Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 128 Newborn Fruit Tree

Chapter 128 Newborn Fruit Tree
After more than a week, in Yuan Chen's single-family villa, maybe there was a burst of music, but the music was chaotic, and it sounded like it was played by a person without any music germs. Ah no, cells, cells!

If it weren't for Yuan Chen's place in the suburbs, and this villa is also independent, it would have been complained hundreds of times, and of course Lin Qi is the worst one, because he lives in Yuan Chen's place, and every day They are all subjected to the baptism of this kind of music, and Lin Qi didn't dare to practice for too long this week, he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would go crazy, after all, this music is so "intoxicating"!
However, after a week of training, the cihuamao was able to play a complete piece of music, but it didn't know how to read the music. It was Yuan Chen who read the music and then used the method of mental animal taming to control the cihuamao to play the piano, but Yuan Chen didn't know how to play the piano. I didn't completely control the cihuamao, but let it get used to it slowly, and then it was difficult for it to memorize properly and achieve the effect of playing the piano!
Because it is impossible for Yuan Chen to use his mental power to control the performance of the raccoon cat all the time, then it is not the performance of the raccoon cat, but Yuan Chen's performance. In this case, it means that Yuan Chen competed with a group of animals at the animal exhibition!
Moreover, Yuan Chen didn't want to use such means to win the competition, so even if he won the competition in the end, the cihuamao is still an ordinary cihuamao. Without Yuan Chen, he would be nothing. At best, he would be bigger than other cihuamao. It's bigger, the hair is smoother and more beautiful, nothing special at all!

And Yuan Chen used this subtle method to train the cihuamao, and the cihuamao will really learn to play the piano. This way, it can also bring some benefits to Xiaguang. As long as the cihuamao performs in Xiaguang, it will definitely bring a lot to Xiaguang Yuan Chen can guarantee that this will definitely be much better than the income brought by those pink lovesick birds!

That day, Yuan Chen was still training the raccoon cats to play the piano in the yard, and accidentally saw an apple tree growing in a part of the yard, because Yuan Chen had been focusing on training the dog guards before, and there was no Didn't have much time to poke around the yard, so no spotting either!
The main reason for being able to find this time is because the fruit tree has already produced several apples. Yuan Chen remembered that he had never planted a fruit tree in this place, and there was no such fruit tree in the yard before. The four fruit trees I planted are still in the black soil, they are definitely wild!

Yuan Chen walked over to the newborn apple tree, reached out and picked an apple, sniffed it under his nose, and found that the apple also had a hint of aura. This fruit tree was not planted on black soil, and it was far away from There is still a distance from the land, which means that it is impossible for this apple tree to absorb the aura of the black land!
"Where did this apple tree come from? Could it be that Lin Qi planted it? Impossible, he hasn't been so idle yet!" Yuan Chen muttered to himself, this apple tree is obviously from the black land That tree is of the same species, but the aura contained in it is not even half of that tree, just a very small trace. If Yuan Chen is not used to the feeling of aura now, it would be difficult for him I feel that the apple tree in this lesson also has aura!

"Could it be that girl?" Yuan Chen suddenly thought, the little girl Li Ziyu who came to her door because of Xiao Jiji's chaos and abandonment. Hey, my Shih Tzu dog, that girl seems to have left the apple core on the ground!
In other words, this was the result of Li Ziyu's girl accidentally planting willows, and this apple tree was planted with apples from the apple trees on the black soil. What Yuan Chen didn't expect was that the apple cores The planted apple tree can actually have a trace of aura, which made Yuan Chen feel a little regretful. The apple cores he ate before were all thrown away, and they must have been burned now!
This made Yuan Chen have a new plan. Since the apple core can grow apple trees with aura, can he plant a large number of fruit trees like those fishes, and then start selling the fruits!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen directly took a bite of the apple in his hand, and found that although the taste of this apple was not as good as the apples on the black soil, it was indeed better than ordinary apples. It was delicious, because his mouth was already fed by the apples from the apple tree on the black land!
"It seems that the apples grown from this apple core can only produce one generation, and cannot breed four generations of aura-like fish like fish!" The apple tree planted with the core of Yuan Chen will have aura, and if the apple core in Yuan Chen's hand is used to grow the apples, it will no longer have aura!

It seems that it is not so realistic to mass produce these apples. After all, there is only one apple tree on the black land, and the number of apples produced will not be many, so it is obviously impossible to plant a large number of fruit trees Yes, but it is very difficult to plant another apple tree on the black soil, because the black soil only has so much area, and it is almost planted now!
If he wanted to plant another fruit tree, he had to plant it near the grass spirit, but how could Yuan Chen plant more fruit trees to compete with the grass spirit for that benefit?

In Yuan Chen's eyes, even a hundred or a thousand apple trees are worth less than a single tree spirit. After all, Yuan Chen, who has seen the devouring starry sky a few times, remembers the role of this tree spirit very well. Clearly, with such a good thing, how could Yuan Chen exchange it for an apple tree with only a hint of aura?
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen gnawed the apple in his hand and threw the apple core into the trash can. After eating the apple, Yuan Chen knew that even if the apple core was planted by someone else, let alone a plant with aura Apple trees, that is, whether they can grow apple trees are two different opinions!

And just when Yuan Chen was going to train Lihuamao again, Tao Qiong called. After Yuan Chen answered, Tao Qiong told Yuan Chen a lot, that Hantan Fishery Company was in trouble again, and this time It's not that the fish from the fishing ground are stolen, but another thing!
Some people said on the Internet that the fish of Hantan Fishery Company was spawned by illegal means, and those fish were given hormones, so they are so delicious, but eating too much will have a huge impact on the human body, and this This matter has already caused a lot of noise on the Internet!
 Thank you for time passing cg, dark power, water cut off and easy cold, quiet and handsome Diaosi, and the free reward under the Bodhi tree!

(End of this chapter)

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