Ninety Blessed Wife Runs Well-off

Chapter 288 There Are So Many Two Teenagers

Chapter 288 How Many Secondary School Boys Are There?

Lu Zhiran changed clothes at the hotel and went out, planning to go shopping in a nearby shopping mall. While waiting for the elevator, hands gently covered her eyes, and a deep voice rang in her ears, asking her, "Guess who I am."

She just grabbed the hand covering her eyes, "Since you're here, why don't you knock on the door, and you're still here playing peek-a-boo with me."

Song Xingjue was the only one who could do this, because his company had an important meeting, so he didn't take the same plane with them.

"I just want to surprise you, Zhiyang has already gone to Jiali District?" He also knew what Lu Zhiyang was going to do this time.

"We separated as soon as we got off the plane. We should have arrived there. There is nothing to worry about. You also sent someone to follow him."

Song Xingjue nodded, then carried Lu Zhiran back to the room, "Since he has nothing to worry about, then just spend more time with me."

The underground computer city in Jiali District.

Hackers who have not yet arrived at the time will not wait here. They can fight one-on-one here, and the loser will end this time. It's the final showdown, but it doesn't matter whether you can break through or not.

Because the real meaning of this competition is a duel between hackers, which can be regarded as letting them know that there is a sky outside the sky in this field, and there are people outside the human world.

There is no such thing as a lottery here, it all depends on the people present to choose their opponents, of course Lu Zhiyang will not choose the one sitting opposite him, this is his compatriot.

In the end, a young foreign boy chose Lu Zhiyang, and this was the first time he used the computer given by Decibel in front of outsiders. This computer adopted a full touch screen button, and the mouse was simplified in a corner of the computer, all relying on Lu Zhiyang's little finger to move the arrow.

His computer attracted the attention of other people present, and it was the first time they had seen this kind of computer, "Hey brother, which company did you customize this computer for?"

Lu Zhiyang thought for a while and nodded, "That's right." It's just that the company is not from Earth.

And the opponent sitting next to him just glanced contemptuously, what's the use of making these fancy things.

This time Lu Zhiyang's defender was the attacker, and he also saw the opponent's name, Billy the Killer. Lu Zhiyang tilted his head, the name seemed familiar.

This hacker named Billy felt strange since he attacked Lu Zhiyang's system. Everything went so smoothly. Billy broke through his layers of defenses, but he couldn't see Lu Zhiyang's expression, only the pair of eyes. Flat and unmoving eyes.

The people who watched the battle began to talk. This is the third time Billy has come here, and he is also well-known in this circle. It seems that he has been booked in advance as one of the network security system consultants by a big company.

"It seems that it is obvious who wins and who loses in this game."

"This is still a new face, I haven't heard of the name Fatal X yet."

"You're a novice, it's normal if you haven't heard of it."

In fact, Lu Zhiyang's previous address on the dark web was X, but this time it was slightly changed. While other people were still talking, his hands left the keyboard.

"Is this admitting defeat?"

"Certainly, how can you resist the attack if your hands are off the keyboard."

But Billy doesn't think so, his virus is trapped!

Lu Zhiyang felt that it was boring. The opponent's attack virus was trapped by him, but he was too lazy to deal with it. In fact, the anti-virus system built into this computer can get rid of all known network viruses in the world.

And he also remembered who this killer Billy was. They had confronted each other a few years ago. This guy attacked the official website of Kylin Company that he guarded in the middle of the night.

But this bastard has improved a lot now, at least he is not directly beaten by him like before.

"I lost." Killer Billy raised his hands in surrender. He couldn't break through the opponent at all, but this man still played him.

Only then did the others understand what was going on now, and the next step was their identities swapping, Lu Zhiyang attacked and he defended.

There was no big difference in this contest at all, Lu Zhiyang directly killed Billy in a flash, and the attacking virus made his computer blue screen of death, which was really a complete loss.

Killer Billy still looked dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that his computer crashed in such a short time.

The man with the eagle mask came back. Seeing that the duel here is over, he put his hands on Lu Zhiyang's shoulders, "It seems that your side is going well."

After speaking, he also massaged his shoulders by the way, which made Lu Zhiyang's goosebumps rise from shock.

"Uh, almost." He doesn't know this big brother that well, so it's quite uncomfortable.

Billy looked at the one who came out, feeling extremely aggrieved, and couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Since you are so powerful, can you show us the official website of Ruilin Pharmaceutical Company in Z country, and you." Billy vented his anger on the eagle-eyed masked man.

Lu Zhiyang didn't expect this bastard to be so fragile, but he could only shake his head.

Killer Billy finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him shaking his head. At least this person, like him, couldn't break through the company's network defense system.

"Fatal X, I remember you. I will lose to you today, but I won't in the future. You can't break through Kylin's defense system, but I once fought against its security consultant one-on-one. One day that If you break the system, I will break it, and you, I will also defeat you."

Hearing this bold declaration, Lu Zhiyang couldn't control his hands to applaud this bastard.

"Pfft!" But he couldn't help laughing, which made Billy's face darken under the mask, "Why are you laughing, are you looking down on me?"

Lu Zhiyang held back his smile and waved his hands, "It's not that I look down upon it, it's just that it's really funny."

Billy was short of breath, he got up and stood in front of Lu Zhiyang as if he was about to make a move, the bodyguard who had been following behind held Billy's shoulders, the black mask could only see his eyes, but now those eyes were like sharp knives, piercing straight into Billy's shoulders. Lee's soul made him shudder.

This person must be a ruthless character who has seen blood!

But he still poked his neck, and said to Lu Zhiyang who was behind the bodyguard in a contemptuous tone, "You still have a bodyguard to protect yourself, you bastard."

As he spoke, he retreated consciously. The bodyguard didn't care how much he scolded Lu Zhiyang, as long as he didn't do anything. Seeing that he was not going to do anything again, he let go of the hand on Lu Zhiyang's shoulder.

Lu Zhiyang wasn't annoyed either, he didn't rely on fighting to increase his strength, "It's not up to you to decide whether I'm a coward, but I'm sure that you will always be my defeat."

"What qualifications do you have to say that." This person just won him this time.

"Because I was the one who established Kylin's network defense system. You couldn't break through it before, and you won't be able to break through my website in the future."

The defense system of Kylin Pharmaceutical Company's official website is now among the best in the world. A young man said that this was built by him. Apart from being shocked, he just didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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