in an instant.

It's a pity that he didn't leave any other words, so he left in a hurry.

In his heart, the status of other people will never be as important as her, even his own relatives.

"I worked so hard to raise him, and he treats me like this...unfilial son——"

Jiang Yinshi never thought that the conflict between mother and son would intensify like this.

As a bystander, Tan Junyan carefully recalled the instructions of his elder brother before he left, and his eyes immediately became sharp.

The Gu Yazhi in front of him seems to be different from the one he has been in contact with.

Could it be that it was top-packed?
Not likely!
In order not to startle the snake, Tan Junyan waited quietly.

He intentionally withdrew his eyes and watched coldly, changed his usual attitude of not paying attention to anything, and went to help Jiang Yinshi up. He maintained a neutral attitude and said: "Mom, Yi Yi is still young, you shouldn't treat her So harsh."

"I'm not being harsh! She will be the big sister in the future, and she has to set an example for her younger siblings."

Tan Junyan couldn't figure it out either, and he didn't know where she came up with this theory.


Her character has remained the same. Over the years, she has only favored Xue Yingying's side.

The change today is most likely due to the appearance of that woman!
So it turned out that Tan Junyan figured it out, the reason for the top bag was actually to hurt Xue Yingying.

Although he can't do anything for her, he can still maintain the peace of this family.

"Benny is the big brother in this family. It is enough to have him set an example. Yiyi is still young and a girl, so you shouldn't be too strict with her. You have always practiced the sheep-herding method of Tanyan's education. ?"

The example he gave is quite typical.

"That's different!"

It is estimated that Jiang Yinshi was given a lot of ecstasy soup by that person, she retorted angrily: "Didn't you miss Yan Yan's experience in those years? It was because of my sloppy education that led to her tragedy So, I can't stage the tragedy on Tan Yi again, I do it out of protection for her. But this child Jun Zhan just doesn't understand my conscience!"

As she spoke, she should have started crying again.

Once the faucet is unscrewed, it will flow out continuously.

The two brothers of the Tan family have always had nothing to do with women's tears.

Tan Junyan looked at it, and there was nothing to do.

Seeing him like this, Gu Yazhi smiled slightly, his smile was as warm as a spring breeze, "Let me come!"

Tan Junyan was still wary in his heart, he refused to move away.

Jiangyin city could clearly hear the conversation of the visitor.

The crying stopped abruptly.

She wiped away the half-dried tears at the corners of her eyes, and immediately raised her voice: "Jun Yan, how could you treat her like this? She is such a good girl, I heard that you two got the certificate, and she is still pregnant Your child, you can't let her down! Let's talk about the old sayings..."

What happened next, Tan Junyan was dumbfounded.

She... was pregnant with his flesh and blood?
It doesn't make sense, he never touched her.

It seemed another accident, the night he got drunk...

Could it be the seeds sown someday?

She knows that there is a villain hidden in his heart, and she will never get it, so why should she do this?

There was chaos in his clear eyes, and he couldn't guess her thoughts.

However, at this moment, the corner of Gu Yazhi's mouth curled into a smile that was not a smile.

The slightly upturned arc seems to bring a little...

Yes, that laugh is a mockery.

(End of this chapter)

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