Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 102 Double Mail

Chapter 102 Double Mail

It will take a long time to get through the channels for those fish, but the official sale has already begun in Chenxuan Pavilion, and what Yuan Chen only needs to do is to feed the silkworm excrement to the fish in the fishing box in the backyard every day. Then separate the second generation of fish, the third generation of fish and the fourth generation of fish, and then transport those fourth generations of fish to Chenxuan Building every week!
The same is true, Yuan Chen's life has also become busy, running around every day, with the increase in the number of fish, Yuan Chen is also a bit too busy, so he decided to hire some people to help him, but Yuan Chen wants Find some more reliable and trustworthy people. Yuan Chen naturally entrusted these people to the uncle. The uncle has lived here for so long, so he still has some understanding of some people's character!

All the uncles that Yuan Chen had been able to see, so when Yuan Chen proposed to hire someone to help, the uncle nodded and agreed without much hesitation, and brought ten more interesting ones to Yuan Chen that afternoon. Experienced and relatively honest people, one of them was Yuan Chen's elementary school classmate, because Yuan Chen's monthly salary of [-] was already very high for them, so they agreed to stay without too much hesitation. down!
Yuan Chen asked them to take care of one mu of fish ponds each, and Yuan Chen's elementary school classmate was in charge of the management. After all, Yuan Chen remembered that he was the monitor of the class before, and he still gave Yuan Chen's reports to the teacher. Of course, Yuan Chen could It wasn't for revenge on him. If Yuan Chen really wanted to take revenge on him, there are a hundred ways to ruin his family!

Of course, it is impossible for Yuan Chen to do this because of some small festivals when he was a child. Yuan Chen just wants to use his management ability to help Yuan Chen manage people. After all, this guy's management ability is praised by the teacher, so Yuan Chen Chen directly offered him a salary of [-], which made him feel a little embarrassed when he arrived just now. He was so moved that he was so moved that he was afraid of Yuan Chen's revenge!

With the help of these ten people, Yuan Chen is also happy to be at leisure. He only needs to take care of the small fishing box behind his house, and now Yuan Chen does not go fishing every day, because those second-generation fish and third-generation fish There are already a lot of four generations, and it is obvious that there is no way for a Chenxuan Building to eat so many fish!

So Yuan Chen planned to start selling those fish to other restaurants, but when Yuan Chen told Liu Yuxuan about this, Liu Yuxuan suggested to Yuan Chen that he wanted to buy these fish!
"You mean you want to buy these fish, you know that Chenxuan Tower can't eat so many fish now!" Yuan Chen reminded, if Liu Yuxuan wants to buy it back and eat it himself, he doesn't care, but he eats it. It's another matter if you don't eat it all. As a partner, Yuan Chen kindly reminded me!
However, Liu Yuxuan smiled at Yuan Chen's reminder, "Do you think I only have the small restaurant Chenxuanlou?"

Hearing what Liu Yuxuan said, Yuan Chen suddenly realized that he had always ignored Liu Yuxuan's identity. He is a famous gourmand with a poisonous tongue, how could he not have a restaurant, and his father is also a well-known figure in the catering industry Well, even if Liu Yuxuan doesn't have his own restaurant, his father owns quite a few!

"Okay, since you want it, then directly provide it to your restaurant!" Yuan Chen thought for a while and said, anyway, he is also going to sell to other restaurants, since Liu Yuxuan intends to buy, Yuan Chen will directly Offer it to him!
"How much can you eat?" Yuan Chen asked, he now has a lot of four generations of fish, and he was afraid that even if Liu Yuxuan had his own restaurant, Yuan Chen was afraid that he would not be able to eat so much!

"As many as you want!" Liu Yuxuan said confidently. He not only owns one five-star hotel and three three-star hotels in Dongyue Province, but also has some small restaurants in other provinces, and these are all under the name of Liu Yuxuan. Yes, there are countless restaurants under his father's name, so he has the confidence to eat those fish!

Yuan Chen also nodded at Liu Yuxuan's confidence, as long as he could eat it, it would save Yuan Chen from looking for cooperative restaurants everywhere!

After that, Yuan Chen signed a new contract with Liu Yuxuan. Yuan Chen provided Liu Yuxuan with 1000 fish every week. The price of one thousand and five each!
Calculated in this way, Yuan Chen's weekly income will reach 40 yuan, and if calculated as four weeks per month, Yuan Chen's monthly income will reach 160 million yuan, which is already a good income. And Yuan Chen can earn back the rent of the fish pond for ten years in just one month, including the salaries of those hired workers!

And Yuan Chen still has the dividends from the Chenxuan Tower every year!

After arranging these things, Yuan Chen was completely idle, but a new problem appeared soon after, because Yuan Chen found that there was not much monster meat left in his house, and at most he could only It is a troublesome problem to last for about two weeks, because once the monster meat is gone, Yuan Chen's cultivation will also stagnate!

And as if knowing Yuan Chen's plight, two days later, the QQ special reminder sound that hadn't responded for a long time came out. This sound was so pleasant to Yuan Chen's ears, and Yuan Chen happened to be in a villa in the city. So he immediately went to the yard to receive the garbage that had just been passed over!
The person who sent the email came from the mainland of No. [-]. Yuan Chen secretly prayed in his heart, praying that the food this time was something like monster meat, because what Yuan Chen needs now is monster meat, and his own cultivation also needs it. Warcraft meat to strengthen the body!
Closing his eyes, Yuan Chen pressed the receive button, and then Yuan Chen heard bursts of crackling sounds, and then a lot of metal crashing, Yuan Chen couldn't help opening his eyes, and then he was dumbfounded!
The expected Warcraft meat did not appear, but a pile of black and white things that looked like machine parts. Yuan Chen flipped through and found that there were many things inside, but most of them had already grown Rust, it looks a bit like a lot of small robot parts!
Yuan Chen carefully inspected the pile of scrap iron in front of him, and found a line of letters on one of the scrap iron: WALL·E!

Seeing this line of letters, Yuan Chen instantly remembered a movie he had watched in the university dormitory, the robot WALL-E, that is to say, the dimension this time was in the time and space of the earth in 2700, and the pile of characters in front of him Scrap iron is Wall-E, the earth waste packer there!

And those white objects mixed with the pair of black scrap irons may be Eve, the new alien plant detection robot!

And just when Yuan Chen was surprised, there was a voice of special concern on the phone QQ again, and there was a missed email!
 The little zombie has a bad cold, and he is better now after taking the medicine, so the second one may be later or make up for it tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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