Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 161 The Banquet of the Chief Angle

Chapter 161 The Banquet of the Chief Angle (Fifth Change)

Yuan Chen was also taken aback by Huo Moyu's sudden action, but after a while, Yuan Chen suddenly realized, smelling the fragrance from Huo Moyu's hair, he didn't know what brand of shampoo she was using!
"Brother Yuan Chen!" Huo Moyu was also stunned by her bold action. She never thought that she would be so bold one day. She was born into a scholarly family. She was taught from a young age that girls should be reserved. Huo Moyu has done this very well since she was a child, and her younger sister Huo Yumo...

Huo Yumo had a carefree personality when he was a child, and he hung out with those boys since he was a child, and Huo Moyu was always obedient learning piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and dancing. What Huo Moyu didn't expect was that one day he would be tempted by a man , making such an intimate gesture!
"Huh? What's the matter?" Yuan Chen knew what Huo Moyu was going to say, but at this moment he could only pretend not to know!
"Well, I..." Huo Moyu's eyes seemed to be looking at the seascape, but the little deer was bumping wildly in his heart!
"Brother Yuan Chen, is that you?" Just when Huo Moyu made up his mind to confess his feelings to Yuan Chen, a female voice rang out not far behind, breaking the original atmosphere at this very moment!
Yuan Chen turned his head, and the person who came was a girl similar to Yuan Chen, with shawl and long hair, quite handsome, dressed in a very fashionable way in this countryside far away from the city!

"Yuan Yi, why are you here?" Seeing someone coming, Yuan Chen recognized her at a glance, really don't talk about people during the day, as soon as you mention someone, she comes!
Seeing someone coming, Huo Moyu quickly sat up straight, like a child who did something wrong, lowered her head, but her cheeks were a little red, obviously she blushed again!
"No, I just came home from work, passed by here, saw this scene, and saw you, so I came over to say hello, hey, is this your girlfriend?" Yuan Yi obviously saw it just now Huo Moyu rested his head on Yuan Chen's shoulder!

"Uh, this... yes!" Yuan Chen originally wanted to say no, but just now Huo Moyu was clearly pillowing on his shoulder, and Yuan Yi had obviously seen it. If she said no now, then Yuan Yi would put Huo Moyu It was someone, so Yuan Chen could only nod his head!

Huo Moyu obviously didn't expect Yuan Chen to nod. He was not Yuan Chen's girlfriend in the first place. If Yuan Chen shook his head, there was nothing wrong with it. But at that time, he would be embarrassed. If he was not his girlfriend, if he leaned on his shoulder, then others would Who did he think he was, so Huo Moyu gave Yuan Chen a grateful look!
"Tsk tsk tsk, brother Yuan Chen, have you forgotten your agreement with sister Jiayuan?" Just when Huo Moyu breathed a sigh of relief, Yuan Yi suddenly said to Yuan Chen with a smirk!
"What agreement?" Yuan Chen was really dazed and at a loss this time. What agreement did he have with that woman Chen Jiayuan? He had really forgotten it!

"Tsk tsk tsk, you really forgot!" Looking at Yuan Chen's blank eyes, Yuan Yi shook her head and said!
"What? What agreement did I make with that woman?" Yuan Chen thought for a while, but still couldn't come up with a reason, so he could only ask, he really doesn't have much memory, could it be that he lost his memory!
"Tsk tsk, Xiao Jiayuan will be sad, you heartbreaker, remind you, it's on this beach, you made an agreement with her!" Yuan Yi looked at Yuan Chen with a half-smile, which made Yuan Chen's heart flutter. After getting hairy, he said quietly, as if he was the one who was let down!
"Uh, can't you just say it straight?" Yuan Chen was a little speechless, why this guy still has this personality, he keeps half of what he says, exactly the same as when he was a child!
"No, I'm going home for dinner, you guys go back early too!" Yuan Yi really left after saying that, Yuan Chen has long been used to her character!
When I was young, Yuan Chen, Yuan Yi and Chen Jiayuan were best playmates. Yuan Yi was one year younger than Yuan Chen and Jiayuan, but the three of them were good friends. But because Chen Jiayuan was not from the village, her My father came to Yuanjia Village because of work, so he moved back to the city after a few months. Since then, Yuan Chen has only played with Yuan Yi!

So at that time, the adults joked that Yuan Yi would be Yuan Chen's daughter-in-law in the future, but in Yuan Chen's heart he always regarded Yuan Yi as his younger sister. Later, Yuan Chen's father didn't want to guard the fishing boat and be a fisherman all his life. He wanted to venture outside, so he left even with Yuan Chen!

Coincidentally, after going to the city, Yuan Chen and Chen Jiayuan went to the same junior high school, so the two met again, and Yuan Yi who stayed in his hometown lost a lot of contact with Yuan Chen, but Yuan Chen It's because I can't remember what agreement I had with Chen Jiayuan!
"By the way, beauty, you and Brother Yuan Chen must be careful that sister Jiayuan snatches her back. If you meet a beauty named Chen Jiayuan in the future, it will be sister Jiayuan!" After walking a certain distance, Yuan Yi suddenly turned back Come back and whisper to Huo Moyu!

"Pfft!" Hearing Yuan Yi's threatening tone, Yuan Chen couldn't help laughing, and Huo Moyu who was next to him also covered his mouth and chuckled, obviously enduring it very hard, but he didn't laugh directly like Yuan Chen Come!
"Uh, what are you laughing at?" This time it was Yuan Yi's turn to look dazed and dazed, and she kindly reminded her that she was just imitating the tone on TV and threatening, even if she didn't learn well, she didn't have to laugh at herself like that. , I tell you, I just look like this!

"Tell me, what agreement does that female man have with me, and I'll tell you what are we laughing at?" Yuan Chen imitated Yuan Yi's tone and said!

"Uh, forget it, I don't want to talk about it, and I don't want to know what you are laughing at. The baby has a little mood, and the baby is going home for dinner!" Yuan Yi thought for a while, but held back her curiosity, and gave Yuan Yi Chen rolled his eyes and turned to leave!

Yuan Chen was taken aback, he didn't expect that the slug's white eyes would have such a charm, and when the person in front of him was superimposed with the little girl running around behind him with a runny nose, Yuan Chen couldn't help but sigh that it was really a girl. Big Eighteen Changes!

"Brother Yuan Chen, what agreement do you have with Sister Jiayuan?" Looking at Yuan Yi who was going away, Huo Moyu asked Yuan Chen, the two of them were laughing just now, Yuan Yi didn't know whether Yuan Chen and Huo Moyu knew each other because of Chen Jiayuan , when they watched her say the word Chen Jiayuan in a threatening tone, the two of them really thought it was funny!

"I really forgot!" Yuan Chen said, he really couldn't remember what agreement he had with Chen Jiayuan at all!
 The little zombie is getting tired
(End of this chapter)

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