Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 108 Preparation for Expansion

Chapter 108 Preparation for Expansion
Yuan Chen healed the old man's shepherd dog, and the old man gave up the idea of ​​buying Yuan Chen's dog, but even if he stopped thinking about it, Yuan Chen would not sell the ten dogs, not just the leading native dog, even if It was the other nine dogs who also had some feelings. After all, they had been with Yuan Chen for such a long time, so when Yuan Chen raised animals, he didn't do anything with them except to train them to do some basic performances. Play more, this is also to avoid unnecessary feelings!

Seeing that his Xiaomu had returned to his previous look, the old man was also very happy. He couldn't help being more interested in Yuan Chen, the person who treated his life-saving benefactor, and also intended to support Yuan Chen. After all, now he thinks Yuan Chen is a biological prodigy. If you recommend him to those old guys in the research institute, those old guys will be very happy and surprised!

After all, Xiaomu's injury can't be healed even by those old guys who often study biology. An incredible speed of recovery!
But the young man in front of him didn't seem to be very interested in those things, so he had no choice but to lament the lack of a pillar of talent. After chatting with Yuan Chen for a few words, he left a phone call for Yuan Chen, indicating that Yuan Chen had If you can't solve anything, you can call him!
This Yuan Chen naturally wouldn't refuse. After all, he is a person with considerable power. If there is anything that cannot be solved in the future, it is better to have a backer. Although Yuan Chen doesn't like dealing with government people very much, but for this Yuan Chen would not reject this kind of thing!
After sending the old man away, the uncle also breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew how much power the old man had just now. Although he had never done anything illegal, he always had a feeling that his legs would start shaking when he saw the old man. Feeling, Yuan Chen didn't feel this way, if it wasn't for his current strength already surpassing ordinary people, he probably would have been crushed by that old man's aura and made his legs tremble!

After chatting with my uncle for a while, Yuan Chen left, but he didn't go home. Instead, he went to the fish pond to check it out. Since he hired these ten employees, Yuan Chen rarely came to check it by himself. For the fish ponds from the second generation to the fourth generation, Yuan Chen directly cultivated the second generation of fish at home, and then they brought them to this fish pond to raise them, and the small fish they gave birth to would be raised by them. After catching, put it into another fish pond!
And the method of distinguishing these four generations of fish is also very simple. The first generation fish, that is, the fish directly cultivated by Yuan Chen at home, all tend to be white, not the sickly white, but the jade white, while the second generation fish are It is not so white, and the next three and four generations will also be slightly darker. Before Yuan Chen had to distinguish them, he still relied on his mental strength, and then he slowly discovered the problem of this color!

Before, Yuan Chen was still worried about whether the hired employees could be separated. If not, he had to sort them out by himself, and then they were only responsible for taking care of them. But when they arrived, Yuan Chen knew that the separation of the next three generations of fish For those old fishermen who have been fishing for many years, it is too simple. Yuan Chen can only distinguish by color, but they can indeed distinguish by the shape of the fish!

As big as the head and tail, as small as fish scales and fins, they have many ways to distinguish the grades of fish, and Yuan Chen also did experiments, and it turned out that everyone can accurately distinguish them without any effort. Yuan Chen couldn't help but sigh very much, as expected, there are 360 ​​lines, every line will be the champion, each line will have some special skills in its own industry, and this fisherman naturally has his own set of unique skills!

So Yuan Chen handed these over to them with confidence, and what he has to do is also very simple, that is, go to these fish ponds by himself every week, and then catch a fish at random, one for each level, and see Maybe there will be other fish mixed in, but Yuan Chen tried it a few times, but nothing went wrong. This undoubtedly shows that these employees are doing a good job!

Seeing Yuan Chen, who hadn't come to inspect for a long time, walking slowly, those busy employees also stopped what they were doing, one by one scrambling to say hello to Yuan Chen, without him, because they just heard that someone was going to pay 100 yuan. Wan buys a dog from Yuan Chen, but Yuan Chen directly refuses. It takes a lot of courage to do such a thing. If it were him, he would have sent the dog directly to that person!
They thought that Yuan Chen was just a small boss who contracted the ten-acre fishery to do some seafood business, but now it seems that there must be more than that, because these people all know that Yuan Chen spent a total of 100 yuan to contract the ten-acre fishery. Now a dog can be sold for 100 million, which is equivalent to the rent of this ten-acre fishing ground for so many years. No owner of a small fishing ground would refuse such a business, at least they have never seen it before!

And they also heard that the reason why Yuan Chen was unwilling to sell the ten dogs was that Yuan Chen was reluctant to part with them, because the ten dogs had been raised by Yuan Chen for a period of time, and they had some feelings for them, so Yuan Chen said that he would not sell them for any price. , Think about my young boss, who treats dogs with such affection. He is not willing to sell them after only raising them for a while, and pushes away the 100 million that is sent to him. As long as he works hard, it must be good to us. These employees will not be bad, so each of them is working harder!

"How are you doing recently?" Yuan Chen also saw the enthusiasm in the eyes of those employees and their enthusiasm when working with them. Yuan Chen shook his head with a smile. He knew that it must have been done by his elementary school classmate. No less doing this!

"Everyone works very diligently, but because the fish are multiplying too fast, they are a bit overwhelmed, and there will be even more shortages in the future!" Yuan Chen's elementary school classmate said to Yuan Chen!
"That's it! Looks like it's time to recruit a few more new employees!" Yuan Chen said, it seems that this matter has to trouble the uncle, but the uncle doesn't seem to know too much, otherwise he wouldn't just introduce these few people three times , it seems that we have to think of a way!

"By the way, you can talk to them later and see if someone you trust can introduce. The salary is still the same as before, three thousand per person per month!" Yuan Chen said to his classmates, now he is the supervisor of these people , Yuan Chen naturally asked him to help convey it!
"Well, okay!" The supervisor nodded and responded!

"Looks like we have to pay another fee!" Yuan Chen said with emotion, but there is no way to do it. Now that the fishery is going to cooperate with other restaurants, it is natural to expand the scale. These people must not be enough!

(End of this chapter)

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