Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 110 Tao Qiong

Chapter 110 Tao Qiong
Arriving at the Chenxuan Building, Yuan Chen walked to the most luxurious private room of the restaurant with ease, pushed open the door of the private room, Yuan Chen was stunned, then exited to look at the house number of the private room, "That's right, it's 532! "

"You are Mr. Yuan!" Just as Yuan Chen was hesitating, the people inside spoke first!

"That's right!" Yuan Chen thought to himself, the reason why he did this was because the person sitting in the private room was a tall beauty with good looks, before Yuan Chen thought he had walked into the wrong private room, but Liu Yuxuan did not expect that Introduced by himself, the excellent manager whom he praised as standing shoulder to shoulder with the sun turned out to be a beautiful woman!
"Hello, my name is Tao Qiong!" The beauty first extended her hand to introduce herself!

"Hello, Yuan Chen!" Yuan Chen also stretched out his right hand to shake Tao Qiong lightly, and both of them left immediately!
"I'm sorry, Liu Yuxuan didn't tell me that the manager he introduced to me was a beautiful woman!" Yuan Chen said in embarrassment, and greeted Liu Yuxuan several times in his heart!
"Xiaoxuan is more fond of teasing people. I heard that you want to start your own company!" Tao Qiong also smiled, and then went straight to the topic, but her words of Xiaoxuan made Yuan Chen feel in her heart. Connect the two silently together!
With a more pleasant beginning, and this Tao Qiong is obviously also a person who is good at communication, so the next conversation between the two is also very pleasant!

Yuan Chen introduced the scale of his current fishing ground to Tao Qiong in detail, and then told Tao Qiong about his own development and the idea of ​​expanding the scale to establish a company, and introduced his fish cultivation technology to Tao Qiong. It is this particularity that can be applied to all fish species told Tao Qiong, after all, these will be known to everyone in the future, so there is no problem in saying it!
After Yuan Chen finished speaking, he saw Tao Qiong looking at him with bright eyes, hey, is this woman really okay?

"You mean that your technique of cultivating this kind of fish can be applied to all fish?" Tao Qiong asked, pointing to the plates of fish on the table. These plates of fish were all made by Yuan Chen's orders from the restaurant. Naturally, I want Tao Qiong to know the value of these fish and the future development route!
"Well, that's right, although it is only used on groupers and yellow croakers, it is mainly due to insufficient manpower. This technology can be applied to all fish, including large fish such as sharks and whales! "Yuan Chen said confidently. He has a lot of confidence in this. As long as there is enough silkworm sand, he can completely cultivate sharks full of aura!

Then Yuan Chen also told Tao Qiong that his fish could breed the next generation within [-] days, and told her some of his worries, such as whether his fast-breeding fish would give birth to the next generation of fish near his home. The ecological impact of the piece of sea area is mainly because I am afraid that it may attract some attention from the government at that time, and may let my technology be handed over!
However, Tao Qiong shook her head for Yuan Chen's caution. She first analyzed Yuan Chen's current strengths and weaknesses. Yuan Chen's strengths are his speed of fish production and his cultivation The quality of the fish is very delicious, enough to attract most people, but the only disadvantage is that because it is a small fishery now, the fish produced cannot meet the needs of the entire market!
Afterwards, he analyzed the worries raised by Yuan Chen, and analyzed the current social background for Yuan Chen. It is not a feudal society now, and analyzed the current status of the government and Yuan Chen's status. These are completely two unequal positions, one is superior, and the other is a small-scale fishery that has just started and has not yet formed a company. How could the government establish itself because of a biotechnology in Yuan Chen's small fishery? His prestige has been destroyed!
In the end, Tao Qiong also pointed out to Yuan Chen a few things that must be done first. The first thing is of course to establish his own company. After that, he must start cultivating that delicious fish on a large scale. Of course, this large scale is not just about the quantity. In order to achieve a large scale, it is necessary to form a scale in terms of fish species. Although it is not really necessary to get sharks and whales, there are many other fish species, which can at least meet the needs of various fish in the market!

As for what Yuan Chen was worried about, he was worried that after a large number of this kind of fish hit the market, the price of the fish he cultivated would drop due to the quantity problem, and eventually the price would be the same as that of ordinary fish. There is no need to spend so much effort to cultivate this kind of fish!

However, Tao Qiong seemed very confident about Yuan Chen's worries. First of all, after Yuan Chen founded the company, it is naturally impossible to just sell to dozens of restaurants here in Dongyue Province. After that, he will definitely go out of Dongyue. provinces, to other provinces, and even across the country. Thinking about such a large population in the country, how can a company’s fish supply be completely satisfied? Even if it can be completely satisfied, then we can also take the export route!

Tao Qiong's words made Yuan Chen's blood boil. He wished he could go to the backyard of his hometown now, find someone to expand the fishing box, and then buy a few places with more fish varieties, and rent a few more acres of fishing grounds. Do a good job and sell your fish to the world!
And now Yuan Chen also admires Tao Qiong, at least judging from what she analyzed to Yuan Chen, this woman is very capable of management, not like the vase woman he thought before, the woman in front of her Not only has a charming appearance, but she is definitely a very good and strong person inside, at least in Yuan Chen's view, and she will not lose that kind of hard work just because she is a woman!
On the contrary, she has the courage and foresight that many men do not have. At least there are many things that Yuan Chen did not think of before, but the woman in front of her thought of it and brought it up. That passion is what many men don't have!
Therefore, Yuan Chen is very satisfied with the manager Liu Yuxuan introduced to Yuan Chen this time, at least Yuan Chen is very satisfied with the management and planning. The two chatted for five times in the private room of Chenxuan Building It took many hours, mainly because it was dark, otherwise the two would still have a lot of topics to talk about!

After chatting for such a long time, Yuan Chen is also more and more satisfied with Tao Qiong, at least confident that she will be able to manage her company well in the future, so Yuan Chen is now ready to listen to Tao Qiong's statement, and first put the fishing ground to a large Scale up!
(End of this chapter)

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