Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 112 Lease

Chapter 112 Lease
Entrusting the village chief to do things is much more efficient than doing things by himself. Three days later, the village chief called Yuan Chen and said that he had found a relatively large place for Yuan Chen, which belonged to several families in the village. The young people in every family have gone to work outside. After all, there are not many young people who are willing to stay in their hometown to fish.
Moreover, these families can't take care of them, so this place is considered semi-abandoned, so this time Yuan Xi told them, they all said that they could think about it, in fact, Yuan Xi also knew that they wanted to privately Let's discuss the price!

So Yuan Xi also gave them three days to discuss it carefully, so he waited until today to call Yuan Chen, which would be easier for him to do. After all, he ate more than 3000 fish from Yuan Chen before, even though he did not know about it. I ordered some food, but after knowing the price, I still couldn't resist the delicious temptation, and ate up the two fish, so since I ate Yuan Chen's food, I would eat other people's mouths softly and take other people's hands short !

Now that I took and ate it, I naturally wanted to be more efficient and help others do some practical things, so Yuan Xi found this place very quickly, but he couldn't eat and take other people's food by himself, which would damage some of the interests of the villagers. Therefore, he came to Yuan Chen today mainly to let Yuan Chen discuss the price with those villagers, and to negotiate a reasonable price that would neither hurt Yuan Chen nor the villagers. Somewhat confident!

Yuan Chen was also very happy to hear that the village chief had found a suitable venue so quickly. He went directly to his uncle's house to bring him to find the village chief. This time Yuan Chen brought two big yellow croakers. After seeing that it was not the grouper from last time, I was relieved, and then accepted it with confidence!
Afterwards, the village chief took Yuan Chen and his uncle to find those villagers who were willing to rent out those fishing grounds. Obviously, this matter was extremely important to those villagers, so when Yuan Chen and the others arrived at the agreed place, the villagers They are all waiting there!
Village head Yuan Xi first introduced Yuan Chen to everyone, and then introduced those villagers to Yuan Chen. Those villagers were all from Yuanjia Village, so they were somewhat related. Yuan Chen was also an uncle. They are all the elders of the village, and the villagers felt relieved after seeing Yuan Chen's enthusiasm and lack of pretensions of a big boss, and the previous tense atmosphere was relieved to some extent!

"That Xiaochen! What are you renting our place for?" After relaxing, it was time to start talking about business. One of the villagers who seemed to be more talkative asked. When I heard the introduction from the village chief, I remembered that this person was called Yuan Zhao, and he was also of the same generation as my father!
"The main purpose is to raise fish!" Yuan Chen said truthfully, "I am going to start a company that focuses on fishery. Now that the species of fish have been selected, I need a suitable place for fish farming, which is equivalent to raising fish. place!"

"Well, good, as long as you don't do things that pollute the ocean!" Yuan Zhao nodded. He was mainly afraid that Yuan Chen would use these places for development or do other things, and he was worried that it would harm the nearby sea areas. It caused pollution, so he had to ask clearly!
This also made Yuan Chen very gratified. No wonder there have been no serious polluting factories here for so many years. Even an old fisherman knows to take good care of this sea area. No wonder the environment here is still maintained so well. There is a lot of pollution, mainly because the people here have the awareness of caring for the environment!
"Uncle, don't worry, I will never do things that harm this sea area. I also grew up near this sea area. I am also from Yuanjia Village. I was born and raised in this sea area. How could I do those things?" What about polluting the environment!" In order to reassure the villagers in front of him, Yuan Chen also promised!
"With your words, we can rest assured that as long as you do something that damages this sea area, we will never rent these places to you!" Yuan Zhao nodded. Someone wanted to contract this place before. , but he was going to use it to open a factory, so the villagers here did not agree!

After that, the two sides started to negotiate the price. This time, the area mainly covers 100 mu, and although it is not a very good area, it is still good. Yuan Chen spent [-] million to buy them for the poor area of ​​[-] mu before. It is rented, so the price this time will definitely be higher, and Yuan Chen is also prepared!

"Before I heard that you rented ten mu of poor land, Xiaochen. The rent for one mu is [-] a year. Although our area is not very good, it is not bad, so we The family discussed it, and I will rent it to you at the price of [-] years per mu, what do you think?" Yuan Zhao said, this is the price they had negotiated before!

After hearing the price quoted by Yuan Zhao, Yuan Chen thought for a while and nodded. The price did not exceed his budget!

Seeing Yuan Chen nodding, those people were stunned for a moment, and they agreed. When they were discussing the price before, the initial price they set was only [-] years, but they were worried that Yuan Chen would return the price, so after several discussions, they agreed. Even if the price was raised to [-] years, they would have room to lower the price when Yuan Chen returned the price, but they didn't expect Yuan Chen to agree without thinking too much!

"You mean you agreed?" Yuan Zhao asked again in disbelief!
"Yes! But I want to rent it for 20 years!" Yuan Chen said, since you want to rent it, you must rent it for enough time, otherwise you will always have to change places in the future, and those fish will be a troublesome thing!

"Okay, just sign a 20-year contract!" After discussing with the people behind him, Yuan Zhao nodded and agreed, leaving the matter of the contract to Yuan Chen, and then he could sign the contract!
The rent for one mu is 20 yuan a year, and 800 acres is [-] million yuan in [-] years. Yuan Chen's net worth and the money he sold to Liu Yuxuan before are not so much, but Yuan Chen is not worried, because The fish sold to those restaurants for a week is also in the account!
The 180 large restaurants are 36 million, and the 180 medium-sized restaurants are also 300 million, so Yuan Chen has an income of more than 1000 million a week just relying on these restaurants, plus the previous one, he also has a deposit of more than [-] million. After taking it out for the first time, it will be back to before liberation!
(End of this chapter)

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