Peerless Tangmen's Panda Wuhun

Chapter 289 Mu Yunxuan is the murderer

Chapter 289 Mu Yunxuan is the murderer
"Mun, I'm here to see you for the last time."

An old man in black and white hair outside Shrek City was sitting in a tavern drinking wine, with a slightly sad expression on his face.

He drank one cup after another, but he couldn't get drunk no matter what.Now, he really wanted to get drunk, but his body was too strong to get drunk.

At this time, a woman came to his side, snatched the wine from his hand, and drank it too.

"Xi Shui, why are you here?"

The old man, or Long Xiaoyao, the Dragon Emperor Douluo known as the Black and White Double Holy Dragon with Mu En, looked at the woman in front of him in surprise.

"We were all friends before, weren't we? Even though our relationship is bad now, I should still be able to see him off." Ye Xishui said calmly after taking a sip of wine.

Looking at Ye Xishui's words, Long Xiaoyao remembered the time when the three of them traveled together in the Douluo Continent. Unfortunately, this good time will never come back.

The relationship between the three of them is like a golden iron triangle, but now it has become like this, and they have never communicated with each other.

Just when Long Xiaoyao was thinking about the past, an extremely powerful voice sounded from Shrek Academy.

"Seniors of Shrek, Munn, here we come."

A huge beam of light rushed out from the Sea God Pavilion, this beam of light went straight to the sky and the earth, and the entire Shrek City was rendered golden yellow.

Mr. Mu's skinny body was bathed in this golden light, and there was a faint green light around his body.Under everyone's gaze, Elder Mu seemed to have regained a new life.

His body became plump again, as if time had flowed backwards, the wrinkles on his face were constantly decreasing, and the muscles that had long since disappeared in the long river of time also fully returned to his body.

At this time, Mr. Mu was very similar to Beibei, and he also had a gentle smile.

Nine soul rings appeared on his body, and they quickly integrated into his body. His body was covered with dragon scales. This kind of body full of violent aesthetics was carved out of the same mold as Beibei.

Afterwards, the resounding dragon chant sounded, immediately frightening the whole field.A giant white dragon bathed in golden light soared into the sky.

The power of terror made the world dark.The powerful strength makes the world pale.

Elder Mu looked at the people who were looking at him with reluctance, and there was also reluctance in his eyes.A golden light erupted from his body, covering everyone immediately.

Yan Shaozhe's eyes were abnormally red and swollen, and he shouted, "Everyone sit cross-legged and meditate."

Everyone began to accept the gift from Elder Mu before he "died".

The white dragon in the sky looked into the distance, that direction was the direction of the Star Forest, and also the direction of Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui.

The white dragon roared towards this side, the roar of the dragon frightened the whole field, the gloomy sky was torn apart by the terrifying dragon's power, and the sun shone on the Shrek Academy.

This dragon roar was full of warning and farewell.

Long Xiaoyao looked at the white dragon in the sky that day, he knew that Mu En knew that the two of them were coming.Long Xiaoyao really wanted to respond to Mu En, he wanted to say the last word to his old friend, but he couldn't do it now.

Ye Xishui is now staring at her fiercely, and if she makes any rash moves, she will be mercilessly hit by her.

Long Xiaoyao secretly said to Mu En, "Mu En, goodbye. Let's go all the way."

In the Star Dou Great Forest, there was also a dragon chant at this time, such a terrifying dragon chant made Long Xiaoyao feel a little terrified.

Seeing that the Star Dou Great Forest had already responded to him, Bai Long heaved a sigh of relief.Then, he took a deep look at the positions of Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui.

The white dragon wrapped itself around the golden tree, and slowly closed its eyes, as if to protect this ten thousand-year-old tree, or to rest here for a while.

The white dragon turned into a spot of light and disappeared into the ancient golden tree.

"Muen, Muen, you are still so free and easy."

Long Xiaoyao drank the wine in front of him in one gulp, screamed away, and said, "He's gone, but I'm still alive. Hahaha."

Ye Xishui was like this, drinking wine silently.After a long time, he said softly, "I'm sorry, Muen, Xiaoyao."

Then, also left.

In the Sea God Pavilion, everyone failed to absorb Elder Mu's "last gift" to the academy.After all, the vitality just now is much more valuable than the gift from Mr. Mu.

Elder Mu sat on his own reclining chair, and said with great enthusiasm: "Okay, I am dead now. Xuanzi, you are now the new Sea God Pavilion Master."

Huo Yuhao looked at the man in front of him, as if he had returned to Elder Mu in his prime, wept with joy, and hugged Elder Mu, "Teacher!!"

Old Mu's eyes were full of emotion, he could feel that Huo Yuhao was sincere, and he patted Huo Yuhao on the head with a smile.

Elder Xuan's eyes were still a little red, and he smiled, "Old Mu, nothing happened to you. Why am I still the owner of the Sea God Pavilion?"

Elder Mu laughed, "Just now, I was considered dead. Although the thing that Yunxuan treated me can keep me alive for a long time, I'm a little tired. I don't want to move anymore."

Elder Xuan said with a bitter face, "Elder Mu, I don't want to take you with me. Obviously, you should continue to preside over the overall situation."

Elder Mu laughed: "Forget it, I'm really tired. I want to have a good rest. When something happens in the academy, I will take action, but Xuanzi, you still have to learn to deal with it yourself."

"After that, I will be an old man in the dormitory for freshmen. Hahaha."

Yun Xuan said with a smile: "That's right, Elder Xuan. You shouldn't have this expression now. You should be sad. We must keep the card of Xuanzu."

Elder Xuan and the others looked at Yun Xuan angrily.How did the bastard talk?
Yun Xuan didn't care about their gazes.

The Golden Dragon King said in Yunxuan's body: "That's right, the light holy dragon power possessed by this person is very powerful. It's a pity that there is no god for him to inherit, otherwise he will definitely become a god."

"If, I still have my body, I will pass down my god to him, what a pity."

The Golden Dragon King seemed to be frantically probing.It's a pity that Yunxuan didn't accept the move.

Yun Xuan smiled and said: "It's okay, anyway, I will become a god. If I become a god, Xuan Zu will not die."

The Golden Dragon King laughed: "Indeed. Moreover, my god position is not suitable for him, and mine is the path of pure power."

At this time, the happy Huo Yuhao suddenly froze.

Because in his sea of ​​spirit, Xue Di said a very terrifying thing.

"The thing Mu Yunxuan just said, I absorbed a little bit of life force when I was still an embryo." Snow Emperor said.

"Mu Yunxuan is the murderer who caught me."

(End of this chapter)

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