Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 184 Strange Girl

Chapter 184 Strange Girl
"Who is the undercover? Can this little rabbit understand what we say?" One of the girls asked curiously. She had watched TV before and knew who was the undercover game, but it was all about people using words to induce others , but this is a rabbit paper, can you really guess it?

"This is not possible, but it can judge who is an undercover agent based on each person's different facial expressions!" Yuan Chen said. According to Chen's teaching, this rabbit is already very good at judging whether a person is lying or not based on the person's facial expression!

"It's so powerful, I don't believe it!" The other girl said suspiciously after hearing Yuan Chen's amazing words!

"Then do you want to try it?" Seeing that some girls were suspicious, this was also what Yuan Chen wanted!
Yuan Chen originally didn't want Xiaotuzhi to perform, but because of what his idiot sister said before, Yuan Chen had to use this trump card, because he looked around and saw at least ten girls, so he He diverted his attention without hesitation!
"Okay, okay!" Before the girl could speak, another girl shouted excitedly!

"Okay, then let you get ready!" Yuan Chen said, and then he turned around holding the rabbit paper and let the girls get ready!
"Okay!" Rowling wrote a word on several pieces of paper with a pen, but only wrote a different word on one of the papers, and then confused them together, everyone took turns to draw a note, and then faced Sitting there expressionless!
"Well, Xiaotuzhi, go and see, who is the undercover agent!" Yuan Chen patted Xiaotuzhi on the head, and then asked Xiaotuzhi to go among them!
Little Rabbit Paper stood there dumbly, and then looked around, as if she was really looking at something, which made the girls slightly surprised, it seems that there is really such a thing!

After looking at it cutely for a few minutes, Little Rabbit Paper jumped to the side of a girl. This girl looked gentle and quiet, but when Little Rabbit Paper jumped in front of her, a flash of light flashed across her face. A trace of obvious panic, although fleeting, but Yuan Chen could see it very clearly!
"Hahaha, it's wrong, it's wrong!" And just when Yuan Chen was proud, the girl next to him suddenly laughed. Yuan Chen was taken aback. Let the little rabbit find the note for ten dogs, and it can find it. This may be an instinct of it, but how could it go wrong here!
Moreover, Yuan Chen had clearly seen a flash of panic on that girl's face just now. Since it wasn't her, why was she so surprised?
Yuan Chen glanced at Luo Lin, and Luo Lin winked at him playfully, then nodded slightly to Yuan Chen, indicating that Yuan Chen really made a mistake, which is very embarrassing, but what is going on? !

"Stupid rabbit, what I want you to find is the big sister holding a different note, why do you get confused when you see so many big sisters, please don't be so perverted!" Yuan Chen gently patted the pink rabbit paper Said the little head!
"Haha!" Hearing what Yuan Chen was teaching Little Rabbit Paper, those girls immediately laughed, and their smiles were flamboyant!

Rowling also looked at Yuan Chen with a smile. She didn't know why, but she always felt that the brother who was two years older than herself gave her a strange feeling. Rowling didn't know why she felt this way, but it was very Wanting to stay with Yuan Chen is because she likes it but it's not that kind of liking, but being with Yuan Chen will feel an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, and this feeling makes her feel very comfortable!
"Okay, I've already taught it a lesson, just give it a chance!" Yuan Chen said, although he still cared about the girl's actions, the expression just now was definitely not fake, so Yuan Chen was always Follow her secretly!
"Okay, then let's give this little bunny another chance for Rowling's sake!" one of the girly girls said loudly!

"Well, then give it another chance!"

"Okay, if you guess wrong again, we'll stew Brother Yuan Chen!"

"Ah, why do you stew Brother Yuan Chen?"

"Because the rabbit is too cute, I can't bear it!"


Hearing the conversation of these girls, Yuan Chen was a little speechless, why is his appearance not as good as a rabbit, even though Yuan Chen also admitted that this rabbit paper is very cute!
Then Yuan Chen put down the rabbit paper again, and after a few minutes, the rabbit paper jumped to the side of Luo Lin and stayed there!
"Hey, I guessed it right!" Rowling spread out her note and put it on the table, and the other girls also spread out the note!

Yuan Chen was slightly taken aback when he saw the words written on it, because the note in the hands of the other girls was written with the word Luo Lin, and the note in Luo Lin's hand was written with Yuan Chen's name!

"This little bunny paper is amazing!" Rowling picked up the pink bunny paper and touched its little head, then said softly with her head down!

"Yes, if only I could have such a rabbit paper!"

"Yeah, I want to too!"

"It's a pity that it seems to be gone!"


All the girls said, looking at Luo Lin enviously, and then looked at Yuan Chen with resentful eyes, as if Yuan Chen had failed them, cold sweat broke out on Yuan Chen's back!

The entertainment time always passed quickly, and soon the time was up, and everyone left one after another, only the Yuan Chen brothers and sisters and Luo Lin were left!
"Rowling, let me take you home!" Yuan Xuan said, she knew the situation at Rowling's house, but she was worried that Rowling would not be safe alone, so she spoke!
"Yeah, let Xiaoxuan take you back!" Yuan Chen also echoed. He had heard about the incident at Rowling's house before, so he didn't propose that he send it, but let Yuan Xuan take it. After that, he can go directly Take my sister back!
"I...I want Brother Yuan Chen to give me a ride!" Luo Lin said hesitantly!

"Well, my brother and I will send you back. If your family knows, you can also say that you sent me!" Yuan Xuan thought for a while and Yuan Chen also nodded!
"I want to stay alone with Brother Yuan Chen for a while!" After hesitating for a long time, Luo Lin said!
"Didn't your family prevent you from getting too close to the man?" Yuan Xuan asked curiously, what happened to Rowling today!
"I..." When asked by Yuan Xuan, Rowling hesitated for a while!

"Okay, then I'll give you a ride alone!" Yuan Chen patted Yuan Xuan's shoulder, and then said to Rowling!

The reason why he did this was because of the girl he saw before. He always felt that the girl was a bit weird, but he just didn't know what she wanted to do, so he hesitated for a while. For Rowling's safety, Yuan Chen decided to Send her back!

(End of this chapter)

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