Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 208 Chen Jiayuan Calls

Chapter 208 Chen Jiayuan Calls

"Hey, you're still playing dumb, aren't you?" Yuan Chen was speechless. This girl usually looks honest, but she can tell nonsense anyway. She just made a bet, but she forgot it so quickly, no matter what you believe. I don't believe it, I don't believe it anyway!

But Yuan Chen can't help it, the girls don't admit it anymore, what else can I do, I can't force it, uh, it seems that it's not impossible, ahem, let's forget it, Yuan Chen also thinks of this It can only be speechless, and in the end it can only lie down speechless!
"Brother Yuan Chen, don't you want to turn off the lights?" Huo Moyu asked, sticking his head out from under the quilt!

"Uh, okay, I'll turn off the lights!" Yuan Chen was taken aback, and turned off the lights in the room!

"Brother Yuan Chen!"

"Ah!" Yuan Chen heard Huo Moyu call him again, what else is there? Seeing that Huo Moyu didn't speak, Yuan Chen turned his head away, and then felt a touch of softness on his lips, just a light touch. leave!

"Sleep!" Huo Yumo said, burying her head in the quilt. Although the lights are dark now, she can still feel her blushing!

"Woooo, you took my first kiss away!" Yuan Chen was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said, this guy is just nonsense, he's a good guy who got cheap!
"It's my first kiss too!" Huo Moyu's inaudible voice came from the room!
"Uh, is that so? That...sleep sleep!" Yuan Chen said, this is very embarrassing!

After a peaceful night, Huo Moyu was no longer in bed when he opened his eyes the next day, recalling the scene of last night... well, there is nothing to recall, Yuan Chen just turned over and got up!

Coming to the living room, Yuan Chen saw that Huo Yumo was really wiping the place that was wet with honey water last night!
"Get up, Brother Yuan Chen!" Seeing Yuan Chen coming out, Huo Moyu greeted Yuan Chen first, as if he had completely forgotten everything about last night, which avoided a lot of embarrassment!
"Well, why are you so early!" Yuan Chen said, he was fine, since he slept till now, he was also a guest after all, yet he got up so early to pack his things!
"I'm used to sleeping alone, I can't sleep with too many people!" Huo Moyu said casually!
Yuan Chen didn't know what to say, so he could only prepare breakfast. After several people ate, Yuan Chen sent Huo Moyu back to the company in the countryside. Now Huo Moyu already knew that he was the president of Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. , There is nothing to hide!

So after sending Huo Moyu back to the company, Yuan Chen went directly to Tao Qiong's office to inquire about the progress of the new company. When he entered Tao Qiong's office, he found that Huang Wei happened to be here too!
"Mr. Yuan, you are here!" Tao Qiong was Yuan Chen's employee when he was in the company, so he also called Mr. Yuan Chen Yuan, but he was more casual in private!
"Well, what's going on with the new company recently?" Yuan Chen asked straight to the point. Now this matter is more urgent. It is related to whether Yuan Chen can see the legendary virtual reality helmet one day earlier!

"It's going well, the company's new building has already started construction, and I'm also starting to recruit people, and Huang Wei is working on the technical staff, so I'm not sure!" Tao Qiong replied first, the building is different from ordinary employees. She is in charge of the matter, and Huang Wei is in charge of the technical staff, she is not very clear about it!

"Well, here are the technical staff. I have already found five people with good skills. Some of them have just returned to China, some have just graduated, and some of them have closed down their companies, so I recruited them. The one who just graduated has high skills, and the country can cultivate such talents, which is much better than before!" Huang Wei said!
He was studying in a foreign country before, and he also worked in a foreign technology company after graduation. He only came back here recently, so he is not very clear about domestic education. It seems that this recruitment has also opened his eyes, so now he is interested in The domestic education level is also very praiseworthy!
"That's for sure. The country has developed very fast in the past few years, but the students are so good, so there is no problem?" Yuan Chen nodded. Although the current level of science and technology education in China is very high, why don't the excellent students educated by themselves Use, isn't this a waste?

"Well, I also asked. The student said that he doesn't like too restrictive, but likes this kind of private company research, so he looks for it outside. He has interviewed many companies before, but those companies are also Because of this problem, he was not hired, which made him feel very distressed!" Huang Wei recalled the interview scene that day, and also smiled, and he didn't quite believe that such a good technology actually came to apply for these small companies!

"Well, fine, you can do it as you see, this matter is directly handed over to you, I'll just ask!" Yuan Chen nodded, since he let Huang Wei take full responsibility for this matter, he also Just completely believe in his ability, and it is Yuan Chen's principle not to be suspicious of others!
"Thank you Mr. Yuan for believing in me. I will definitely finish it well!" Huang Wei originally thought Yuan Chen would say something, but he left it to him without asking anything. This is his trust in himself. What else can such a boss say, do a good job!

And Huang Wei also admired Yuan Chen because of this trivial incident. No wonder Tao Qiong is so powerful that he is willing to be a manager of Mr. Yuan's Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. Before, he wondered if Yuan Chen used some means, but now He really convinced the young man in front of him!
"Then how much research expenses do you need to invest in the early stage?" Yuan Chen said, generally researching technology is a waste of money, so he has to be prepared, otherwise if it costs too much at once, he will not be able to afford it. Come out!

"I calculated it before, and it will cost about 1000 million in the early stage!" Huang Wei had considered this question a long time ago, so he answered it immediately when Yuan Chen asked!

"How about it, can Hantan Fishery draw out so much?" Yuan Chen didn't answer, but just looked at Tao Qiong, because Tao Qiong knew the accounts of his company better than himself, so what's the use of it?

"Maybe not so much, because the building was going to start over there before, and it cost a lot of money!" Tao Qiong said after thinking about it!
"How much can you take out?" Yuan Chen frowned, unexpectedly, it was really not enough!
"Probably 800 million yuan can be withdrawn. After all, Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. has to operate!" Tao Qiong reported a relatively conservative figure!

"What do you think?" Yuan Chen asked Huang Wei this time!
"Okay, 800 million can be forced!" Huang Wei thought for a while and replied!

"In that case, then..."

When Yuan Chen said this, his phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Chen Jiayuan. She hadn't contacted her for a long time, and she was busy with her graduation thesis. She called at this time, could it be...

(End of this chapter)

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