Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 201 Really Whitening

Chapter 201 Really Whitening

Following Huo Moyu upstairs, Yuan Chen didn't say much. When he came to an office on the seventh floor, Huo Moyu knocked on the door, and a female voice came from inside. The voice should be young!
Hearing voices coming from inside, Huo Yumo pushed open the door and brought Yuan Chen into the office. The office was quite spacious. Inside the office was a young woman sitting behind the desk who seemed to be busy with something!
"President Yan, what are you still busy with?" After entering the room, Huo Moyu said, but the tone of his words was not really talking to a company president, but a kind of teasing tone!
The young woman raised her head when she heard someone talking to her like this, and when she saw that it was Huo Moyu, a smile appeared on her face, which made Yuan Chen, who was standing behind Huo Moyu, dumbfounded , this woman doesn't look too old, she looks just like Huo Moyu!

"Mo Yu, I thought it was the clumsy guy in the company who dared to talk to me like that. See if I don't fire him, he's still the kind of mess!" The young woman stood up from behind the desk, tugged her skirt, Then he came over and said as he walked!
"Who in Xiaoshi's management would dare to talk to you like that!" Huo Moyu also said with a smile, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is very good, and it's not just a good one, it's a very good, very good, um , is very good!

"Why did you come here so early? Is this your boyfriend?" The young woman didn't shy away and asked directly!
"Uh, no, this is the friend I told you before who wants to cooperate with you on cosmetics!" Huo Moyu was a little speechless, why is this person the same as Yuan Chen, uh, why should I say the same?

"He? Mo Yu, are you sure?" The young woman sized Yuan Chen up, obviously not convinced, why?Because Yuan Chen is a man, although she doesn't know whether it is in her heart, but it is obvious that she is a man physically!
It's not that she looks down on Yuan Chen, the main reason is that she thinks it's impossible for a man to use cosmetics, even if he understands it, he only knows a little bit about it, it's impossible to fully understand cosmetics, and Yuan Chen is not a person who has used cosmetics , so... well, she just looked down on Yuan Chen, how could a person with such casual clothes and such low taste understand cosmetics!

"Uh, yes, I'm sure!" Huo Moyu was a little speechless, could you be more tactful, "This is my friend Yuan Chen, who is also the president of Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. Now he can be regarded as my boss!"

Huo Moyu introduced Yuan Chen to the young woman, but when he said the next sentence, there was a curve at the corner of his mouth that Yuan Chen couldn't understand!
"Hantan Fishery? I heard that you are the president of Hantan Fishery. I didn't expect that Hantan Whitefish is so delicious and has beauty effects!" Hearing Huo Moyu's acceptance, the young woman's eyes lit up. , asked!
"Uh..." Yuan Chen was speechless. When did I say that the white fish in the cold pool has a beauty effect? ​​Is this still a fish?

"Uh, Yuan Chen, this is the president of Shishi Cosmetics, Yan Shishi!" Huo Moyu was also a little speechless, why are all the friends around him so virtuous!

"Hello, Mr. Yan!" Yuan Chen still greeted out of politeness. He did not expect that the woman in front of him, who was about the same age as him, was the president of Shishi Cosmetics. He thought that the president of this company should be a 50 What about my aunt who is [-] years old, I didn't expect to be so young!

"You are Mo Yu's friend, everyone is a friend, don't be too stranger, just call me Shishi, of course, I don't mind if you call me Sister Shi, although it sounds a little old, but I still enjoy it Yes!" Yan Shishi continued, and she also looked Yuan Chen up and down!
"Uh, then I'll call you Shishi!" Yuan Chen was speechless. Is this person really reliable?
Yuan Chen gave Huo Moyu a look, and Huo Moyu shook his head helplessly. Her friend used to have this personality, so she expressed her helplessness!
Seeing Huo Moyu shaking his head, Yuan Chen understood... Is this person really unreliable?

Huo Moyu vomited blood, sure enough, these two people are not very reliable, no, it's not normal, how could I have such a friend!
"Speaking of Yumo, why did you go to sell fish? I asked you to come to the company to help me before and you didn't come. Could it be that eating Hantan white fish can really improve your beauty?" Seeing Yuan Chen's expression, the man was a little speechless. Also changed the topic a bit, but... this topic makes the atmosphere even more awkward, okay?Are you sure you are the president of this cosmetics company?
"Uh, I'm not going to sell fish, I'm going to research fish, and I'm still working on my graduation thesis?" Huo Moyu didn't want to say anything more: "This time it's mainly about Yuan Chen wanting to cooperate with you on cosmetics. Don't you want to talk first?"

"Ah, yes, by the way, what kind of cosmetics do you want to talk to me about? Do you have any samples? I'll take them over and try them out. I'll contact you if there are any results in a few days." Apparently, Yan Shishi was not interested in cooperating with a man on cosmetics. But because she is a friend of her own friend, she is not so easy to refuse, so she found a reason and said!
"No need, what I want to cooperate with you is a whitening cosmetic!" Yuan Chen said: "This cosmetic is different from other whitening cosmetics, because it can whiten!"

"Pfft!" Huo Moyu didn't expect Yuan Chen to say that, almost burst out laughing at the water he just drank!
"Haha, Mo Yu, your friend is talking about cross talk, what kind of whitening cosmetics can't whiten?" Yan Shishi also laughed out loud, seeing that Yuan Chen is much more pleasing to the eye, and she couldn't invite her because Yuan Chen found her. Huo Moyu felt a little angry in his heart, but now it's gone!
"Uh, what are you laughing at? It's really whitening!" Yuan Chen was speechless. Is it necessary for these two people to do this?To be honest, is it necessary to laugh like this?
"Hey, hey, Yuan Chen, this stalk will get old after the second use, don't laugh!" Yan Shishi looked at Yuan Chen and said!

Yuan Chen is speechless, who told you a joke, I'm here to talk about cooperation, okay?And this sentence is not so funny, your point of laughter is too low!
"Can you trust me, lend me your hand?" Yuan Chen had no choice but to take out half a pack of white powder... er, white powder from his pocket, and asked Huo Moyu, who was smiling and looking at him, !

Huo Moyu was still smiling, and then shook his head in Yuan Chen's expectant eyes!

Yuan Chen vomited blood!

"Haha, Mo Yu doesn't even believe you, but Miss Ben believes you, evildoer, use whatever magic weapon you have!" Seeing Huo Moyu shaking her head, Yan Shishi laughed even more, and directly stretched out her hand and said!

Yuan Chen was speechless, directly took Yan Shishi's hand, and then poured a little powder on her hand, and spread it evenly!

Now the two didn't laugh, they watched Yuan Chen smear carefully, after Yuan Chen finished smearing, both of them were stunned, and they uttered a swear word at the same time!
"I'm stupid, it really can whiten me!"

 I haven’t watched it before, thank you Mr. Kidd for tipping me 1888, in fact, the little zombie also likes Mr. Kidd very much, um, Kidd from Conan!
(End of this chapter)

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