Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 178 New Function of QQ

Chapter 178 New Function of QQ

Yuan Chen was startled when he saw that the five hundred continents group he was familiar with disappeared. Could it be that after upgrading QQ, five hundred continents disappeared directly?Isn't this playing yourself?I have achieved what I am today by relying on those different-dimensional garbage. If it is really gone, I may really have to rely on myself in the future, and without these five hundred continents, it means that Yuan Chen In the future, there is no way to obtain the treasures of different dimensions!

If I don't have those natural treasures, I will have a hard time in the future. Although with everything I have now, I can already have no worries about food and clothing in the future, but I am used to these things. If one day the monster at home After eating the animal meat, if one day the tea wine runs out, if one day the black soil is no longer fertile, and the silkworm sand no longer has aura, then Yuan Chen will have to live the life of an ordinary person, which is not a good thing!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen felt an inexplicable panic. Will he really want to return to a normal life in the future?I promised Lin Qi to help him return to the Xianni Dimension. Now that the five hundred continents have disappeared, I have no way to send him back to his world. Lin Qi is looking forward to it and is practicing hard every day. With internal force!
And just when Yuan Chen was a little upset, another box popped up on the QQ chat interface. Yuan Chen looked at it, and it was an introduction about the new version of QQ!
Different dimension QQ1.2 version, new QQ group function, new red envelope function, unlock three emoticon package functions!

Yuan Chen looked at this introduction and was taken aback for a moment, QQ1.2 version in another dimension?What is this?What are these unlocked things?Is it a new way to play?

Yuan Chen quickly forked out the introduction of this dialog box, clicked on the function of QQ group, and then saw that there was an additional QQ group in his QQ group list, this QQ group Yuan Chen was sure that this was his previous QQ group What is not in it, this must be a new QQ group, the group name of this QQ group is Sanqian World Management Group!

Yuan Chen clicked on the QQ group interface, and there was no one bubbling in it. Regardless of this, Yuan Chen directly clicked on the list of group members. Looking at the group members above (27/3000), Yuan Chen was ecstatic for a while, that is It is said that there are 27 continents in this group. Although there are only [-] people online, including myself, this is not a small group. It is a QQ group with [-] members. Although Yuan Chen is not yet Know what these groups are for!
Randomly clicking on the members of the group, Yuan Chen saw that the top one was the administrator, and there was only one administrator, and that was Yuan Chen himself, and the owner of this group was also Yuan Chen himself, which made Yuan Chen a little at a loss. Could it be that other than myself, the other members of the group are from mainland China?
If this is the case, then I already have almost [-] continents in my hands, which is several times more than the previous [-] continents. If these continents can send garbage to me, and among those garbage If you happen to have the treasures of heaven and earth that you need, then no matter how poor your talent is, you can still become a very powerful existence!

At that time, let alone let Lin Qi go back to his own world, even if he takes him to another dimension, it doesn't matter. After all, those managers of different dimensions are all practicing in one place, but I can With the resources of [-] worlds, no matter how you say it, you win!

Yuan Chen: Bubbling!
Seeing that no one was talking in the group, Yuan Chen habitually typed the word bubbling. Yuan Chen also liked water groups when he was bored, so every time he saw no one in the group, he just typed the word bubbling , so now it is also directly and habitually sent out, and now there are 27 people online in the list, which means that besides myself, there are managers from these 26 continents online!
Continent [-]: Hey, a cleaner has been upgraded!
Less than a minute after Yuan Chen sent out the bubbling, someone replied. It seems that this QQ group can really communicate with Sanqian Dalu, and does this mean that in the future, if I need anything, I can directly ask them for it? I don't know whether what I say as a cleaner will work or not. Compared with those people who are managers of a continent, there must be some arrogance!
Continent 37: You want to die. Do you want to be kicked out by calling the group owner so directly? Do you think it's the cleaner from before?
And just when Yuan Chen was about to ask weakly, can I send some good things, someone suddenly bubbled up and said, when seeing this, Yuan Chen felt a little strange at first, but then he figured it out, Since I am the leader of the group, which means that I will manage these people, it means that my status is higher than that of these other-dimensional managers, at least I can kick people out at will!

Continent [-]: I'm sorry, I haven't changed it for a while, please don't blame me, my lord!

When Yuan Chen figured it out, the manager from the mainland who spoke first apologized to himself in the group. It seemed that the people here were really afraid of him. From the conversation between these two people, Yuan Chen could easily see that the two Personal... No, it should be that these three thousand people will be under my control!

NO.40 Dalu: Now that you know you made a mistake, you don’t send a red envelope to the group leader to apologize, be careful he kicks you out, it’s fun!
Yuan Chen continued to watch them chat. All the continents were replaced by numbers, and they didn't specify what continents they were, so Yuan Chen didn't know what these continents were. He could only ask himself, which is a bit troublesome. There are three thousand Mainland!

Continent [-]: If you want to trick me again, just post it!
Yuan Chen didn't say a word, watching them chatting, he didn't expect that this QQ group could give out red envelopes. These people are managers in mainland China, and they shouldn't be too stingy in giving out red envelopes, so Yuan Chen has already prepared to grab red envelopes ready!
630 Continent [-]: Hurry up!

Someone urged Yuan Chen to think that this was quite amusing. He didn’t expect that version 1.2 of the different dimension would have such a function. He just didn’t know how to send these rubbish in the future. Now these continents don’t appear in his friend list. , Is it still sending QQ mailboxes like before?
While Yuan Chen was waiting for the red envelope, an announcement suddenly popped up on the chat interface of the QQ group!
"Hey, am I the only administrator? Why would someone post an announcement?" Yuan Chen was taken aback. He was the only administrator in the Three Thousand Worlds management group. How could anyone post an announcement!

Although he was puzzled, Yuan Chen still clicked on it. After looking at the points mentioned above, it turned out that all of them were regulations for group owners, and this announcement was obviously sent by the system itself!

(End of this chapter)

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