Peerless Tangmen's Panda Wuhun

Chapter 89 Making Battle Armor

Chapter 89 Making Battle Armor
"Can it be done? Teacher Fan Yu." Yun Xuan said.

"Yes, it is possible, but I don't know much about the transformation formation, and it may take a few days to complete." Fan Yu thought for a while and said.

"It's okay, actually I'm not particularly anxious about this, you can call me over when it's done." Yun Xuan said with a smile.

"By the way, Yunxuan. I heard that your right hand still has a special ability. Do I need to make any adjustments to the right armor?" Fan Yu asked.

"This, it's not necessary. With the transformation formation, my hands can absorb those elemental energies. And Xingyue Zijin is the material of the ninth-level soul guide, so it is hard enough to guarantee." Yun Xuan thought for a while and said .

"Besides, the most important thing for the one-word combat armor is to accumulate experience and prepare for the future production of the two-word combat armor. The two-word combat armor will be reworked and the materials will be completely changed. Therefore, it does not matter how the one-word combat armor is made. It will affect everyone's future." Yun Xuan said with a smile.

When everyone thinks about it, it really is.The two-word combat armor is an armor that is integrated into the human body. As long as the one-word combat armor needs to be improved, it will be fine to improve it when the two-word combat armor is made.

Suddenly, Qian Duoduo felt something was wrong, and then yelled at Yun Xuan: "Fart, what is accumulating experience? Everyone else can do it, but you can't do it. You must do everything in one step, and the two-word combat armor can only Change on the basis of your one-word combat armor."

Everyone expressed doubts about Qian Duoduo's attitude, and Xian Lin'er said directly: "Qian Duoduo, what are you talking about?"

"No, Lin'er. This kid's main material is Xingyue Zijin. Originally, he didn't have much in stock after making it. Let him make a new set. At that time, the rest of Xingyue Zijin will be made for him again." One set is not enough." Qian Duoduo explained to Xian Lin'er in a good-humored manner.

Xian Lin'er looked at Fan Yu. After all, Qian Duoduo, like Yan Shaozhe, was a die-hard guy, and he didn't come to the Soul Guidance Department after really learning Soul Guidance Devices, so he didn't care about these things. learn.

Fan Yu saw Xian Lin'er looking at him, and then thought about it carefully, indeed, Yun Xuan used too much Xingyue Zijin, and the Academy didn't have much.All of these are now achieved because the Sun Moon Empire did not pay attention to the control of rare metals in the past.

Fan Yu quickly nodded to Xian Lin'er.

So, Xian Lin'er said to Yun Xuan: "Okay, Yun Xuan. Your battle armor can only be finished from the beginning. Unless you change the metal to make it."

Yun Xuan thought for a while, and after that Qian Duoduo's so-called last bit of stock could not exist, so he felt a lot more comfortable, then nodded solemnly, and said, "Understood."

"Well, it's good to understand. Then I'll go first." Xian Lin'er said.

Qian Duoduo and others continued to discuss about Yunxuan's right arm armor.

Three days later in the afternoon, Fan Yu called everyone in the Soul Guidance Department to participate in the plan.At this time, Yun Xuan and Ji Juechen had already asked Zhang Jun for a week's leave, and they came to the Soul Guidance Department under Zhang Jun's angry eyes.After all, the process of making a mech is very complicated and takes a long time.

Fan Yu opened the drawing and said, "There should be no problem now."

Yun Xuan and the others looked at it and said, "There is indeed no problem."

Yun Xuan took Xingyue Zijin out, and then forged it, and quickly forged Xingyue Zijin into the prototypes of forearm armor and hand armor.

Yun Xuan asked with a smile: "Dean Qian, are you ready?"

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense. I'm an eighth-level soul engineer, how can I not do this kind of thing well?" Qian Duoduo insisted.

In fact, Qian Duoduo is not absolutely sure.After all, I am only very comprehensive in theory.

Among the four professions, mecha manufacturing is relatively difficult to advance, because mecha manufacturing requires continuous practice, practice makes perfect, and at the same time, there must be enough understanding. If you want to make a good mecha or battle armor, you must first You have to understand the design!If you can't even understand it, how can you talk about doing it well?

Qian Duoduo has the foundation of an eighth-level soul engineer in terms of understanding, so it is not a big problem, the biggest problem is that what makes perfect.He can say that this production is his first production.

"Dean Qian, think about it. If you fail, you may not be able to keep the last bit of Xingyue Zijin, so it's a success." Yun Xuan comforted.

"Bastard, are you consoling? The more you comfort me, the more panicked I become. Alright, let's put it up." Qian Duoduo scolded angrily.

Yun Xuan put the Thousand Refinement Xingyue Purple Gold that he forged yesterday on the forging platform, and Qian Duoduo focused his eyes on the piece of metal in front of him.The purple starry sky is dotted with ripples like waves. It is really a beautiful piece of metal.

Qian Duoduo didn't dare to use the carving knife, after all, this was the first time he made it, and he could use his martial soul to move his arms and fingers, and ordinary carving knives really couldn't cut this piece of Xingyue Zijin.

Then, a light flashed in Qian Duoduo's hand, and the Oolong Shield fell into his palm.Although Qian Duoduo's Wuhun is an Oolong Shield, he is a titled Douluo, and the edges of the Oolong Shield are also very sharp.

Qian Duoduo closed his eyes, and all the distracting thoughts in his mind were instantly cleared, leaving only the design drawing.The manufacturing of the battle armor must be done in one go, and the designed core circle should be engraved on it, so that the metal and the core circle can be completely fused.

In the meantime, there should be no pauses or mistakes.Skills, soul power, spiritual power, consciousness, and comprehension are all indispensable.Known as the most comprehensive of all sub-occupations is the mech maker.

Suddenly, Qian Duoduo took a step forward and opened his eyes at the same time. A powerful light was reflected in his eyes, as well as the starlight of Xingyue Zijin.

The oolong shield was drawn out like lightning, a dragon shadow flashed past, and landed under Xingyue Zijin, Xingyue Zijin was immediately lifted up by the dragon shadow.

As the Oolong shield rotated, the dense dragon shadows seemed to turn into a big hand, holding Xingyue Zijin firmly in the air.

Qian Duoduo moved his feet and started to swim quickly. Dragon shadows continued to sway from the black dragon shield, leaving fine traces on the Xingyue Zijin.

Every time these traces fall, the Xingyue Zijin will be aroused to be brighter, but the traces are not deep.

Qian Duoduo's expression was very focused, and the dragon shadow released from his oolong shield was very stable, solid but not too strong.

The continuous dragon shadows kept overlapping, and his incomparably thick soul power was the basic guarantee for everything.

Yun Xuan was very surprised when he saw Qian Duoduo's movements, such strong basic skills and strong soul power control.

Ji Juechen saw the sword in the process, solid, stable, and powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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