Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 199 About the Vortex

Chapter 199 About the Vortex
Yuan Chen: Bubbling!
This is the first sentence Yuan Chen habitually sends out in group chats. Usually, when the scene is cold, it will play the role of warming up the bed, ah bah, warming up the scene. Most people will have an impulse when they see this kind of situation, and this This kind of impulse will produce an inexplicable desire-desire, which is second only to grabbing red envelopes. Even if you have other things in your hands, you will put down what you are doing, and then open the chat page, silently write down...

730 Continent No. [-]: Detonation!
When ordinary people see these two words, their eyes will be fixed, their brows will be frowned, and they will quickly type out a row of characters on the keyboard with both hands, slapping, ah, no, crackling!
Yuan Chen: Take another risk!
730 Continent II: Uh, did the group owner receive my trash!

Yuan Chen: I have already received it and completely disposed of it!

730 Continent No. [-]: Thank you for your hard work, group leader, why don't you hurry up and change my vest!

Yuan Chen: Ah, what vest should I change?
730 Continent No. [-]: You can only gain experience after changing the vest of the mainland that received the garbage. Doesn’t the group owner know?However, you have to change the name of the mainland correctly before you can gain experience. If you make a mistake, you can only change it when you collect garbage next time!
It turned out that there was such a thing, of course Yuan Chen didn't know about it, and he didn't tell Yuan Chen, and it didn't indicate anything in the group announcement, so Yuan Chen didn't even know that there were such things to gain experience, so in the future, he just needs to receive more You can upgrade quickly with some rubbish!
Yuan Chen: So you are talking about this matter?Don't get in the way, don't rush, just take your time!
Sword Art Online Dimension: It turns out that the group leader knows that others can get experience and want to modify it immediately. The group leader is so calm. He deserves to be the group leader who can manage the garbage of the three thousand worlds, but I am talking too much!

Sword Art Online Dimension: Hey, why did my vest change?

At this time, Yuan Chen was looking at the experience points on his mobile phone. He used up a little because of receiving garbage before, leaving only 1.01 experience points, but now it has become 3.01. It turns out that after cleaning up the garbage, a little bit of experience points will be added. Yuan Chen didn't know that there would be such a method of gaining experience before. It is estimated that he would replenish a little experience spent, and then give some as a gift, but Yuan Chen is not sure, so he can only wait for the next time and continue to try!

Then Yuan Chen tried to modify the previous continents that received garbage, and soon confirmed Yuan Chen's idea... Fuck, it can't be changed at all. It seems that the people who received garbage without spending experience points are fundamental It is impossible!
Yuan Chen: Brother Dao, let me ask you something!

Sword Art Online Dimension: The group owner has something to say. I didn’t expect the group owner to guess my real dimension so quickly just after receiving my garbage once. I admire the big sword!
Yuan Chen: I want to ask, is there a vortex that came to the earth 20 years ago and absorbed the people of the earth into the vortex!

Sword Art Online Dimension: Ah, um...my big sword is already hungry and thirsty!

Yuan Chen: What do you mean?
Yuan Chen didn't know what the words of Sword Art Online Dimension meant, so Yuan Chen sent it again, but didn't get any response!

Yuan Chen: Brother Dao... Big Dao... Dao Boy... Dead Dao, come out quickly, or I will kick you!

Continent One: The group leader, please don’t embarrass him. We can’t casually discuss things about Uzumaki, but I can tell the group leader that Uzumaki has its own reasons for doing so, so the group leader shouldn’t be too fussy. up!

The answer to Yuan Chen was not the dimension of Sword Art Online, but Continent No. [-]. It seems that it is not unreasonable for him to be ranked No. [-]. He dared to say things that others dare not say. It seems that his strength is extraordinary!

Yuan Chen: This matter is related to my friend. I wonder if Brother No. [-] can reveal something?

Seeing that Continent One dared to say something to him, Yuan Chen asked tentatively, without much hope, why?Because generally speaking, when you don't have much hope, you often have more hope, so Yuan Chen didn't have much hope!

Continental One: Sorry, no comment!
"I'll go, why don't you play cards according to the routine!" Yuan Chen was speechless, shouldn't he help himself desperately for the sake of helping his friends so hard?This is not scientific!

Then Yuan Chen asked a few more questions in the management group of Three Thousand Worlds, but no one was bubbling, so Yuan Chen had to give up. It seems that this matter is not that simple, Yuan Chen also frowned, After that, I reluctantly quit the chat group!

Yuan Chen originally thought that this matter would be easy to handle, but he didn't expect it to be so complicated, so Yuan Chen planned to call Luo Jin first, but after thinking about it, forget it... Yuan Chen doesn't have Luo Jin at all. Rowling's phone number is only from Rowling, but Yuan Chen feels that it is better not to tell Rowling about this matter!
Yuan Chen sat on the sofa in a daze, wondering what happened 20 years ago. The manager of Sword Art Online Dimension was obviously a little apprehensive when he talked about it just now, ah no, very apprehensive, and that Although Continent One is not as fearful as Sword Art Online Dimension, he seems to be a little jealous!

Recalling the conversation just now, Yuan Chen checked the chat records again, because the communication tools used in different dimensions are different, so this group did not withdraw such things, so those chat records still exist!
But Yuan Chen was surprised when he opened the chat history, because he found a problem, the sentence in the Sword Art Online dimension, my big sword is already hungry and thirsty, it is in a game on the earth, how can this person from another dimension will know?

Well, the point seems to be wrong!
While flipping through the chat records, Yuan Chen saw what Continent One said: Whirlpool naturally has its reasons for doing this!

What exactly does this sentence mean? Yuan Chen was a little anxious because he was eager to know what happened 20 years ago, but now he looked back carefully and found a problem. This vortex actually has its own thinking!
Before Yuan Chen always believed that the vortex was unconscious and random, sometimes it appeared suddenly, sometimes it disappeared, these were irregular, so Yuan Chen didn't think much about it, but now it's different up!

If the vortex is conscious, not random, then it is not random to be sucked into the vortex and become a cleaner, but to be selected, that is to say, the matter of Rowling's mother, and the matter of Lin Qi's being brought into this world , and even the matter of the ancestors of the Luo family hundreds of years ago, they were all manipulated by someone!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen suddenly thought of the two people he met when he was sucked into the vortex!
(End of this chapter)

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