Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 205 QQ Emoticon

Chapter 205 QQ Emoticon
"What should I do?" Yuan Chen looked at the bed that was wet by himself, and said helplessly, he swore that he really didn't do it on purpose, but there is nothing he can do now, because it is already wet or wet, and there is nothing he can do now dry it!

"Uh, how did you fix it?" Huo Moyu looked at the faucet that was still spraying water, and was a little speechless. No one could repair the faucet like this!

"Hey, it's like this when you use too much force at this moment!" Yuan Chen is also a little embarrassed, but fortunately this is his own faucet, if it is someone else's faucet, it will be embarrassing!
"Don't you have another bed here?" Huo Moyu looked at the bed that was already impossible to sleep on, because both the sheets and the quilt and pillows were already wet!

"No more, I bought this when my sister came to live, and the house is gone, so you can stay in my room tonight, and I will go to the sofa in the living room for the night!" Yuan Chen can only do this now. Having said that, in fact, what he desires more is for the two of them to sleep together!
"Isn't there still the handsome Lin Qi? You can go to him for a night, right!" Huo Moyu thought of the cold handsome guy Yuan Chen introduced to them today!
"Uh, forget it, I'll sleep in the lobby, he has a problem with his orientation!" Yuan Chen said helplessly, and now he can only betray you, don't blame brother!

"It seems to be like this!" Huo Moyu recalled that Lin Qi's attitude towards him was very cold during the day. No matter how you say, she is not a bad beauty. The little boy ignored it like that, hurt his self-esteem, now looking back, it is really possible that there is a problem with his orientation!

"That's right, that's right!" Yuan Chen nodded quickly, asking if Mo Yu felt the same way, could it be that there is something wrong with Lin Qi's orientation, not a fake one!

"Alright then, since you can't go to sleep in his room, let's... change the room tonight. I'll sleep in your room, and you move the sofa in the living room in. There are many mosquitoes outside!"

The first half of Huo Moyu's sentence raised Yuan Chen's hopes, but the second half of his sentence instantly extinguished his hope!

"Ahem, no need, I'll be fine in the living room for one night. I made this place like this, so you can go to sleep in my room. Don't have any psychological burden, don't be embarrassed!" Yuan Chen quickly said, there was a longing in his heart: Can't you hesitate?

Sure enough, Huo Moyu hesitated for a while, not knowing whether Yuan Chen's prayer came true or what the reason was!
"Well, well, since you have said this, then you should go to bed early, I will go back to the room first!" Then he turned and left the room, and when he left, he did not forget to remind Yuan Chen to order some mugwort leaves later. Bitten by a mosquito!

Helpless, Yuan Chen had no choice but to carry a pillow that was lucky enough to escape to the sofa downstairs. It seemed that he would really spend the night on this sofa tonight. If he had known, he would have bought a few more beds. In such a big villa, you actually need to sleep on the sofa!
"Yes, I must buy a few beds tomorrow!"

Yuan Chen was bored lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone. Since there was no beautiful woman to accompany him, the only thing he could rely on was the claw machine. After reading the novel for a while, Yuan Chen felt that he was not interested and turned it off. He habitually opened QQ chat page, because the three thousand worlds are all in the same QQ group now, so there is no need to pay attention to the dynamics of each continent now!

After looking at it, there is no one talking in the group now, and no one is sending out red envelopes. Yuan Chen feels bored, so he wants to chat with someone, but he doesn't know who to talk to, so he has to go to the management group of the Three Thousand Worlds to see if he can get it. Which continent do you come from, talk about life, talk about ideals and so on!

Randomly clicked on the management group of Three Thousand Worlds, this time Yuan Chen did not use the old tricks he had been using before to bombard those diving mainland managers, but clicked on the smiling face at the bottom, which is the emoticon pack!

Clicking on it, Yuan Chen was stunned for a moment, then exited the chat interface, re-entered, then exited again, and then entered again. This was done several times, Jiuqian...uh, after many times, Yuan Chen He restarted the phone directly, but when the phone turned on and entered it, Yuan Chen was still stunned!
There is no other reason, because when he just clicked on the group emoticons, there were only three emoticons in it, one lightning, one sun, and one knocking emoticon!

Yuan Chen is familiar with these emoticons, because these are the emoticons already on QQ, but there shouldn’t be only these few emoticons. Yuan Chen remembers that there are many QQ emoticons, but now there are only these three. Yuan Chen thought it was because his mobile phone was broken or the network card was broken, but now it seems that it is not, because there are still so many emoticons in other groups, only this three thousand world management group only has these three emoticons ah!

"It doesn't matter, let's try it!" Yuan Chen said. He suddenly remembered that when he upgraded the QQ version, he seemed to have seen the upgraded functions. One of them was to unlock QQ emoticons. At that time, Yuan Chen's mind was completely focused on the red envelope. The function is up, how can I pay attention to these little expressions!

Now it seems that these expressions are not simple, so Yuan Chen also decided to play with them, maybe something unexpected will happen!

It has always been Yuan Chen's principle to think of what to do, so he directly clicked on the emoji of the sun, because it ranked first, a little ahead of lightning and knocking, so Yuan Chen also clicked directly. it!

System prompt: Which member is the emoticon sun used on?

When Yuan Chen just clicked on it, a system prompt popped up. Yuan Chen was a little confused by this prompt, but Yuan still clicked on one of the continents according to the above prompt. It was the 810th and 1818th continent. There is no other reason for choosing this continent, because it is exactly [-] words to write here!
After clicking it, I received a system notification that the sun emoji was sent successfully, and then Yuan Chen waited, but after waiting for several minutes, there was no response. Yuan Chen frowned, and then clicked a sun emoji again , the system prompt still pops up!

So Yuan Chen sent the emojis to Continent 810 [-] again, but there was still no response, so Yuan Chen continued to send several emojis in a row, counted them, and sent a total of nine sun emojis, but there But there was no response at all!
"Not online?" Yuan Chen said, it seems that there is nothing special about these expressions, Yuan Chen closed the QQ group chat interface in boredom, and just when he quit, the 810 Continent in the group finally appeared. Got a reaction!

810 Continent [-]: Group leader, please stop posting!

(End of this chapter)

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