Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 120 One Will Satisfy You

Chapter 120 I Will Satisfy You
"After you go back, help me investigate Mingting Hotel?" On the way back to the village, Yuan Chen said to Tao Qiong who was sitting in the co-pilot!

"Mingting Hotel? I've heard of it before. It seems to be a large hotel in this city, right? Why is Mr. Yuan interested in that small hotel? Could it be..." Tao Qiong said, Yuan Chen had worked with all of them before. There are some large restaurants and some medium-sized restaurants in Eastern Guangdong Province. The so-called Mingting Restaurant is not considered a large-scale restaurant in this city, and it is even less famous in the whole province. So Tao Qiong is very curious why Yuan Chen would To investigate Mingting Restaurant!
However, she was smart and soon realized that what happened today must have something to do with that Mingting Hotel, so she also nodded. When Hantan Fishery Company came, it was still so arrogant in broad daylight, so it must be cleaned up properly!
"Well, thank you today!" Yuan Chen said, if Tao Qiong hadn't arrived at the scene in time today, if he had notified himself later, maybe No. [-] would die. No. [-] was the first batch adopted by Yuan Chen from Xiaguang Zoo The dog, because it has been several months since it was raised, has feelings, so Yuan Chen is very grateful to Tao Qiong!

"Notify the boss of important matters as soon as possible. This is what a manager must do!" Tao Qiong just shook his head for Yuan Chen's thanks, and he just did what he should do!

After returning to the village, Yuan Chen fed each dog some monster meat before letting them continue patrolling. However, Yuan Chen repeatedly reminded them not to rush too fast when encountering danger, and to run away when encountering fatal danger. , don't fight recklessly!

Yuan Chen felt that he was also responsible for this incident. Before, he just let these dogs patrol well to prevent people from approaching the fishing ground, but he didn't tell them to run away when they encountered danger that he couldn't solve. So before Kang Jiyuan and the others When the car hit them, they didn't run straight away on the fifth, but rushed forward to stop them, so they were seriously injured and almost died!
So this time Yuan Chen repeatedly warned them not to rush forward when encountering this kind of thing, just bark loudly, which will attract nearby employees, even if it scares the thieves away, it’s okay, as long as the dog is fine Well, the stolen fish is nothing compared to these dogs, because those fish have only commercial value to Yuan Chen, but those dogs have special feelings for Yuan Chen!
After explaining to those dogs, watching those dogs nodded to him, and then dispersed, Yuan Chen also nodded, these dogs are quite smart because they have been fed by Yuan Chen with monster meat for a long time , I can understand Yuan Chen's words, so Yuan Chen is also very relieved!

Seeing the dogs scattered, Yuan Chen took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Mingxia from Xiaguang Zoo, because Yuan Chen also felt that ten dogs were not enough to patrol these fishing grounds, so it was like today In this way, those thieves broke in directly and stole some fish before being discovered. If those people were not so greedy and ran away after stealing some, maybe the dogs hadn't found it in time!

That's why Yuan Chen wanted to call Zhou Mingxia and ask her to send him another batch of dogs. Yuan Chen had heard from Lin Hao that the Xiaguang Zoo was overrun with animals recently. Adopt some, but because Yuan Chen was busy with the affairs of the Hantan Fishery Company before, he really didn't have the energy to raise more pets, so he pushed them away, and the little rabbits and kittens at home that were going to be given away were still at home Woolen cloth!

Speaking of which, it has been several months since she had contacted Chen Jiayuan, and she didn't have time to contact her. She seemed to have forgotten Yuan Chen, and she didn't contact Yuan Chen again. Thinking of this, Yuan Chen's head is getting a little big, as if the past few days It's as if those women have disappeared within a month!

"Hey, Yuan Chen, why do you have time to think about my sister!" And just as Yuan Chen was thinking wildly, the phone was connected, and Zhou Mingxia's voice came from the other end of the phone. I'm familiar with it, so I don't have so many scruples when I speak!
"Sister Mingxia, I heard Lin Hao say that Xiaguang Zoo has many small animals looking for adoption, is that true?" Yuan Chen could only choose to ignore Zhou Mingxia's teasing, and asked straight to the point!

"Well, it is true that another batch of puppies has been adopted, and the number is quite large. Someone bought them from those dog dealers before, but they didn't want to raise so many, so they sent them directly to Xiaguang. , I’m worrying about those dogs, do you want to raise them?” Hearing what Yuan Chen said, Zhou Mingxia also replied that Xiaguang Zoo is also worrying about these things recently, if Yuan Chen is willing to adopt these puppies, it’s considered a A few of them can also share a lot of pressure for Xiaguang Zoo!
"Yes! I happen to need some dogs recently. Can Miss Mingxia sell some for me!" Hearing Zhou Mingxia's answer, Yuan Chen was also relieved. After all, Xiaguang is a zoo, and Yuan Chen can't just leave the ones they were showing. Puppy, it just so happens that there are a group of dogs, that would be the best!

"Sell? If you are willing to adopt, sister, I am grateful to you. Just tell me how much you need!" Hearing Yuan Chen said that she wanted to buy a dog, Zhou Mingxia was immediately happy. She was worrying about these dogs. Yuan Chen Actually said to buy it!

"Well, sister Mingxia, how many dogs are sent to you this time?" Yuan Chen asked, he needs a lot of dogs this time, so it's better to ask clearly!
"There are 130 dogs sent this time, mainly bought by those dog lovers from those dog meat shops, so there are many, don't worry, my sister will not ask you to help adopt too many!" Zhou Mingxia also said Thinking that Yuan Chen was worried that she would send too many over directly, he said quickly!
"No, sister Mingxia, if possible, I want to adopt all the dogs!" To Zhou Mingxia's surprise, Yuan Chen directly wanted to adopt all the dogs!

"What did you say? Are you saying that you want to adopt all the dogs? There are 130 of them. Today is not April Fool's Day!" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Zhou Mingxia obviously didn't believe it, thinking that Yuan Chen was just kidding. Own!
"I'm not joking..." Afterwards, Yuan Chen briefly told Zhou Mingxia about starting his own company and about the theft of the fishing ground today!
"So that's how it is! I didn't expect Yuan Chen's younger brother to start a fishing business. Okay, since you need it, my sister will definitely satisfy you, but you have to help my sister with one thing!" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Zhou Mingxia Without much hesitation, I agreed!
"Is there a need? Satisfy me? Why are these words so awkward?" Yuan Chen thought to himself, but he was curious about what Zhou Mingxia would do for herself!
"Sister Mingxia, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you!"

(ps: Thank you Xianfeng, a commoner, for your tipping)
(End of this chapter)

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