Peerless Tangmen's Panda Wuhun

Chapter 46 Anxious Battle

Chapter 46 Anxious Battle

"Dean Yan, do you really not want to make adjustments? In this way, other students will be afraid of their group." Du Weilun said to Yan Shaozhe who hadn't appeared for a long time.

Yan Shaozhe looked at the document in his hand and did not speak, while Du Weilun also stood aside and waited.

Yan Shaozhe put down the document in his hand, looked at Du Weilun and said, "Every freshman competition is like this. It can't be changed just because of a student's ability. This is the most illegal thing to do."

"Well, tomorrow I will go to this freshman competition."

The next day, before the game started, Yan Shaozhe came out and said, "I heard that many people are asking for a change of venue. Let me ask, Mu Yunxuan."

Yun Xuan stood up with a confused face, and then heard Yan Shaozhe's next sentence: "I changed the venue, do you think you will lose? Or are you afraid that you will lose because of it?"

Yunxuan finally knew what was going on, these days because of the attack range of Yunxuan's soul skills, almost everyone suffered from this, so they were unhappy that the venue was small.

Yun Xuan smiled and said, "Am I afraid?"

As he said that, Yunxuan turned around and faced all the freshmen present, and said, "Even if the competition method is changed, I, Mu Yunxuan, will not be afraid. One last word for you, I am the final champion. Dean Yan , I'm done."

In fact, Yunxuan wanted to say that everyone here is rubbish.But, it's a little too offensive to think about it.

Yan Shaozhe nodded appreciatively, and then said sternly: "The venue of the freshmen competition will not be changed. If you are surrounded by enemies in an easy-to-attack and difficult-to-defend position in the future, why not ask your opponent to give you Do you want to change places?"

"Our Shrek Academy doesn't need these people who don't know how to solve problems by themselves, but only know how to use opportunistic tricks. Alright, let's start the competition."

Yun Xuan smiled and brought the two of them to the vicinity of his arena. Yun Xuan said with a smile: "If we win this round, we will enter the quarterfinals. Come on."

Entering the painting nodded with high spirits, Ji Juechen looked at the field expressionlessly.

Soon, the three came on stage.After seeing the three people on the opposite side, Yunxuan and the other three felt a little bit worried, because the three people on the opposite side were all flying spirits, it was still a bit troublesome for Yunxuan and the others who couldn't fly.

Du Weilun stood in the center of the arena and said: "The match begins." After speaking, he disappeared on the field.

Yunxuan and the others released their martial souls as quickly as possible.Coke stood in front of Ru Hua, and Yun Xuan stood beside Ru Hua.Ji Juechen was still standing alone in front as the main attacker.

Of the three people on the opposite side, one's martial spirit is Fengying, and the second ring is a great soul master.One of the martial souls is a Griffin two-ringed great soul master, and the last girl is Huan Die, who is also a two-ringed great soul master.

After the three martial spirits were released, they flew directly into the air.In this way, the effect of Yunxuan's cracking rocks on them is relatively low.

What Yunxuan is most wary of is not the powerful martial soul of the Griffon, but the phantom butterfly.Although the soul bone of his head can be immune to 60% of mental attacks, but Ji Juechen and the others can't.

At this time, Feng Ying took the lead in attacking, and the first soul skill rolled up two hurricanes.At this time, Ji Juechen took a step, ready to kill him with his sword.

Huandie's first soul skill also shined, and Ji Juechen's sword was deflected.That is to say, with Ji Juechen's amazing kung fu, the griffin rushed towards Yunxuan like a shooting star.

After analyzing and researching Yunxuan's team in the past few days, they didn't find out how good Yunxuan's melee combat skills are.In the first match, I just felt that Yun Xuan's reaction was very fast.

Coke could only forcibly block the two hurricanes with his body when Ji Juechen was in a daze.Yun Xuan didn't want his right hand to be exposed so soon.

Therefore, at this time, Yun Xuan and Ru Hua were exposed to each other's field of vision, and they belonged to existences without combat power.

Just when the griffin was about to bump into Yunxuan, Yunxuan waved his hands, Tai Chi's softness over rigidity almost perfectly helped Yunxuan push the griffin out.

When the griffin was pushed out by Yun Xuan, it tried to control its own body, but found that it could not be controlled, and flew out backwards.Although he stabilized his body afterwards, his judgment on Yunxuan's combat strength began to blur.

However, when he saw Yun Xuan's hands bleeding, he was sure that Yun Xuan's combat power might be very strong, but his body couldn't keep up with his combat power.

Yun Xuan also did not expect that his hands, which had been tempered by the ice in the extreme north, would be cut by his wings.As expected of a powerful beast spirit.

At this time, Ji Juechen shouted: "Enter the painting."

Ru Hua had gotten a little tacit understanding with them in the past few days, and quickly used his first soul skill.However, her first soul ability was actually attached to the opposite Wind Eagle.

Yun Xuan and Ji Juechen looked at Huan Die in surprise, and panicked when they entered the painting.I actually fell for it.This time it's a little bit worse.This soul skill has a 3-minute cooldown.

At this time, Fengying's second soul ability shined, and he disappeared from everyone's sight.Yun Xuan suddenly punched in the back, and Feng Ying was thrown backwards by Yun Xuan.

Fengying still didn't believe it, even the griffin came this time.However, the griffin was blocked by Ji Juechen.Between Ji Juechen and the Griffin, there was a constant spark of lightning.Coke ran to the front of the painting, staring at the Huandie who was still in the sky.

Yun Xuan also kept hitting Feng Ying out.During these times, Yun Xuan has been using the skull's mental detection all the time, otherwise it would be impossible for Yun Xuan to catch him every time.

Everyone watching the battle felt that Yunxuan and the others were going to lose this round, because they were so arrogant and underestimated the people in the academy.

After 1 minute, there were some scars on Griffin's body, the sword in Ji Juechen's hand was a little damaged, and there were also some claw marks on Ji Juechen's body.

At this time, everyone knew that Ji Juechen was not using his own martial soul, did he look down on others at this time?
Griffin's face became a little gloomy, and he said, "Why don't you use your martial soul? Are you looking down on me?"

"No." Ji Juechen said, but he didn't explain why he didn't use his martial soul.

Griffin smiled viciously and said, "Very well, I will let you know the price of arrogance today."

The griffin rushed towards Ji Juechen, and at the same time released the first and second soul skills at the same time.The wings became as sharp as precious knives, and both claws grabbed Ji Juechen at the same time.

Ji Juechen closed his eyes, and a sharp momentum slowly emerged from his body.The first soul skill was activated, the streamer on the sword shone, and the sharpness became even stronger.

Seeing this, Huandie hurriedly used her first soul skill to interfere with Ji Juechen. Just when she was about to release her soul skill, the myth of cola eating iron was opened, full of wildness, full of violent roar, and with the power to shock the soul, making Huan Butterfly was stunned, and the soul skill was not released successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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