Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 114 Familiar sense of sight

Chapter 114 Familiar sense of sight
Yuan Chen sat on a chair and ate fruit leisurely, basking in the little sun, surrounded by a group of small animals. This is the old age life Yuan Chen wanted to live, but he didn't expect to live it decades earlier!
Feeling the aura exploding in his mouth, Yuan Chen pulled it with his mind, running along the meridians in his body, Yuan Chen has used up all the foundation building liquid now, and he has also hit Ren Du The second pulse, the internal force has also undergone a qualitative change, although Yuan Chen doesn't know if this world is like the world in the novel, there are martial arts masters everywhere!
But what Yuan Chen can be sure of is that there will still be people who cultivate internal power or other powers in this world, but they may have been cultivating for a long time, unlike Yuan Chen, who only took less than half a year from entry to mastery Time, this is similar to the rare geniuses mentioned in fantasy novels!
In fact, Yuan Chen only achieved what he is today with the help of foundation-building spiritual liquid, warcraft meat and other treasures of another dimension. If he follows the normal procedure, let alone proficiency, it is difficult to get started. At least Yuan Chen I haven't heard of anyone who can really cultivate internal strength by searching a little knowledge of internal strength from the Internet. After all, there are not many lucky people like Yuan Chen in this world!
Moreover, Yuan Chen also relied on various things, and in the end it was because he obtained the real cultivation method from the ancient books of different dimensions that he was able to find the real method of cultivating inner strength so quickly and master it. If there were no such ancient books , just relying on the cultivation methods found on the Internet, no matter how talented Yuan Chen is, no matter how powerful the auxiliary things are, it is impossible to break through the second line of Ren and Du from self-taught to now!

There are many meridians in the human body, and the most important ones are the eight extra meridians. The extra meridians are relative to the orthodox meridians, because their distribution is different from the rules of the twelve meridians, and there is no direct interaction with the viscera. The network belongs to, and there is no external relationship between them, which is different from the twelve classics, so it is called Qijing!
The eight meridians refer to Chong, Dai, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, Yinwei, Yinwei and the most important Rendu Ermai, and Yuan Chen's cultivation of internal strength is mainly to strengthen the extraordinary meridians in the body. , and hit the eight meridians, only the meridians are strong enough to carry more internal force!

And enough internal force can bring a high success rate to the impact of the eight meridians. Every time Yuan Chen practices, he stores his internal force in his dantian. After he has enough internal force, he uses his mind to pull these internal forces towards The eight meridians advance, and it takes several days to store the internal force each time, but the impact can only be impacted once, which means that Yuan Chen will need to practice for several days before he can try the next time if he fails to break through once. Shock!
Fortunately, Yuan Chen not only possesses such powerful nourishing and body-strengthening things as Warcraft Meat, but also such a strange thing as Foundation Establishment Essence Liquid. Speaking of it, it is already a magical thing that strengthens the body and strengthens the meridians!

Think about it in the world of Dou Break Qiong, the protagonist also relied on this foundation-building spiritual liquid to forcibly upgrade from the third stage of Dou Qi to the eighth stage of Dou Qi. The improvement in a year is not only because of the protagonist's talent, but It also has a great relationship with the Foundation Establishment Essence prepared by Yao Lao!
Yuan Chen thinks that he doesn't have the talent of the protagonists in those novels, but he doesn't need to cultivate to that level. Just breaking through the Ren and Du's two channels of internal strength makes Yuan Chen feel that he is very extraordinary, not to mention that he still has the spirit With the existence of strength, this Yuan Chen can believe that even many masters in this world have internal strength, but there are definitely very few who want to possess spiritual power!

And if he wants to be able to control his mental power like himself, and be able to use mental power to attack, Yuan Chen believes that only he can do it in this world. Not everyone can own rare things, let alone the dimension Yuan Chen lives in now!

If it weren't for the rubbish from the devouring starry sky dimension, Yuan Chen would not have obtained the method of cultivating spiritual power, and this method is only known to him, at least Yuan Chen would not be so generous as to hand over these things to the government now !

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen couldn't help but take a look at the branch planted on the black soil. Now the branch is much better than before. Although it is still a branch, at least Yuan Chen can now recognize that it is a willow Branches, this made Yuan Chen think of the island where Luo Feng, the protagonist in Devouring Starry Sky, strayed into it!
Many trees grew on that island, and those trees gave birth to the spirit of grass and trees, and Yuan Chen estimated that the dead strong man might have been on the island of fog and obtained a spirit of grass and trees However, when I went back, I encountered a lord-level beast during the mission, and then I was swallowed and buried in the belly of a tiger!

Of course, in the end it was all cheaper for Yuan Chen, whether it was something that the strong man had hunted before, or the spirit of vegetation was treated as garbage in the end and sent to Yuan Chen, a little cleaner, including a The little tiger named Huya by Yuan Chen!

Yuan Chen looked at Huya who was playing with catching butterflies. This kind of Huya looks like a harmless raccoon cat. Anyone who sees it will be confused by its cute appearance. Who would have thought Is this a tiger, or a descendant of a lord-level tiger?

But this is exactly what Yuan Chen is worried about. What Yuan Chen is worried about is not only whether Huya will bring disaster to the world when he grows up, but also whether Huya has RR virus on him. The result is a real disaster!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen couldn't help hugging Huya, and then mental power gushed out from the sea of ​​consciousness, attacking Huya, and Huya was obviously used to Yuan Chen's sudden mental attack, so after Yuan Chen The moment the mental power left the sea of ​​consciousness, Huya closed his eyes and began to compete with Yuan Chen!

And Huya finds that every time he fights, it seems that his own strength will become stronger because of this attack, just like every time this can bring Yuan Chen's spiritual power improvement, every time Huya can also Feeling that its strength is increasing, it doesn't know what's going on!

There is no such method of cultivation in its inheritance memory, but after several times of doing this, Huya did not find that this method of cultivation was harmful to him, and he also began to like this method of cultivation, and seemed to enjoy it very much With this kind of cultivation method, it can readily accept every sudden attack by Yuan Chen without too much resistance!
And Huya's growth can be felt by Yuan Chen, and he doesn't know why this kind of mental power contest can enhance the strength of both sides, because even the strong man's notes didn't record it, so he has no way to know, But he can feel that this kind of growth in strength is the most for him, so Yuan Chen is also willing to accept this kind of cultivation method that is beneficial to both parties!

After the two sides fought for more than half an hour, Yuan Chen stopped attacking. Now every time they fight, Yuan Chen will not be as tired as before, so this is also a great success for Yuan Chen, at least Yuan Chen can watch Until I am making progress step by step!

Just when Yuan Chen put Huya down, the doorbell rang. Yuan Chen hurriedly got up to open the door, while Huya ran to the side to rest. Now every time Huya competes with Yuan Chen, Huya gets tired, so it Every time I want to take a good rest!
Yuan Chen opened the door, and there was a middle-aged man standing outside. This is such a familiar sense of sight. The one who stood outside the first time the doorbell rang was the returned Lin Qi, and the one who stood outside the second time the doorbell rang was The little girl Ziyu brought her puppy to collect debts, but this time it was a middle-aged man standing outside!
"Uncle, I don't seem to have anything to do with you, right? What do you want by looking at me like this?" Yuan Chen looked at the uncle who had been staring at him since he opened the door, and thought to himself, but then the middle-aged The man's words made Yuan Chen break out in a cold sweat!
"You are really strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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