Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 344 What kind of confession

Chapter 344 What kind of confession
"You are here!"

Anyone who comes is a guest, and Mo Lingxuan, the enthusiastic host, came out to greet the guests immediately.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is Gu Yazhi?"

On this issue, Tan Junyan has a bad temper, just like his brother.

Mo Lingxuan joked slightly: "Then see if you have the ability to recognize her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm afraid you've seen the fake Gu Yazhi. Her original name is Pu Xinyu. I think you should have seen her too. Now she has undergone plastic surgery to look like Gu Yazhi. You have to find the real one from inside." If something goes wrong, I will not guarantee her life!"

Mo Lingxuan kept chuckling, in his eyes, it seemed that Gu Yazhi's life was not worth much.

Of course, to him, Gu Yazhi did not mean anything.

Who would feel for a stranger?
Compassion is something he should give up.

Tan Junyan hesitated for the same reason, because he didn't pay close attention to Gu Yazhi's preferences and habits when the two got along.

How can this make it possible to win in this?
Now there is no other way, he can only try temporarily.

"Where is the person, take me there!"

If you can't rescue her successfully, it would be worthwhile to die with her.

In life, it is rare to find people who love each other deeply.

With such an experience, this life is not in vain.

"You have to remember that the only person Pu Xinyu likes is Guan Hong. You must remember this!"

Holding a gun to defend against the enemy, Xue Yinuo can do everything, except this one.

He said no way!
An old man in his 30s said that he is still a virgin and has never been in a relationship, which is very sad.

He secretly vowed in his heart that as long as he successfully resolved this matter, he must find a woman and have a serious relationship with him, and he might be able to resolve his lifelong affairs.Once he comes, he can stop his parents from nagging him all day long.Secondly, one by one is pretty and cute, with a sweet mouth, he wishes he could have such a cute little daughter!

Of course, he didn't dare to mention these thoughts to his daughter.

If she knew, she would definitely decide to help him prepare without authorization.

As for the object, of course it is better to find one by myself!
Before they knew it, they were already approaching the small room.

"Are they both in there?"

Tan Junyan asked in a hoarse voice.

Mo Lingxuan nodded understandably: "Or do you think so?"

Unexpectedly, his teasing words would trigger Tan Junyan's anger to rise.

"You bastard! It's so inhumane for you to lock a pregnant woman with a crazy woman!"

Seeing that Tan Junyan's iron fist was about to fall on his face, the cold-faced man stopped him immediately, and he said coldly: "Boss and I don't know anything about this matter."

"Even you don't know the difference between the two?"

Xue Yinuo couldn't believe it.

Could Mo Lingxuan say that he just wanted to test the tacit understanding of this pair of lovers?

He touched the bridge of his nose embarrassingly: "The two of them are like twin sisters now, and I can't tell the difference."

"You saved her?"

"You paid for the plastic surgery?"

"You gave her the opportunity to be close to her, too?"

Xue Yinuo asked three questions in a row, but Mo Lingxuan remained silent.

He never said anything.

"If, she has an accident, the Mo family will definitely be finished!"

As the current leader of Sovereign Group, Junyan has the most say in this matter.

"Welcome anytime! Hope you get people out properly today."

Finally, taking a deep breath, Tan Junyan said before going in, "If I fail today, please tell my brother a word."

Xue Yinuo knew that he was telling himself.


His voice was a little hoarse, and the scene of parting from life and death was the most uncomfortable.

"I never thought of snatching my daughter from him, never."

What kind of confession is this?
Xue Yinuo wanted to give him a leg, if he really told this, Tan Junzhan would dig him out of the grave and whip his corpse in minutes.

Before he had time to move his feet, Tan Junyan stepped forward.

"How sure is he that he can recognize it?"

Xue Yinuo approached Mo Lingxuan to inquire about the military situation.

If you have the heart, you will be able to recognize it.

But Mo Lingxuan remained silent and walked away alone, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Xue Yinuo was not as leisurely as he was, so he could only stay at the door and wait.

In the room, it was pitch black.

After Tan Junyan rubbed it for a while, he finally found the switch.

The room suddenly lit up.

After searching the room carefully, he finally found something.

He ran to that place quickly, and before he could blurt out the lingering words of love, the same familiar voice came from behind: "I'm here."

Turning around suddenly, he saw exactly the same face.

He hesitated, which one is his lover?
As a lover, he had indeed failed, and he couldn't make a correct choice between the two of them.

Compared with all the traces exposed outside, he couldn't get a result.

As time passed by, the two Gu Yazhi gradually lost confidence in him and didn't pay much attention to him.

By the way, Guan Hong!
"If one day I tell you that I want a divorce, my reason is because I can't forget Xue Yingying, what else do you think?"

Before Guan Hong died, he still loved Xue Yingying deeply.

It is precisely this point that is the shadow that Pu Xinyu cannot get rid of.The reason why she hated Xue Yingying so much was probably because of this reason.If the real Pu Xinyu is hidden in it, there will definitely be clues.

Tan Junyan observed carefully, his eyes wandering back and forth.

It finally made him realize something, Gu Yazhi's eyes on the left revealed a hint of viciousness.But she hid it very well, it was fleeting, and her eyes drifted to the other side, as if waiting for her first answer.

Even if his appearance can change, he can't pretend to be the real Gu Yazhi's inner thoughts.

His eyes shifted to Gu Yazhi on the right.

Her eyes were clear, and her expression would not be touched by his words.

"You come back first!"

Tan Junyan finally made a bold guess, pointing his fingertips to the left.

Just say it, who is afraid of whom!

"Isn't it just a divorce? Let's just leave. After I receive the divorce fee, I will immediately find someone to kill you. I will also record the video and post it online for people all over the country to enjoy."

This answer is really... quite worthy of her vicious eyes.

"What about you?"

Tan Junyan stared at the woman on the right with piercing eyes.

"Just leave, anyway, I have seen through it. You have always hidden someone in your heart, and it must be her! If there is a chance to go back, let's divorce. I don't want a penny. The child is innocent. I want to stay. "

It is clear at a glance which is true and which is false.

The real Gu Yazhi has never shown his vicious side.

"In short, I'm late!"

Tan Junyan accurately located the real her, and he stepped forward to untie her in a hurry.

As for the pretending one, knowing that she has been exposed, she has no time to stay here.

One word, that is to escape.

While the door was still ajar, she staggered to her feet and fled outside the door as if flying.

However, this made Xue Yinuo, who was waiting at the door, catch the rabbit.

"Run, keep running!"

Pu Xinyu has a petite figure, and Xue Yinuo can lift her in his hand without much effort.

He raised his eyes and took a look, the affectionate look inside made people envious.

Why do you want to be a light bulb, why not go back and think about how to deal with this lucky man who came back from the dead?
"Tan Junyan, I'm leaving first, and I'll ask your driver to pick you up later."

It's a pity that someone didn't care about his kindness at all.

It wasn't until this moment that Tan Junyan understood what real heartbreak was.

"In short, I..."

"Don't say anything!"

Gu Ya's attitude of sending people thousands of miles away is not like usual.

Tan Junyan was very hurt, but he still stepped forward more and more courageously: "Well, I have something to tell you."

"Before the two of us, there was nothing else to say except divorce."

She stood firm, and nothing else seemed to interfere with the idea.

"Gu Yazhi, I like you... No, I love you! I have been looking for you since one night. Maybe I will know how to cherish it when I lose it. Only when I can't find you at all, I will understand how much you treat me The meaning is extraordinary. Yes, I have liked Xue Yingying, I do not want to deny this. I have liked her for many years, I do not deny it, I just want to prove that I am in love. Men who talk about family have a characteristic, once in love with her, never again I will not betray you. I love you, I can swear. As long as you give me a chance to reform, I promise that I will never hurt you and your children again, and I will give you a real family!"

He said a lot in one breath, and also wasted a lot of his saliva, but Gu Yazhi acted like he was listening to a play, and didn't take him seriously at all.


His eyes were tense, and he nodded lightly.

"It's time for me to say it! Meeting depends on fate. Being together also depends on fate. During these days, I thought very clearly that the two of us are not suitable. Now that the child is not too old, I still remember it Go get an abortion. My family doesn't agree with the matter between the two of us. I think it's time to end all this!"

Listen to her tone so decisive.

Tan Junyan couldn't restrain the impulse in his heart, his only thought was to block her mouth and distract her from her proper consciousness.

But before the overlord could force his bow, Gu Yazhi's eyes darkened and he fainted.

He couldn't wait for the driver to arrive, so he picked him up with a hug.

"Are you going to walk there?"

Mo Lingxuan appeared at exactly the right time.

"Come here, send them both to the hospital!"

Will he be so kind?
Tan Junyan took a step back subconsciously, feeling alert in his heart.

"It's my little compensation for you. I will come to apologize someday. Your little daughter-in-law, your health is important..."

With a bang, the others ran away without a trace.

It seems that this Gu Yazhi still holds a lot of weight in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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