Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 149 I am not a pet trainer

Chapter 149 I am not a pet trainer
"Do you have any objections to the decision of the judges?" The host asked again habitually. Of course, no one has any objections this time. After so many conferences, all the zoos participating in the competition are also obedient. Yes, it's been a long time since there has been any cheating, of course, if buying animals doesn't count as cheating!
"Since everyone has no objection, then I will announce the result of the competition," the host then announced: "The champion of this year's animal exhibition is the raccoon cat from Xiaguang Zoo, the runner-up is the lovesick bird from Yunya Amusement Park, and The third runner-up is the baby elephant from Hongbo Zoo!"

Afterwards, the host continued to announce the next ranking, but many people were impatient to listen any longer, so they were all preparing to leave, including Yuan Chen and the others, who left directly after receiving the award. It's not very important, what's important is fame. Through this competition, the reputation of Xiaguang Zoo has also started, and it also beats Hongbo, which is enough!

"Oh, it's finally done, I'm so tired!" Yuan Chen stretched his waist. He is not a person who likes to be lively. This time he came to the animal exhibition mainly because Xiaohua's training has been delayed for too long. Yuan Chen ordered, so Yuan Chen had no choice but to follow him. Now that the exhibition has come to an end, Yuan Chen is also relieved!

"You're still tired, you're famous now!" Zhou Mingxia looked at the impatient Yuan Chen and said with a smile!

"Forget it, I'm not..."

"Sir, can I spare you a little time?" Just as Yuan Chen was about to say something, a female voice sounded behind him!

"What... is there anything?" Helpless, Yuan Chen could only turn around, and it was Shangguan Yun, the director of Yunya Amusement Park who called him. Yuan Chen knew that she would look for him, so he didn't care. surprise!
"Can I take a step to speak?" Shangguan Yun looked at Zhou Mingxia and asked hesitantly!

Yuan Chen could also spot Shangguan Yun's eyes, so Yuan Chen also glanced at Zhou Mingxia, looking at Zhou Mingxia's eyes, Yuan Chen seemed to read the meaning, "Look, I said you are famous, right?" , I can’t wait to come directly to the door!”

"If you have anything to say here, just say it here!" Yuan Chen was speechless for a while, and then said to Shangguan Yun, although the other party is a beauty, but Yuan Chen knows that the other party is here to find something about him, anyway, he is not here for a date or up!
"Here..." Shangguan Yun looked at Zhou Mingxia again, with some hesitation, but she didn't want to miss it, so she said it after thinking about it, "I want to hire my husband to be a pet trainer in Yunya Amusement Park. Sir, I will give you twice the current salary, no, three times!"

Yuan Chen was taken aback. She didn't expect Shangguan Yun to offer three times her salary to invite her. She dared to promise such a high price without even asking her salary. No wonder she was able to build Yunya Amusement Park to The largest amusement park in eastern Guangdong Province, this courage alone is not something everyone can have!
It's just that Yuan Chen doesn't know that an excellent pet trainer can bring far more benefits to a zoo than himself. Although three times the salary is very high, Shangguan Yun knows that as long as the man in front of him agrees to come If Yunya Amusement Park comes, it will definitely bring a lot of income to Yunya Amusement Park!
"Sorry, I can't go to Yunya!" Yuan Chen was just stunned for a moment before refusing. He was just helping Zhou Mingxia to train the animals for this competition, not an employee of Xiaguang Zoo. It was completely unpaid labor, even if Yuan Chen was paid three times the salary. It's useless, is zero multiplied by three still zero?

"Why?" Shangguan Yun asked, although it is not very good to pry other people's employees in front of them, but for Shangguan Yun, even if she loses face, the pets cultivated by Yuan Chen have to pull the pet trainer to him My own amusement park is not because Yuan Chen can create great benefits for Yunya Zoo, it is all because of a pet trainer's love for animals!

"Because I'm not a pet trainer!" Yuan Chen said, anyway, he doesn't want to be a pet trainer, he has his own company, has his own business, and he doesn't want to waste so much monster meat on training pets!

"You said you're not a pet trainer!" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Shangguan Yun's watery eyes had two big words written on it: Don't believe me!
Shangguan Yun had already seen it just now. After following her for so long, the pair of lovesickness birds were already very familiar with her. Ordinarily, and Shangguan Yun also believed that as long as this pair of lovesickness birds fell into the hands of others, within a few months, the pair of lovesickness birds would also forget about themselves!

But she didn't expect that the pair of lovesick birds still remembered the man in front of her, so Shangguan Yun immediately affirmed that the man in front of her was the first owner of the pair of lovesick birds, and it was he who brought the pair of lovesick birds together. The bird has been trained to this level, but now this man actually says that he is not a pet trainer. This is just kidding me, treating me like a three-year-old child!

"Do you think my salary is too low, and I can double it!" Shangguan Yun thought that Yuan Chen rejected her because she thought the salary was too low. Yuan Chen doubled his salary, which means four times his salary!

But Yuan Chen still shook his head, zero multiplied by four is still zero: "I'm sorry Miss Shangguan, I don't think the salary is too low, and it's not because I dare not agree to Sister Mingxia's presence here, I'm really not a pet trainer , so I really can't go to Yunya Amusement Park!"

"That's it, that's a pity, sorry, I was a little too excited, you know how popular your trainer who can train pets to this level is so popular!" Looking at Yuan Chen, Unlike the lying eyes, Shangguan Yun can only choose to believe Yuan Chen!

"Principal Zhou, I'm sorry, in front of you..." Shangguan Yun only remembered now that she wanted to poach someone else's employee in front of her just now. No wonder they left such a good pet trainer to be poached. It turns out that he is not an employee of Xiaguang Zoo, which is very embarrassing!

But Shangguan Yun has seen the world, and after a little embarrassment, she apologized to Zhou Mingxia!
"President Shangguan doesn't need to apologize. If I saw such an outstanding person, I wouldn't be able to resist digging!" Zhou Mingxia smiled, and didn't take this matter to heart. Those who know how to poach people are also people who love talents and pets, so Zhou Mingxia can understand Shangguan Yun's heart!
"Well, it's really excellent, but it's a pity that it's not a pet trainer!" Shangguan Yun also nodded with deep emotion and praised!

Seeing the two beauties standing next to him and praising him, Yuan Chen felt a little embarrassed no matter how thick-skinned he was, because it was all due to the monster meat, and he was just responsible for feeding it!

 I was supposed to thank you once a week, but when I saw a 588, I couldn’t help but pop up and thank you. Thank you. Since I asked you for a reward, I just pursued it (manually cover my face)

(End of this chapter)

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