Chapter 77

Yun Xuan watched Feng Wu attacking him directly, Yun Xuan turned on the mental detection, and began to avoid Feng Wu's attack continuously.

Feng Wu is different from Ji Juechen. What Ji Juechen pursues is the ultimate sword. He doesn't pay attention to any skills, and some just kill the enemy with one move.

And what Feng Wu pursues is powerful skills, and gradually transforms skills into intentions.Although both of them ultimately pursue a powerful artistic conception, their fighting methods in the early stage are still very different.

Therefore, dealing with Feng Wu cannot be the same as dealing with Ji Juechen.After all, Feng Wu's skills are too strong.

At this time, Yun Xuan's whole body once again produced a strong blood energy, which is the myth of eating iron.To deal with Feng Wu, you also need to use skills.

Yun Xuan rushed towards Feng Wu, unscrewing the tip of Feng Wu's spear with both hands, and at the same time kept rushing forward.The closer you are to Feng Wu, the harder it is for Feng Wu's spear to play.

Feng Wu also saw Yun Xuan's intention, Feng Wu pointed the tip of the spear at Yun Xuan, "The first soul skill: Fire Dragon Thrust."

After all, flames burned on the fire dragon gun in his hand, and instantly condensed into a dragon head.

Feng Wu stabbed forward with a spear, and the dragon's head also roared towards Yun Xuan.Yun Xuan smiled lightly and dodged Feng Wu's blow directly.

However, Yun Xuan's mental detection suddenly felt that Feng Wu had turned around.

At the same time, Feng Wu said: "Fire Dragon's second burst." Instantly turned the tip of the gun and stabbed Yun Xuan again.

Zhou Yi looked at Feng Wu's gesture and nodded secretly.This was originally her student, but she can see that she is serious about cultivating now.

Yun Xuan dodged again, but this time there was some danger, because he didn't believe in his mental detection immediately.

When Yun Xuan dodged, Feng Wu's eyes flashed surprise, but the movements in his hands were not slow.Once again, he continued to attack Yun Xuan with spear techniques.

Yun Xuan felt a special fluctuation in her soul power again.

I saw Feng Wu's second soul ring flickering, "The second soul skill--Sky Fire Fall Kill."

Feng Wu stabbed dozens of spears in a row in an instant, and each spear carried scorching dragon flames, which made Yun Xuan feel a sense of crisis.Yun Xuan stretched out his left hand, and the holy ice exploded.The terrifying extreme cold instantly froze Long Yan, and at the same time, the entire venue was also frozen, including Feng Wu.

Everyone in the audience looked surprised. What's going on? Could it be twin spirits?Is Mu Yunxuan's second martial soul ice?

Zhou Yi was also surprised, and asked Zhang Jun next to him, and said, "Could it be that he has twin martial souls?" Then, seeing Zhang Jun's surprised expression, he knew that this guy didn't know either.

Ji Juechen knew that this was not Yunxuan's other martial soul, it should just be his bloodline talent.

Yun Xuan quickly unsealed Feng Wu and said with a smile: "I won."

"Well, you won. Is this your second martial soul?" Feng Wu said unwillingly.

When Feng Wu asked if it was the second martial spirit, the audience fell silent, waiting for Yun Xuan to say it.

Yun Xuan smiled and said: "No, this is one of the blood powers of my martial soul, which I obtained after I broke through level [-]."

Everyone immediately felt comfortable. Fortunately, such a perverted person does not have two martial arts, and then the balance became unbalanced again. Why does his martial soul have so many bloodline abilities.

Zhang Jun also said with a bad face: "Mu Yunxuan, you come up. It's fine." It's useless to let Yunxuan beat him, no one can do anything to him.

Yun Xuan left the stage with a smile, and said with a smile: "Everyone, it's not that you are too weak, it's that I'm too strong."

Everyone's face turned black instantly.

Zhang Jun directly kicked Yun Xuan out, scolding angrily: "Bastard, you are in a bad position."

"Teacher Zhang, don't be angry. It's just a joke." Yun Xuan said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'll let you off this time. If you haven't played before, let's compete two by two." Zhang Jun said.

At noon, Yun Xuan quickly finished his meal and went back to his dormitory to rest.At noon during this period, Yunxuan didn't go to the Soul Guidance Department to study, and his Qianduan was almost done, and now he was waiting for Fan Yu to design the Doukai style for him.

And there is that mandatory task every day, so I just went to have a look at noon.

System, possessed.

[Shuttle possession is about to begin.Start shuttle possession. 】

Soon, Yun Xuan felt the way of possessing himself from the sky again.

Yun Xuan sat up directly from the bed, feeling uncomfortable all over.This body is really dying.

Hearing the movement, a black-haired boy ran in quickly. Seeing Yun Xuan sitting up, he said anxiously: "Mom, why are you up? Lie down quickly, it will be more comfortable this way."

Yun Xuan looked at this boy, he should be Dai Yuhao.Seeing his thin and small appearance, Yun Xuan didn't know what to say.

This Dai Yuhao should be seven years old, but he looks like a five-year-old child.Yun Xuan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Yuhao, you should go to practice. Don't worry about me, I feel good now." Yun Xuan said.

Seeing him like this, Yun Xuan immediately didn't know how to communicate with him.

"Okay, mom. If you have anything to do, you must call me. I'll be outside." Dai Yuhao said step by step, turning his head three times.

"Well, let's go out." Yun Xuan lay down and nodded silently.

After Dai Yuhao went out, a voice suddenly sounded, "Who is your Excellency? It's not good to occupy my body like this."

Yun Xuan was taken aback immediately, why there was no sound when he possessed the orange before, but now there is.

Yun Xuan said cautiously: "Excuse me, are you Huo Yun?"

"Yes. It's just that it's really inappropriate for you to occupy my body." Huo Yun said angrily, "Could it be that you were sent by the Duchess to assassinate me?"

Yun Xuan was very surprised and said: "No, to assassinate the two of you, do you still need to possess a body? Find a soul sect and kill you without anyone noticing, okay?"

Yun Xuan and Huo Yun were talking, and then @system kept going in their minds.

System, system, do you have a bug?Why is Huo Yun still conscious?

Although Yunxuan kept calling the system, the system just didn't speak or make any sound.

"Then, may I ask your Excellency to possess me, why?" Huo Yun thought about it for a while, and then said.

"I hope your child will not grow up with hatred in the future." Yun Xuan said, "You should also know that your body can't live long. After you die, will your child continue to hate you?" For all those who hurt you."

"..." Huo Yun was silent for a long time, and said: "Yes. So, I have been persuading him, but..."

"But it's useless." Yun Xuan said, "So, if I come to help you, although it may not be successful, one more person will give you more power, won't it?"

"Thank you very much." Huo Yun said sincerely.

However, Yunxuan knew that she hadn't really believed him yet.

(End of this chapter)

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