Chapter 211

A dire bear raised its terrifying claws and slammed it hard at the man in front of him.

The man stretched out his right hand with a smile, and a green diamond glove appeared on his right hand, the best of ice.The famous melee ability of the Ice Jade Scorpions.

The man's right hand collided fiercely with the ice bear's paw.The powerful impact immediately shattered layers of ice.The man quickly grabbed the ice bear's claws, and a layer of ice with a white light instantly froze the ice bear.

"Ice blast!" The man said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the frozen ice field bear was injured, but not killed.The man also quickly gave this guy a fatal blow.

Yun Xuan was a little surprised at his physical strength.It is indeed terrifying.Yes, this man is Yun Xuan.

Yunxuan discovered that the soul beasts in this extreme northern land had very strong bodies.The increase in strength of this Ice Jade Scorpion is also extraordinary.

It should be the frightening cold wind in the extreme north that created the creatures in the extreme north to have such terrifying physiques.

Although Yun Xuan was thinking, his hands were not slow, and he quickly put the ice bear on his back, ready to go back to his hut.Yun Xuan has always had the habit of not being able to stay in the place where he fought for a long time.

"Come on, Coke. Get a bear claw." Yun Xuan smiled and held a grilled bear claw and handed it to Coke.

Coke took it happily, and gnawed on the bear paw with relish.Yun Xuan joked: "It's really a bear that kills each other. It's too bad."

Coke glanced at Yun Xuan contemptuously, his eyes were full of contempt.My lord disdains to be with you, what a stupid human being.

Yun Xuan dismissed the contemptuous expression of Coke, and silently ate his delicious food.

At this time, a footstep approached the hut, Yun Xuan looked outside vigilantly.Coke, who was nibbling on the bear paw, also stopped his mouth.

I saw a person walking in with the same vigilance, holding a knife in his hand, he relaxed a little when he saw Yun Xuan, and said: "Brother, I got lost in the extreme north, Can you let me stay for a while?"

Yun Xuan is a little strange, besides these few fools like himself, are there other fools in this world?And this guy's footsteps are a bit vain, it seems that he is injured.

When Yun Xuan was about to let this person in, the system finally came up with the first task of creating an incident by itself.

[A new species in the extreme north - you will create a legend of the Snow Demon Soul Beast in the next time. (There is no big event, so we have to make it ourselves, and now it is a small test.)]

System, are you sorry?The rewards for my last mission haven't been distributed yet.Now I have the nerve to assign me a new task.Yun Xuan silently condemned.

[If you haven't returned to Lei Ze Continent, it's not counted as completing the mission.You should do this task well. 】

Yun Xuan showed a terrifying smile and looked at this person.The man immediately felt a deep chill.

In front of this man, Yun Xuan gradually turned into a bandaged snow monster.Yun Xuan's smile became very permeating in his eyes.

"Hello~ My fresh flesh and blood." Yun Xuan said grimly.

The knife in this man's hand immediately pointed at Yun Xuan, and he said, "My friend, stop joking. Otherwise, I won't be polite."

Yun Xuan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he did it directly, and still only took the man's heart.Although the two of them didn't know each other at all, for the mission, this guy had to know how powerful he was.

The knife in the man's hand directly slashed at Yun Xuan's hand that was grabbing towards him, and he did not believe that Yun Xuan would not withdraw his hand.

A diamond glove appeared on Yunxuan's right hand, and the man's knife had no effect at all, it couldn't even bring a little bit of diamond ice to Yunxuan's right hand.

The man backed away quickly, that is to say, Yun Xuan deliberately released the water, otherwise, it would be impossible for this man to escape.

The man said in surprise: "Ice Jade!? How is it possible? This is your soul skill? Why didn't your soul skill and soul ring appear?"

Yun Xuan still kept that terrifying smile, and said: "Fresh flesh and blood, don't run away."

Then, facing the man, he opened his mouth, and a hurricane like a sharp knife blew towards the man.

"The third soul skill - mad knife like a tide." The man used the soul skill in horror.The knife in his hand suddenly shone yellow, and he slashed towards Yunxuan, and the endless knife rushed towards the ice storm.

Yunxuan's small house was immediately scrapped, and Yunxuan's face darkened in an instant.After all, a settlement was gone.

However, when the ice storm and Dao Gang continued to collide, a huge burst of ice and snow suddenly set off, blocking Yun Xuan and the man's sight.

The man rushed towards Yunxuan and shouted: "Go to hell. The fourth soul skill——Heavenly Saber Comes."

The man held his own knife in both hands, and the knife in his hand suddenly became a 40-meter sword, and the knife carried an unparalleled aura of destruction.He slashed at Yun Xuan's head fiercely.

He must hack this guy to death, no matter whether he is a soul beast or a human being, if he dares to treat him like this, he must die.

A diamond glove appeared on Yun Xuan's right hand again, and he swung his paw towards the 40-meter broadsword, and the Dark Gold Terror Claw also activated.

The powerful strength and defense of the Ice Jade Claw, coupled with the ultimate destruction of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw, immediately cut the man's 40-meter broadsword.

The man looked at Yun Xuan in fear, this is impossible, how could this soul skill of his be deciphered?
The man's left hand suddenly clutched his chest tightly, and the injury he had suffered before had recurred.

What can I do now?Obviously he has already escaped, is he really going to die?The man thought unwillingly.

Yun Xuan didn't care so much, he wanted to destroy him, but he still had to give him a chance to escape.In this way, the new species has the opportunity to propagate itself.

On Yunxuan's right hand, a dark golden claw appeared.However, because of the simulation effect, this claw is a snow-white claw.

"What? Is this guy really a soul beast?" The man said in disbelief.

Yun Xuan smiled at him, under the simulated soul skill, what the man saw was that the corners of this man's mouth reached to his ears, it was extremely terrifying.

Yunxuan released the Dark Gold Terror Claw with his right hand, and the Dark Gold Terror Claw rushed towards the man like a shattered force of terror.

The man couldn't think for a moment, Yunxuan was about to secretly pass the Dark Gold Terrorclaw past him, but the man suddenly turned into a knife light and disappeared in place.

However, a small package on his chest fell out.Seeing that the man had also left, Yun Xuan picked up the package, opened it, and immediately gasped.

(End of this chapter)

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