Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 192 A New Way of Receiving Garbage

Chapter 192 A New Way of Receiving Garbage
"Brother Yuan Chen, what did mother tell you?" When Luo Lin's mother left the hall, Luo Lin and Luo Jin outside the door watched their mother go away, and hurried in to ask Yuan Chen. They couldn't hear anything, they thought it was their mother who used some means, but they didn't even know that it was Yuan Chen who did it!

"It's better that you don't know about some things!" Yuan Chen reached out and stroked Rowling's hair, his voice was a little dignified. He really didn't expect that Rowling still had such an experience. Perhaps in Rowling's soul, there were some The soul power of another dimension!

"Ah, why, Brother Yuan Chen!" Seeing Yuan Chen's tone of voice was a bit dignified, Luo Lin frowned, as if the matter was not so simple, but Brother Yuan Chen didn't seem to want to say it, it seemed that she couldn't ask it!

"I will help you find a solution for Rowling's super power, but I don't know if it can be solved!" Yuan Chen said to Luo Jin. According to Yuan Chen's guess, Rowling's super power was obtained from the whirlpool, so it is very likely It is related to the dimension at the other end of the vortex connection, but now Rowling's mother doesn't remember which dimension she came from, except for her mental power and soul body!
"Then I'll leave it to you!" Luo Jin said, although he was also curious about what his mother said to Yuan Chen just now, but it was more important than the matter about his own sister!

"It's okay, I have something to do and I'm leaving first!" Yuan Chen said, what he was thinking now was to go back and ask the members of the management group of Three Thousand Worlds if anyone knew what happened 20 years ago. According to Yuan Chen's guess, it should be It was the vortex of some dimension that went wrong 20 years ago, which caused Rowling's mother to be involved!
"Well, okay, Xiao Lin, you can see Yuan Chen off!" Luo Jin nodded, and asked Luo Lin to see Yuan Chen off!
"Okay!" Rowling nodded happily when she heard that her elder brother, who had always resisted being friends with boys, asked her to see off Yuan Chen!

"This girl!" Looking at Luo Lin who walked out of the gate with Yuan Chen chatting and laughing, Luo Jin shook his head and cursed with a smile!

"Brother Yuan Chen, can you really not tell me what you told your mother?" Walking on the road, Luo Lin looked at the stars in the sky and asked as if nothing had happened!

"Well, I have already promised your mother, I can't tell it!" Yuan Chen nodded. He had already promised Rowling's mother before that he would not tell this matter, so Yuan Chen couldn't say it. Come out, and this matter is related to Rowling, it is best for Rowling not to know anything before she fully understands this matter!
"Brother Yuan Chen, can you tell me that this matter has a lot to do with me?" Luo Lin knew that Yuan Chen would definitely not say it, so she asked a different question!
"Well, that's right!" Yuan Chen nodded!
"Brother Yuan Chen, do you know? Sometimes I feel that I have some rejection from this world. It seems that I want to integrate into this world, but this world rejects me. Until the day I met you, you It gives me a really great feeling, which other people can't give me. Every time I stay with you, I enjoy it very much. I really want to stay with you more, and I don't know why It will feel like this!" Rowling thought for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to say!
"Really?" Yuan Chen was taken aback when he heard Luo Lin's words, and then fell into deep thought. He didn't ask until Luo Lin wanted to speak again!

"Yeah, yes!" Rowling nodded obediently and replied!
"Could it be..." Yuan Chen whispered more and more, only he could hear the rest of the words!

"What is it, Brother Yuan Chen?" Rowling asked curiously!

"It's nothing, by the way Rowling, I'm going back tomorrow!" Yuan Chen said, although he already had a rough guess in his heart, it's better not to say it now, and it won't be too late to say it after the investigation is clear!
"Ah, is Brother Yuan Chen going back?" Hearing that Yuan Chen was going back, Luo Lin immediately put aside the previous matter and asked very reluctantly!
"Well, this time I'm mainly here to attend your birthday party, and I have other things to do afterwards, so I can't accompany you anymore!" Yuan Chen shook his head helplessly, and he still has some things to do afterwards, naturally Won't stay any longer!

"That's it, then I'll look for you after the holiday!" Hearing that Yuan Chen had no choice but to stay for a few more days, Luo Lin also nodded obediently!

"Well, you are welcome anytime!" Yuan Chen smiled and nodded!

"Brother Yuan Chen, I can't bear you!" At this moment, Luo Lin suddenly hugged Yuan Chen and said, she didn't know why, as long as she stayed with Yuan Chen, she felt very happy, and the strength before her body seemed to be peaceful Come down, so she really enjoys the time with Yuan Chen, and now Yuan Chen has only been here for two days and is leaving, and she has only stayed with him for less than one night, so she is really reluctant to part with it!

"Hey, there's still plenty of time to meet in the future, silly girl!" Yuan Chen didn't expect Rowling to be like this, he was stunned, but also hugged Rowling, touched her hair, and comforted her!
"Well, Brother Yuan Chen should keep in touch with me!" Luo Lin said, her eyes were slightly moist!

"Okay, I will contact you often!" Yuan Chen said with a smile!


The next day, Yuan Chen packed up his things and went back to his home. The first thing he did when he got home was to turn on his mobile phone QQ. He wanted to ask the managers of the different-dimensional world if they knew what happened 20 years ago. matter!

However, when he opened the management group of Three Thousand Worlds, a file popped up. The file name was 730 No. [-] Continent. When Yuan Chen saw this file, he was a little excited, because this file reminded him of those QQ emails before. !

"This file can't be a new way of sending garbage, right?" Yuan Chen thought to himself, he didn't expect that these garbage would be uploaded directly to the group now, it's really convenient!

Without the slightest hesitation, Yuan Chen clicked Accept, and the system immediately popped up another option: 1 experience point will be deducted for receiving garbage. Do you want to continue?

"Damn, experience points will be deducted? Then when will I earn enough experience points for upgrading!" Yuan Chen said with a sad face. He didn't expect to deduct experience points for receiving garbage now. Not only does he have no salary as a cleaner But also upside down, really depressed!

However, because it was garbage, Yuan Chen still clicked the confirmation button, looking distressed at being deducted a little bit!
Then Yuan Chen saw a prompt to receive a file on his mobile phone, and then a whirlpool appeared, spit out a lot of scrap metal, and then disappeared!

"This... what is this?" Yuan Chen stared at the pile of scrap metal in front of him and said, and at this moment, Yuan Chen saw that there was an additional video file in his mobile phone!
(End of this chapter)

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