Chapter 8
Yun Xuan came to Elder Mu again, but he shrank in pain.

Elder Mu stood up, walked quickly to Yun Xuan's side, and said, "Yun Xuan, what's wrong?"

"Xuanzu, when I went back to practice boxing, I suddenly felt severe pain like tearing all over my body. It may be because I missed my boxing practice, so I want you to help me find out what's going on?" Yun Xuan said with some difficulty.

"En." Elder Mu solemnly put his hand on Yun Xuan's shoulder, the pure soul power wandered through Yun Xuan's body, and soon returned to Elder Mu's body, Elder Mu said: "No problem, you are here Not only is the practiced boxing no problem, but it has also strengthened your physique a lot. There is no hidden injury on your body due to cultivation."

Yun Xuan was silent, then suddenly raised his head and said, "Xuan Zu, do you think it could be Coke?"

"Coke?" Elder Mu looked puzzled.

"Oh, this is the name I chose for the panda martial soul. My name is Sister Lexuan, and I brought Coke to hunt Beibei's soul ring together. Could it be that Coke was injured and reported it to me?" Yun Xuan said his Guess out.

"Huh?" Elder Mu frowned, and said, "At present, this is indeed the only possibility."

"Then...Xuan Zu, let's save Bei Bei and Sister Le Xuan." Yun Xuan said nervously.

"You have to trust Le Xuan, as long as they don't enter the mixed area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, nothing serious will happen even if they take Beibei with them." Elder Mu has absolute confidence in the children trained by the academy.

"Yunxuan, you practice here first, and I'll see if the problem occurs during practice."

"Yeah." Yun Xuan had no choice.

Then he continued to practice boxing in front of Mu Lao.

Zhang Lexuan's face is very gloomy now, because such a thing happened to the person she wanted to protect.

Zhang Lexuan's voice became deep, and she said, "Beibei, can you still stand up?"

Beibei heard such a voice that concealed the horror and anger, and looked at Zhang Lexuan. It was the first time she saw Zhang Lexuan get angry.Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with his uninjured hand, he stood up with difficulty, picked up Coke, and said firmly, "Yes, I can still kill them."

"Okay, this thunderstorm bear is just right for you to make a soul ring. This time, we will kill them." After Zhang Lexuan finished speaking, she suddenly turned her head in one direction and said, "Who? Come out."

"My friend, don't get excited. We just heard your voice and came to see if we need help." The middle-aged man came out and said, and at the same time there was a little loli and a beautiful woman beside him.

"I'm a student of Shrek Academy." Zhang Lexuan said, this was a warning for the three of them in fear of problems.After all, there are two soul kings on the opposite side.

"We graduated from Shrek Academy, so we should be regarded as your seniors. I am also the head of the Tang Sect." The middle-aged man heard that it belonged to Shrek, and said happily, "Do you need our help?"

The corners of Zhang Lexuan's mouth curled up, as if she was a little happy to hear that she was also from Shrek Academy, and said: "Thank you, I don't need it for now. Help me take care of this child."

"Well, no problem." As the middle-aged man said, he came in front of Beibei and guarded him.

Little Lolita came to Beibei's side, looked at Beibei with bright eyes and said, "You've lost a lot of blood. Will it hurt?"

"Ah? I'm... all right." Beibei looked at Little Lolita when she heard the voice, then blushed, and scratched her head in embarrassment.

"By the way, what are you holding in your arms?"

"Ah! This is Coke, it's a panda." Beibei said, "By the way, my name is Beibei, what's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Tang Ya." After the little Lolita finished speaking, she put her hand on Cole's body and touched it, saying, "It's all blood, but it's quite easy to touch."

"Uh...haha." Beibei didn't know what to say, so she just smiled and said nothing.

After Zhang Lexuan no longer had to worry about Beibei's safety, the five spirit rings flickered alternately and frantically output towards the Earth Bear, completely ignoring the attacks of the Thunderstorm Bear and the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear. Bear, suddenly.

Then, he turned his head and attacked the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.It has to be said that the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear is indeed a top soul beast, and it actually lasted for a full 2 ​​minutes.

During this period, Thunderstorm Bear also joined the battlefield to continuously attack Zhang Lexuan.Unfortunately, Zhang Lexuan avoided them all.

It turns out that this is the typical example of a fierce operation like a tiger in the legend. Looking at the record of zero to five, Brother Yun's words are exactly the same as it seems now.Beibei's inner monologue after seeing this battle.

Soon, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, suddenly.Thunderstorm bears traces of blood.

Zhang Lexuan turned her head and said, "Beibei, go give the final blow."

"Yes." Beibei put down the Coke and walked in front of Thunderstorm Bear, took out a dagger and beheaded him.Beibei watched the thunderstorm bear's spirit ring slowly emerge, so she sat down and began to absorb the spirit ring.

Seeing this, Zhang Lexuan looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Thank you, Master Tang, for your help."

"It's okay, in fact, we didn't help much." The man said, "My name is Tang Jian, this is my wife Lin Ling, and this is my little girl Tang Ya."

The men introduced them one by one.

"My name is Zhang Lexuan, and his name is Beibei." Zhang Lexuan said, "Are you two looking for a soul ring for Ling Ai?"

"Exactly, I'm going back now. I didn't expect to meet you." Tang Jian said.

Several people were chatting, while guarding Beibei absorbing the spirit ring.Tang Ya squatted down, staring at Cole with her big cute eyes, slowly standing up and walking towards the Earth Bear.

Tang Ya watched Coke swallow the soul ring of the Earth Bear in one gulp.Tang Ya shouted at Tang Jian with a look of surprise: "Dad, Dad, Coke has eaten the soul ring. Can the soul ring be eaten?"

The three of them were taken aback when they heard Tang Ya's words, then quickly looked at Coke, and found that Coke was lying on the ground in great pain, rolling non-stop.


Yunxuan practiced boxing well, but suddenly felt a terrifying force rushing into his body.

"Ah~" Yun Xuan fell to the ground in pain, his body being continuously impacted by the berserk energy.

Elder Mu quickly stood up, came to Yun Xuan's side, and said anxiously: "Yun Xuan, Yun Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

"I feel...a...a force...that doesn't belong to me rushes into my body. I don't...don't know where it came from." Yun Xuan said painfully.

Elder Mu said, "Sit down and meditate."

As soon as Yun Xuan was done, Elder Mu put his hands on Yun Xuan's body, channeling the soul power in Yun Xuan's body.As a result, he felt a strange soul power not belonging to Yunxuan raging in Yunxuan's body.

Elder Mu said: "Yunxuan, slowly refine the soul power in your body and turn it into your own power."

At the same time, Elder Mu was wondering where this soul power came from. Yun Xuan's current state was as if he was fusing soul rings.

(End of this chapter)

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