Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 159 This is Very Embarrassing

Chapter 159 This is very embarrassing (third)
"Uh, this is not my girlfriend!" Yuan Chen quickly explained that he was fine, but she was a girl, and recently Yuan Chen felt that Huo Moyu blushed easily, so in order to avoid misunderstanding, Yuan Chen could only quickly explain to the aunt One time!
"You don't need to explain. It's normal for young people to fall in love now. My aunt has no objection. Besides, you are not too young now. It's time to find a girlfriend. Although my aunt has been in this country all year round, her thoughts are not what you think. You are so backward, so don't have any psychological pressure!" The aunt saw Yuan Chen's evasion, thought Yuan Chen was embarrassed, and said quickly!

Uh, when did this place become so open? I remember my father’s repeated orders not to allow me to fall in love too early, but it changed when my aunt said it. Although I was in my early years, when was I not young? I'm only 22, okay?Auntie, although my father doesn't object now, there is no rush!

"Ma'am, I..."

"Okay, no need to explain, come to the house quickly!" The aunt interrupted Yuan Chen, took Huo Moyu's hand and went into the house, leaving Yuan Chen and the two boxes in a mess in the wind!
"This girl looks pretty good to me. She looks much prettier than that Yuan Yi, and she's quite shy!" When entering the room, the aunt turned around and whispered something to Yuan Chen, but she didn't know that at all. I didn't really want to whisper, Huo Moyu, who was walking in front, also heard it, turned to look at Yuan Chen, and then followed the aunt into the room!

"Uh!" Yuan Chen was speechless. Fortunately, Huo Moyu is really not my girlfriend. If it is really my girlfriend, he would probably be blown away. Immediately, he gave a look: Yuan Yi?If you don't explain it clearly to me, your little brother will suffer, ah no, you will suffer, little brother!

Entering the house, Yuan Chen found a place to put the two large suitcases away, and took the tea that the aunt made for him. It smelled quite delicious, although Yuan Chen is used to drinking tea from the world of Dionysus now. , but Yuan Chen has nothing against this kind of ordinary tea that he has been drinking since he was a child. On the contrary, he still misses this kind of taste, the taste of home!
"Ma'am, I brought Mo Yu back this time mainly because I want her to live here for a few days. Because Mo Yu wants to study some marine life, she may live here for a while. I don't know if there is any place for her to live. You also know that I am the only one in my house, and I haven’t cleaned it much. It’s a bit messy, and it’s not very convenient for a girl to live in!” Yuan Chen said without any embarrassment, although his house is big, it is very messy. He had cleaned his own room before, and the rest hadn't been cleaned at all!

"Yeah, it's not good to go into the dining hall without ringing the bell. It just so happens that Jiajia is going to school, so let Mo Yu live in Jiajia's room first. I didn't expect such a young and beautiful girl to be a graduate student!" The aunt was thoughtful. Nodding, because of the start of school, Yuan Jiajia also went to school, and this room was vacant, so Huo Moyu could live in it first!

"Well, good!" Yuan Chen nodded, but this sounded a little awkward, but after a glance, he found that Huo Moyu's face was red again, uh, is the weather relatively hot recently, why does he blush at every turn!

"Well, you can stay here directly after you wait to help tidy up. Although Jiajia doesn't usually live here often, I usually do the cleaning!" the aunt said to Yuan Chen!

"Yeah, okay, I'll wait to clean up!" Yuan Chen nodded, this is his second home, he used to play here when he was a child, eat and sleep here, so he is used to it. He is no stranger at all!
"I'll clean it up myself! Just take me there!" At this moment, Huo Moyu, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. Since she wanted to live in someone else's house, she naturally couldn't eat and be lazy. She usually did it by herself at school. She wasn't like those The ten-finger daughter who does not touch the spring water!
"Okay, then I'll take you there!" Yuan Chen nodded and helped Huo Moyu pick up the two suitcases and walked into the house, and Huo Moyu also followed in!

"True love!" Looking at the backs of the two, the aunt nodded and said in a low voice with a smile. She was very satisfied with Huo Moyu, a girl!

Although the aunt murmured in a low voice, with Yuan Chen's hearing ability, she could hear it clearly. When she heard those three words, Yuan Chen staggered and almost fell!
"Brother Yuan Chen, are you okay? Is it too heavy? How about I take one myself!" Seeing Yuan Chen almost fell, Huo Moyu thought that his luggage was too heavy, and Yuan Chen almost fell, so he hurried forward to ask One sentence!
"It's okay, I just tripped accidentally, it's okay, but what's in this suitcase, it's really a bit heavy!" Yuan Chen said, these two suitcases Yuan Chen can feel that there is some weight, although he It's easy to carry, but it's not so easy for others, especially a girl like Huo Moyu, so he's also curious about what's in it!
"Well, one box is books, the other box is cosmetics, a change of clothes, and some materials!" Huo Moyu said, she was well prepared this time, and she is bound to win the research on Hantan white fish!
"Okay, the scumbags in the world of Xueba don't understand!" Yuan Chen sighed helplessly. When he was studying, he really never took a book home. He didn't expect Huo Moyu to bring back a large suitcase of books. I really don't understand!
"It's just that some things can't be saved, so I can only bring physical books!" Huo Moyu thumped Yuan Chen lightly, and explained!
"Hey, the young man is just showing affection in front of the old man like this, I'd better go out and work!" The aunt who was sitting on the sofa watching stood up, shook her head and walked out!

Yuan Chen also heard what the aunt said, and hurriedly walked in, came to Yuan Jiajia's room, pushed the door and walked in, put the suitcase on the ground, I don't know if it was because of excessive force or it was not fastened, one of them The suitcase burst open, and the clothes inside popped out!

"Sorry," Yuan Chen quickly squatted down to tidy up!
"Don't move, I'll do it myself!" Seeing Yuan Chen squatting down to help him pack his clothes, he just realized and ran over, but it was already a step too late!
Yuan Chen picked up the sprayed clothes and was about to put them back on, and then a set of underwear wrapped inside fell out. Yuan Chen looked down and saw that it was a complete set, pink, and Huo Moyu's face was red, very red and very red. red!
Yuan Chen got up quickly, and Huo Moyu quickly put the pink set in, and then put in some clothes next to him. Just as he picked up a skirt, another one fell out, no, a set, black!
This is very embarrassing!
 I didn’t know about the change of the previous monthly ticket. It turns out that someone in the book city has already voted for it. I don’t know if it’s not shown here. Thank you, I only want to win one’s heart!Well, it's a new month again, ask for a monthly pass, subscribe, and tip!
(End of this chapter)

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