Chapter 271

Yun Xuan looked at Beibei with empty eyes, and said with a smile: "It seems that it has begun."

The Lord of Lei Ze said with a smile: "Indeed, but this Beibei's ability is still good. His Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Dragon Martial Soul has actually mutated. By the way, congratulations. You have become a member of the Sea God Pavilion."

Yun Xuan was a little confused immediately, "What does this mean? What members of the Sea God Pavilion?"

The Lord of Lei Ze said with a smile: "I remembered, the academy will inform all the students later. This is the idea proposed by Elder Xuan. He thinks that you already have such strength and character."

Yun Xuan smiled and said, "So that's the case."

Sun Moon Empire, Emperor Sun Moon, Xu Tianran and Jing Hongchen were in a quiet room.However, Emperor Sun and Moon was ill in bed, and Xu Tianran sat in a wheelchair.

The three of them quietly watched the scene of fighting with the Doukai.

Emperor Sun and Moon said: "Master Hongchen, I don't know how far the human-shaped soul tool that Mingde Hall is making has reached?"

Emperor Sun Moon and Xu Tianran stared straight at Jing Hongchen.

Jing Hongchen was a little embarrassed, he felt that their eyes were not for the progress of the soul tool, but for the fact that there was nothing wrong with him.

Jing Hongchen said hastily: "Your Majesty, our humanoid soul tool is still in the production stage and cannot be put into actual combat. Moreover, using it may require multiple people to use it together."

Both Xu Tianran and Emperor Sun and Moon frowned slightly, this kind of manufacturing progress is really inappropriate.

Emperor Sun and Moon said dissatisfiedly: "Master Hongchen, the strength of our empire's soul guides should far exceed those of Shrek Academy. Why are these things in Shrek Academy now completely ahead of them?"

"This matter, Hall Master Hongchen, you should find out the reason yourself."

Xu Tianran laughed and said, "Father, Hall Master Hongchen cannot be blamed for this matter. After all, humanoid soul guides are indeed a difficult problem to overcome."

"Master Hongchen, what are your plans for Shrek Academy's new soul tool?" Emperor Sun Moon didn't continue to express his dissatisfaction with Jing Hongchen.

Jing Hongchen said: "Mingdetang continues to speed up the production of humanoid soul tools, I will go to Shrek Academy to see if I can exchange students with Shrek Academy, and learn from Shrek Academy's high-tech .”

Emperor Sun and Moon nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Master Hongchen, your thinking is not bad. Of course, do you have anything to add?"

Xu Tianran looked gentle and elegant, and said: "Master Hongchen, you can also try to ask Shrek Academy if the balls above them can also be used by exchange students. Mingde Hall can release some secrets to Shrek The exchange students of the college."

Jing Hongchen said with a solemn expression: "Your Highness, our loss is really a bit heavy."

Emperor Sun and Moon also watched Xu Tianran's next statement quietly, he wanted to see if his crown prince had enough talent.

"If we don't give relatively precious things to Shrek Academy, it is impossible for us to get what we want. Moreover, not only this new type of soul guide, but also that ball may have a certain impact on the future development of the empire." Dangerous."

Xu Tianran said calmly.

Jing Hongchen nodded, and said: "Yes, I understand. Then, I will go to Shrek Academy tomorrow to settle things early."

Emperor Sun Moon said with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to rest. You should step back first."

"My son retire."

"My minister retire."

The two left the quiet room together.

Among the other empires, apart from the Heavenly Soul Empire, which insists on purely traditional soul masters, the other two empires have the same idea as the Sun Moon Empire.

It's just that they don't want to be exchange students, but to study at Shrek Academy for a few years.After all, they don't have the knowledge of soul tools that Shrek Academy wants to know like the Sun Moon Empire.

Early the next morning, all the Shrek students who participated in the competition arrived at the most mysterious and powerful place in Shrek, the Sea God Pavilion.

"Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yueheng and other inner court students made such almost irreparable mistakes during the mission. They disrespected their teachers during the competition and recorded a major demerit."

Yan Shaozhe looked at these elite students in the inner courtyard sternly, feeling very dissatisfied.

Ma Xiaotao and the others turned pale with shock. This was a major demerit in Shrek Academy, and it would be an absolute stain on their resumes.

"However, in the end, you still have to make up for your mistakes. If you don't remember the big mistakes, you won't have this in your files. However, you still have to confine yourself for a month and think about it."

"Yes." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Wang Yan, thanks to your leadership in this competition, you can browse freely in the library of Haishen Pavilion in the next year, but all research and books cannot be taken out of the library." Yan Shaozhe said with a smile.

After Wang Yan heard it, he stood there for a while, and when he realized it, he immediately jumped three feet high.

After Wang Yan calmed down his heartbeat, he solemnly bowed to all the elders and said, "Thank you Dean, thank you all elders."

Yan Shaozhe looked at Zhang Lexuan with a smile, and said, "Zhang Lexuan, you didn't play any role in this competition, so you don't have any rewards, do you agree?"

Zhang Lexuan still knew that it was useless in this competition, and said with a smile: "I really didn't do anything, and I agree with it."

Yan Shaozhe looked at Huo Yuhao and the others, and said with a smile, "Next, it's your turn, children. I can only describe your performance as amazing and amazing. Your feat will be recognized by the audience." Inscribed in the annals of Shrek Academy. You are true heroes."

"Beibei, He Caitou, Xu Sanshi... Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, the seven of you have worked hard from the beginning to the end, and the academy has awarded you the title of Shrek Seven Monsters."

"In addition, except for the three soul bones won in the competition, all of you will be rewarded with one soul bone. You can decide where to go for these three soul bones."

Everyone was dumbfounded immediately, not counting the soul bones of the competition, everyone has a reward of a soul bone, so the academy has to give a total of 12 soul bones.Is it worthy of being the number one college in mainland China? Such a rich family background.

Yun Xuan has a bit of a bitter face, his own soul bone is obviously about to be transformed, but if you give me a soul bone now, isn't this slowing down the time for me to become a soul king?

Although Yunxuan can be promoted to the soul king and then absorbed, how can a person like Yunxuan bear it.

On the second day, the news that Yun Xuan became a member of the Sea God Pavilion spread among the inner courtyard and all the teachers.

(End of this chapter)

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