Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 164 The Long-lost Garbage

Chapter 164 The Long-lost Garbage

Successfully let Huo Moyu enter the Hantan Fishery Company, Yuan Chen also asked Tao Qiong to open a special research department for Huo Moyu, and handed over some second to fourth generation fish from fry to adult fish to Huo Moyu, let Huo Moyu Slowly study, and Huo Moyu will move into the building of Hantan Fishery Company to live in, just like Huo Yumo studied the goddess of light butterfly, Huo Moyu will also observe and study the white fish in Hantan all the time!

The analysis plan brought by Huo Moyu, Yuan Chen, was directly handed over to Tao Qiong to analyze, and to make some favorable measures for Hantan Fishery Company, but Yuan Chen asked not to follow the method in the plan completely, but Let Tao Qiong lead the senior management of Hantan Fishery to make a new plan according to the method on the plan!

This undoubtedly increased Tao Qiong's workload, because it is very difficult to make new decisions that are in line with the company's operation and beneficial to the company from these seemingly perfect plans. !

But Tao Qiong didn't think so, on the contrary, she felt very happy, because if Yuan Chen really asked her to follow the above plan, she would be very relaxed, but she would consider whether she should change bosses, because if she completely followed this analysis If the plan in the plan is carried out, the company will have a good development prospect, but this undoubtedly makes Hantan Fishery move forward according to other people's arrangements, so it will be easy for others to take advantage of it!

So after Tao Qiong learned of Yuan Chen's decision, she was very happy to take the company's senior management to analyze the plan carefully. This made Yuan Chen feel a little strange, and he added a lot of workload to her. , She is still so happy, Yuan Chen doesn't know, Tao Qiong is not only happy on the surface, but also very glad that she didn't follow the wrong person, her boss looks young, but she is much more mature and stable in doing things!

In fact, Yuan Chen did not suspect that Huo Moyu would do something harmful to Hantan Fishery Company. He was just worried that Huo Moyu would be used by others and would not know. Huo Moyu is just a girl who has not really stepped into society. The best performance is that she knows that she is very confident in herself, but others have already seen that her analysis plan is not from her hand, so Yuan Chen is worried that Huo Moyu will be used by others, not Hantan Company. At the mercy of others!


In a room, there are two men, one man is behind the desk, he looks about fifty years old, and the other looks younger, about 30 years old, sitting on a chair beside him!
"You mean that Mo Yu was recruited by Hantan Fishery Company?" The older man frowned and asked, speaking with a different majesty, which obviously belonged to the kind of superiors Majesty is not pretended, it is tempered day by day, a kind of majesty formed naturally!
"Well, that's right, I heard from her that the management over there was very satisfied after reading the analysis plan, and soon agreed to recruit her. The little girl is still very happy!" Another man said, In the tone of his speech, there was actually a bit of majesty indistinctly, but it was more than a little bit less than the previous one!
"Is that so?" The older man frowned even deeper, as if he was thinking about something!
"What's the matter, bro, is there a problem?" Another man said, calling them brothers!

"The plan, as long as it is a manager with some experience, can tell that it is definitely not from the hand of that girl Mo Yu, even that girl is still full of self-confidence, but Hantan Fishery recruited her, just Aren't you afraid of being manipulated by us?" The older man said!
"Well, it is true, but that is already the worst analysis plan. If it is worse, our subordinates will really not be able to find it, haha!" The younger man said with a smile, This planning book was made by one of his planners, but it was the worst of all the planning books!
"Investigate this Hantan Fishery Company to see if there is anything that will be unfavorable to Mo Yu. That girl is not experienced in the world, so don't be taken advantage of by others!" The older man thought for a while and said!

"Brother, you are afraid that Mo Yu will be used by others, which will be bad for us!" The younger man was a little surprised when he heard this. He obviously couldn't think of what a small Hantan fishery could do to them. threaten!
"Well, when Mo Yu said he was going, I did some research and found that the owner of Hantan Fishery was only a young man in his early twenties, but he managed to transfer Han Tan Fishery Company has been operating from zero to now a well-known company in the entire Eastern Guangdong Province!" said the older man!

"Oh, are you in your early twenties? If he relies on his own business methods, this business talent is about to catch up with my brother. It took me less than a year to run the first company in the whole province. At that time, my brother was only 19 years old, he also started from scratch, and his talent is not bad!" Hearing these words, the younger man was a little surprised, obviously he didn't know Yuan Chen well, or , he is not interested in understanding!

"Well, so it is necessary to investigate carefully!" The older man nodded and said!
"Okay, I'll ask someone to investigate Hantan fishery carefully!" said the younger man!

Of course Yuan Chen didn't know about this, even if he knew, he wouldn't bother with it. If he wanted to investigate, he should investigate carefully. Anyway, it doesn't matter to Yuan Chen, and he still has more important things to do now!
Now Yuan Chen is sitting on the sofa in his villa and staring at his mobile phone excitedly. The reason is very simple. Just after dinner, Yuan Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang a pleasant voice. Mail from another dimension!

This time it was not any news, but a real email, which meant that another big gift from another dimension came to him. This long-lost happy voice made Yuan Chen forget everything!

But this time the garbage was not sent from a new dimension, but from a dimension that Yuan Chen had received garbage before. This is the first time this kind of thing has happened. Last time it was sent from this dimension. Trash looks ordinary, but it has brought Yuan Chen a lot of gains, but I don't know what kind of new trash it will be this time!
(End of this chapter)

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