Chapter 171
After more than a week of cultivation, those seeds finally germinated, which made Yuan Chen very excited, but what surprised him was that these seeds had to absorb such a long time of energy before they could germinate. If the land is planted on ordinary land, it will probably take half a year to germinate. If it grows up, then I don't know how long it will take!

The five pots of seeds all germinated within three days, which reassured Yuan Chen. If the time difference between the five pots of seeds was too long, Yuan Chen really didn't know what to do. After two months, Yuan Chen would have to wait, but luckily, this kind of thing didn't happen!

For the next month, Yuan Chen carefully observed the growth of these five pots of herbs, and silently recorded their characteristics and shapes. Yuan Chen wanted to find plants with the same properties as these herbs from the earth. Herbal medicine, in this way, it may be possible to produce that kind of beauty powder in large quantities!
While observing, Yuan Chen also slowly compared carefully with the prescription in his mind, because he didn't know whether these seeds were the herbs needed for the beauty powder, so Yuan Chen also needed to compare carefully , but the information in his mind is just words, there is no such thing as illustrations, so Yuan Chen can only observe carefully. Fortunately, the records on the prescription are very detailed, so it is more convenient for Yuan Chen to compare!
After a long period of comparison, Yuan Chen was finally sure that the herbs grown from the seeds in front of him were really the five kinds of medicinal materials recorded in the prescription, but Yuan Chen was still not sure what was refined according to the prescription. The medicine is really the kind of powder that can beautify the skin, but you still have to try it anyway. Even if you can't mass-produce it, it's good to refine some and give it to your family or friends!

As for whether it can be successfully refined, Yuan Chen doesn't know. Anyway, it seems impossible to refine it with the medicine cauldron, because he has no fire seed, and it is impossible to condense the fire, so Yuan Chen plans to use modern technology to refine it. Make that kind of beauty powder!

Two months later, Yuan Chen finally saw that the herbs were already mature. Although these were not medicinal materials, if these fresh herbs were used by Yuan Chen to refine those medicinal powders that could beautify the skin, the effect would be improved even more. It is necessary to use herbs that are decades or hundreds of years old. Although using these short-growing herbs will greatly reduce the effect, this is enough for Yuan Chen, and he plans to halve the amount!

Gently collect these herbs according to the method on this prescription. According to the above statement, pharmacists will always leave a line when doing things, so when collecting, follow the above method to only collect the part above the soil, and the part inside the soil It still stayed in the flower pot, as long as it takes a little longer, a new spiritual grass will grow again!
Putting the collected spiritual herbs in white jade bottles, Yuan Chen now finally knows that these white jade bottles are not something that the pharmacist can figure out for Yuan Chen, those white jade bottles are basically necessary to hold these herbs, because these The medicinal herbs are not considered very large, so it is more than enough to put them in a white jade bottle, but Yuan Chen thought too much before!

After collecting the medicinal herbs, Yuan Chen is not in a hurry to refine them into beauty powders, because Yuan Chen has not yet figured out how to use technology on the earth to make these medicinal materials produce the medicinal effect of refining medicine with a medicinal cauldron , even if it is bad, but it still needs to have the effect of medicine!
However, the results found on the Internet were all directly ground into powder and added together. Yuan Chen was a little speechless. If the powder was directly obtained in this way, he would not dare to try it. He's handsome and unrestrained, and he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. Where can I find dog food!

After studying for a few days, Yuan Chen didn't find out why, so today Yuan Chen was going to try to refine some in the medicine cauldron. Looking at the medicine cauldron in front of him, Yuan Chen planned to light the fire directly under the medicine cauldron. But this is a city. Although it is in the suburbs, if there is a fire, it will definitely attract the attention of others. In addition, it is dry and dry now. If it really burns in the yard, it will be really fun !
So Yuan Chen planned to directly light the fire in the medicine cauldron, dipped the prepared cotton swab with some alcohol, lit it with a lighter, and threw it in from the ear of the tripod, and then Yuan Chen saw the flame on the cotton swab It shakes, and then it goes out directly. Seeing that there is still air leaking inside, Yuan Chen uses his mental power to control the residue to come out from the other tripod ear!
Then use a cotton swab to ignite and throw it in, Yuan Chen directly sealed the two tripod ears with mental strength, so that it is airtight, this time the cotton swab burned for a long time, but in the When the cotton swab burned out, those flames also went out, leaving only a pile of residue!
Yuan Chen frowned. This method works, but it is obviously impossible to use this method to refine medicine, because the cotton swab can't burn for too long, even if it is replaced with something that lasts longer, But it is obviously impossible to use it to refine medicine!
And if it is to add firewood when refining medicine, it is obviously even more impossible, because the tripod ear is very small, if you want to add it, you can only add some small wood, small wooden sticks, let alone Yuan Chen does not have so many things, Even if there is, it is impossible for him to divide it into so many uses, at most it can only be refining of one material and one material!

It is even more impossible to directly add a large amount of firewood in it. Although the medicine cauldron is large, there is really not much space inside. This should be designed according to the medicine refining method of Dou Po Dimension, because in Dou Po Dimension Alchemists either use different fires, animal fires, or fires condensed from battle qi. They don't need fuel, so Yuan Chen doesn't know what to do now!
After thinking about it, Yuan Chen decided to give up. After seeing it, he could only try the method on the Internet, directly grind it into powder, and then directly add it together to see how much effect it can produce. It's good that the effect is strong. Thinking of this, Yuan Chen shook his head, and the mental power poured directly from the two tripod ears, sweeping towards the ashes of the burned cotton swabs!
And when Yuan Chen's two spiritual forces touched each other, there was a thunderous sound inside the medicine cauldron, and then Yuan Chen discovered that there was a bolt of lightning forming inside the medicine cauldron, which then turned into a A cluster of flames frightened Yuan Chen to quickly withdraw his mental power. This time, he saw clearly that it was real thunder and lightning, not a dream!

(End of this chapter)

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