Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 194 New Company

Chapter 194 New Company

After Yuan Chen discussed with Tao Qiong, he came up with a preliminary plan. First, establish a high-tech research company, then recruit a group of high-tech professionals in the name of the company, and then set up a research team in the company to study The helmet Yuan Chen mentioned!

The company's funds are raised by Hantan Fishery Company, which means that Hantan Fishery Company uses the money earned from selling Hantan Whitefish to support the research expenses of the high-tech research team. The helmet research is going smoothly, and the research will not be interrupted or ended directly due to funding problems!
Because the research of high-tech things requires a lot of money, and I don’t know when they will be able to be researched, so these things have to be piled up on the expense. If the funds are interrupted, all the funds invested before will be lost. If it's in vain, you won't get any return!
But on the contrary, if the research is successful, not only the previous things can be rewarded, but also the rewards in the future will continue to flow, because the emergence of any high-tech, not to say that it can change the world, but the impact on human beings is absolutely It is beyond imagination!
"Then I have to trouble you to take a look at the company's affairs, Sister Tao Qiong!"

After hearing Tao Qiong's words, Yuan Chen also felt that it made sense, so he finally decided to open a room dedicated to researching these virtual reality helmets, but Tao Qiong had to arrange for the establishment of a company registration, and he had to do it himself. I don't understand these things, and if I want to let myself do it, I don't know how long it will take to register the company, so it's perfect to leave these things to Tao Qiong!

"No problem, but how much registered capital do you plan to invest?"

Tao Qiong asked, there is nothing wrong with running by himself, but Yuan Chen has to make up his mind about the specific registered capital, and he can't decide this matter, because Yuan Chen has to take out these funds!

"Uh, well, isn't it the same as the previous Hantan Fishery Company?"

Yuan Chen doesn't understand these things. Isn't the company's registered capital unified?Hantan Fishery didn't register by himself before, so he didn't know much about it!
"Well, the registered capital of Hantan Fishery Company is only a few hundred thousand. If this company is only registered for a few hundred thousand, it probably won't be able to hire high-tech researchers!"

Tao Qiong is ashamed, if the registered capital of this high-tech is only a few hundred thousand, it will be difficult for researchers to take a fancy to it, because if a company has a registered capital of only a few hundred thousand, then this company is really capable of supporting a As for the funding of research projects, this is very doubtful. If you are a researcher, how could you choose such a company?

"That's right, so what do you think is the right amount of registered capital for this company?"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, Tao Qiong was right, he really didn't think about it that much, after she reminded him, it made sense, but it was his first time establishing this kind of company, so he really didn't know how much registration would be required The funds are just right!

"Well... Generally, the registered capital of this kind of company is as little as a few million, and as much as tens of millions!"

Tao Qiong thought for a while, and gave a range that is more in line with Yuan Chen's current situation. Because she is not very clear about the specific situation of this kind of company, the range given is a bit conservative, which also gave Yuan Chen a relatively large range. Consider the scope!

"That's it, then register for 3000 million!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while and said, the reason why he chose the registered capital of 3000 million was because these helmets came from the Three Thousand Worlds, so he directly chose the registered capital of 3000 million!

Tao Qiong was choked by Yuan Chen's number, sometimes hundreds of thousands, and then jumped directly to 3000 million, your span is too big!

"What? Isn't it enough?"

Yuan Chen was puzzled and asked, the funds he gave was the result of his own estimation, now with the support of Hantan Fishery, Yuan Chen would not worry about money, but if too much funds were transferred at one time If not, the operation of Hantan Company will also be affected to some extent, and in the future, research funds will be invested in the research of virtual reality helmets!
"No, 3000 million is enough, then decide the registered capital of 3000 million, and the next step is to decide on the company name!"

After solving the problem of funds, Tao Qiong raised another new question, because this is Yuan Chen's company, and he is only in charge of running errands, and Yuan Chen is the real boss, so Yuan Chen has to handle all these matters in person!

"Uh, I still want a name? It's super hard to think of a name, or should it be called... Hantan Technology Research Company?"

As soon as Yuan Chen mentioned thinking of names, his head got bigger, and he was a waste of names. Is it really difficult for him to think of so many names?
"Uh, are you sure you want to use this name?"

Hearing Yuan Chen's name, Tao Qiong on the other end of the phone was ashamed again, do you dare to order more casually?

"Well, let me think about it again!"

Yuan Chen also knew that this name was chosen too casually. Hantan Fishery is justified. Hantan Technology, what kind of technology is this?
"Why don't we call it Future Technology Research Co., Ltd."

Yuan Chen thought for a while, and accidentally saw the virtual reality helmets that he had piled up together. These helmets are high-tech products from the future, that is, future technology, so it is quite appropriate to use future technology as the name of his new company of!

"Future Technology Research Co., Ltd.? Yes, this name is much better than the previous one, and Future Technology sounds more domineering!"

When Tao Qiong heard Yuan Chen's words, she murmured that she also thought the name was good, and it was very suitable as the name of the new company!

"Well, then it's decided, the funds and the name are decided, and the rest is up to you. The funds can be directly transferred from Hantan Fishery!"

Yuan Chen said that it would be much easier to decide on the name and other things, as long as Tao Qiong can handle it, Yuan Chen believes in Tao Qiong's ability!

"Yeah, no problem, let me wrap it up next!"

Tao Qiong also smiled, and after deciding these things, he should take care of the next things by himself!

"By the way, sister Tao Qiong, there is one more thing you can do by the way!"

Yuan Chen suddenly thought of something, and said!
"What's the matter, you are the boss, just say it directly!"

Seeing that Yuan Chen's tone of voice was not quite right, Tao Qiong seemed to have something difficult to say!

"That... I want Sister Tao Qiong to help me find another manager!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, and he organized his words before speaking. He did this mainly because he was tired seeing Tao Qiong, so he wanted to ask someone else to help, but he was afraid that Yuan Chen would think too much, so he was a little bit confused. Hemming and hawing!
(End of this chapter)

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