Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 351 The Confused Case

Chapter 351 The Confused Case

Seeing his ashen face, Xue Yingying couldn't help feeling anxious, and asked cautiously: "Brother, has something serious happened in the bureau again?"

"Pu Xinyu, she committed suicide."

Even if you don't want to tell the truth, you can't hide this matter after all.

When Xue Yingying heard this, she lost her mind, staggered, almost lost her footing, and fell backwards.

"Sister?" Luckily, Tan Junzhan was behind her and grabbed her waist in time.

She squeezed out a smile quite reluctantly, but the smile looked far-fetched: "I'm fine, don't worry."

She is not sad, this result is a kind of liberation for Pu Xinyu.The reason why she is in today's situation is related to the unresolved knot in her heart.This time, she can also meet Guan Hong - the man she once loved the most.


After all, Xue Yingying was a little regretful that she couldn't explain some things clearly to her face to face.

"Ah Zhan, it's true that Pu Xinyu's mistakes are not good. But she has also passed away, so give her a proper burial!"

All grievances and entanglements were destined to come to an end the moment she learned of her death.

"However, brother, this matter still needs to be investigated clearly. I have been in contact with Pu Xinyu for many years, and I know her character. She is extremely strong. Even if she is disfigured, she still gritted her teeth and persisted. There is no way she will commit suicide."

Xue Yingying's analysis was thorough, and she did not have any motive for suicide.

"Don't worry! The man was killed on my territory. I will give you news later." Xue Yinuo vowed, and also issued a military order: "I will never come until this matter comes to fruition." meet you."

"If you can't find any results from the investigation, you won't even come to see your two nephews when they are born?"

"No result, how could I have the face to see you...Wait—" Xue Yinuo suddenly realized, he clicked his tongue, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and subconsciously prepared to confirm the message he heard again: "Ninny, you mean you're pregnant with..."

If he can't say it, she will continue.

"Yes, I am pregnant with a pair of your little nephews. Baby, you have heard that your uncle is not going to come to see you. Let Mommy remember this villain firmly!" Xue Yingying lightly Rubbing his bloated belly, he spoke briskly, half-jokingly.

"Ah, girl, please don't do this. Don't slander my reputation in front of my unborn nephew. Let's not talk about it. I'll go back and investigate the results first. I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation before you give birth."

It's better to speak well than to do well. Instead of wasting more words here, it's better to act as soon as possible.

Just when he turned around, his buttocks were up and down, and his walking posture was awkward, Xue Yingying also saw the clue.

She didn't stop him directly, because she knew that he had made up his mind to go. Instead, she discussed with Tan Junzhan: "Ah Zhan, what do you think my brother is doing when he walks like this? Like a kick in the ass."

"Nine times out of ten."

The crown prince speaks concisely, especially when it comes to topics that have nothing to do with him, he is extremely stingy with his words.

His complexion gradually turned from sunny to cloudy. Uncle Tan seemed to have realized some truth, and prepared to dodge him a step ahead: "I suddenly remembered that there are still a few operations that are about to start, I will prepare first."

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately ran away.

"Third Uncle is really strange, we are not beasts."

Xue Yingying was puzzled and muttered in a low voice without raising her head to pay attention to the man's expression.

Uncle Tan was clearly afraid of him.

"Since staying here is not welcome, then go home." He suggested with a sullen face.

"it is good!"

Hugging his strong arms tightly, Xue Yingying agreed.

On the other side of the capital, the tense atmosphere of black clouds overwhelming the city has not eased since Xue Yinuo came back.

The chamber was surprisingly quiet, and no one dared to make the slightest noise.

Xue Yinuo couldn't stand this kind of silence the most, so he slapped the table hard, and he ended this quietness.

"What happened, who will give me an explanation?"

Then, his gloomy gaze swept across the colleagues sitting in the audience.

At this time, it is necessary to find a scapegoat to take the blame, at least to escape the catastrophe!

Got it!

A small policeman who had been on a mission with him before suddenly stood up.

Before he even spoke, all eyes in the entire conference hall were focused on his face, the obsessive eyes flocked up, as if he was a savior sent from heaven.

Unfortunately, he is not great enough to sacrifice himself.

"Before Pu Xinyu's accident, I saw the woman I just brought back today, lingering at her door furtively for a long time." This person said it very confidently.

"You saw it alone?"

Evidence must be emphasized in everything, and when he sees it, it seems that he can't explain anything.

When asked about this, the man choked with anger and had nothing to say.

It is indeed intriguing that the two events are linked together.

Based on the principle of "I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go", Xue Yinuo finally locked the suspect on her head, and he calmly ordered: "Go and investigate the surveillance in Pu Xinyu's room." come over."

Someone got up immediately.

But not long after, the man came back with heavy steps.

Xue Yinuo's gloomy face remained unchanged, and the reason was simple enough. When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, there was nothing in his hands.

"What about things? I can't even handle a small thing!"

There was no place to vent his anger, Xue Yinuo could only vent his anger here.

The man hurriedly explained: "It's very strange! Not long after Pu Xinyu appeared, the good monitoring system was destroyed. After the colleague in charge discovered this phenomenon, he rushed over immediately. Unexpectedly, he found that Pu Xinyu was killed. The back of the head was injured and unconscious Yi Xiaofan."

The case is getting more and more confusing!

"What about her?"

Which one is he asking?
Everyone was confused.

"Pu Xinyu is still at the scene of the crime, and the forensic doctor is still doing the on-site appraisal." Some people took it for granted.

Xue Yinuo almost vomited blood with anger, the topic he talked about one second before leaving Yi Xiaofan, could be transferred to Pu Xinyu the next moment.

Don't use your brain before speaking, think carefully!

"I'm asking Yi Xiaofan, where is she now?" Xue Yinuo's voice was almost roaring.

"Stay well in the infirmary! The forensic doctor came over just now and said that she just fainted from fright, and there is nothing serious about it. Boss, don't you have a crush on that girl, and it's because of the Buddha sect's shadowless leg?"

"Sun Kelai, Wang Dali, you two go out and run around this office building twenty laps, and you are not allowed to rest until you finish the run."

After talking, the two had no choice but to take orders, who made them talk about good things and reveal all his embarrassing things!
(End of this chapter)

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