Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 117 Robot Motherboard

Chapter 117 Robot Motherboard

After founding Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. and hiring enough employees and Tao Qiong as a qualified manager, Yuan Chen has also been idle. Now it seems that there is nothing he needs to do, the only thing to do is It is to cultivate the first generation of fish. After that, all the fish will be handed over to the employees of the company, and the market will be handed over to Tao Qiong. With her in the company to handle these things, Yuan Chen is also very relieved, at least it will not be better than his design. It's just a matter of professional people!
So Yuan Chen, who was idle, also started to tinker with other things, and this day when Yuan Chen was tinkering with something, Eve, who had been looking for parts in the garbage dump in the yard to repair himself, suddenly ran in front of Yuan Chen and looked at him. Yuan Chen waved his arm!
"Your arm has been repaired?" Looking at Eve's arm without a trace of damage, Yuan Chen asked excitedly!

"Yes, master, Eve's arm has been repaired, and Eve found this thing in the parts pile!" Hearing Yuan Chen's question, Eve also showed her signature inverted crescent eyes and replied!

"Oh, what?" Yuan Chen asked, he was very curious about what Eve would find in the pile of parts. Yuan Chen had checked it a little before, but Yuan Chen, who didn't understand machinery, saw that there was a pile of machinery inside. It's just a part, it's hard to tell whether it's good or bad!
But Eve is different, since she can find parts to repair herself in this pile of discarded parts, and she is also a robot, so she is much more involved with machine parts than Yuan Chen, so after hearing what Eve found Yuan Chen also excitedly followed Eve to the pile of machine parts!
"Master, it's this thing!" Eve pointed to a machine part on the ground!
"What is this?" Yuan Chen picked it up, but Yuan Chen still couldn't see what it was and what it would be useful for, because he was a mechanical idiot at all. For such high-tech things, Yuan Chen obviously didn't understand, let alone this thing, even if it was a mobile phone flashing machine, Yuan Chen would have to toss for a long time!

"This is the main board of the robot WALL-E!" Eve obviously knows more about robots than Yuan Chen, and when she heard Yuan Chen's question, she also replied obediently!
"The main board of the robot WALL-E? What is the use of this?" Yuan Chen asked, this is just a main board of the robot WALL-E, it is not a complete robot WALL-E, and it cannot perform the work of the robot WALL-E. What can be done with such a main board? use it?
"This main board contains the programming program of the robot WALL-E, and this main board has the chip set of the robot WALL-E!" Eve said. As a robot, she still has some basic knowledge about robots, so for Yuan Chen If so, she can still answer the previous point!
"The program of the robot WALL-E?" Yuan Chen looked at the not-so-large motherboard in his hand, which is the core of the robot WALL-E!
"This is a motherboard that is not broken, and it is the only one that Eve found that is not broken. With this motherboard, it is possible to create a robot WALL-E!" Robot Eve replied!
"Are you saying that owning this motherboard means that the robot WALL-E can be created?" Yuan Chen immediately became excited when he heard Eve's words. In Yuan Chen's view, the use value of the robot WALL-E far exceeds Robot Eve, because the robot Eve is a new alien plant detection robot, but now the world is full of plants, and many scientists are studying various plants, so this plant detection robot is in Yuan Chen seems to have no practical value yet!
But the robot Wall-E is different. In the movie "Robot Wall-E", he is a cleaning robot produced by BnL. Although the earth is not as serious as that kind of garbage piled up in mountains, it cannot be denied that , the current earth is being polluted day by day. If we don't take good care of it, maybe one day the earth will really become a planet full of garbage like the earth in the movie!

And Yuan Chen, who is a cleaner in another dimension, how can he make the earth into that state? If now he can create the robot WALL-E to clean up the useless garbage first, it may be a great deal for the world. Is a good choice!

"Well, if you can have enough parts, you can create the robot WALL-E!" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, the robot Eve said with certainty!
"Are these parts okay?" Yuan Chen pointed to a pile of machine parts in front of him and asked!

"I don't know!" To Yuan Chen's question, Eve once again answered with certainty!

But this answer made Yuan Chen full of black lines. It was no different from not answering, but Yuan Chen did not force it. Although Eve is a future robot, her function is plant detection after all, not a smart encyclopedia!
"Then can you repair the robot WALL-E?" Yuan Chen looked at Eve with the last glimmer of hope. Obviously, it is impossible for Yuan Chen to repair WALL-E by relying on this pile of robot parts, not to mention that there is only one motherboard. , even if the design is placed in front of Yuan Chen, Yuan Chen may not be able to assemble a complete WALL-E, so he puts all his hopes on Eve in front of him!
"No, Eve can only fix her own program, not WALL-E's program!" The robot Eve ignored Yuan Chen's hopeful eyes, because she is a robot without any emotions, so she directly sent Yuan Chen The hope in Chen's heart was mercilessly crushed!

"Okay!" Although a little disappointed, Yuan Chen didn't have too much hope, he just had the mentality of giving it a try, so Yuan Chen was already mentally prepared for Eve's answer, but A motherboard is better than nothing at all!

And at this moment, Yuan Chen's cell phone rang. Yuan Chen looked at it and found that it was Tao Qiong calling. Although Yuan Chen almost handed over the entire company to Tao Qiong to handle, there are still some important matters. Tao Qiong will still come to ask Yuan Chen for instructions!
"Could it be that something happened to the company?" Yuan Chen frowned. It's fine for Yuan Chen to let Tao Qiong handle ordinary matters. Anyway, she knows more about these matters than herself, so Yuan Chen is also very relieved. Could it be that something happened to Tao Qiong? Something Joan can't fix?Thinking of this, Yuan Chen hastily pressed the answer button!
Yuan Chen who just pressed the answer button heard Tao Qiong's anxious voice on the other end of the phone, "Mr. Yuan, the company's fish has been stolen!"

(End of this chapter)

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