Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 212 Investing

Chapter 212 Investing
Hearing Yuan Chen's reaction, and seeing Yuan Chen's stunned expression, Chen Jiayuan laughed, making you squeamish before, look, now you are scared stupid, and said that you want to provide funds, so stop talking now, Seeing Yuan Chen's embarrassing appearance, Chen Jiayuan is very cool, this kind of coolness is different from that kind of coolness, ahem!
"Do you really want so much?" Yuan Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked!

"Well, yes, I have investigated before, it is so much, this is still a conservative estimate, maybe there will be more by then?" Chen Jiayuan nodded, she was stupid for a long time when she saw this number before, if I have this money, so I don't have to run to borrow money!
But she doesn't expect Yuan Chen to lend her so much money. As long as she can lend her 20 yuan, she can start. She believes that as long as she gives herself a little more time, she will be able to create her own clothing brand. Chen Jiayuan What is lacking is not courage, but funds!

"I voted for the 100 million!" Yuan Chen was happy. The final result of the co-author was 100 million. I thought how much it would be before. After all, I am not familiar with this industry... Well, I am very unfamiliar, I thought How much money to invest, I can't help but regret that I have spoken too much!

But when Chen Jiayuan said that he wanted 100 million, he was stunned, yes, he was stunned, but not because the amount was too big, but because the amount was too small, not to mention that Yuan Chen now has a cold pool Fishing, even if you pay for it yourself, it is definitely more than this amount!
"Uh, you voted? Yuan Chen, don't make trouble!" Chen Jiayuan knew that Yuan Chen was rich, but it shouldn't be much. She knew that Yuan Chen's villa was very expensive, at least a few million. His car, Chen Jiayuan knew The price is 500 million, that is to say, Yuan Chen's net worth is about 1000 million, but those are not liquid funds. Even if Yuan Chen still has some money, it will be hundreds of thousands at most. This is Chen Jiayuan borrowing 50 from him. s reason!
Although she knew that when Yuan Chen bought a villa and a car, she complained a little about Yuan Chen's reckless spending of money. That's not how money is spent. It's almost 1000 million, even if the money doesn't belong to Chen Jiayuan, but she thinks It hurts to think about it!

So now that Yuan Chen said that he wanted to invest 100 million, Chen Jiayuan thought he was joking. She also knew that Yuan Chen hadn't gone to work recently. It must be because she was fired from the same job as herself. It should be relying on opening a restaurant with a friend or something. She has made some money, and now she can be so leisurely. If she wants to help herself, Yuan Chen will definitely sell the car for 100 million, so she doesn't want it!

"Yes, not only do I want to invest, I also want to invest 300 million yuan to create a top brand!" Yuan Chen said leisurely after taking a sip of tea!

"Uh, Yuan Chen, you don't have a fever, do you?" Chen Jiayuan said, Yuan Chen is still joking with herself at this moment!

"No, I'll just invest 300 million yuan!" Yuan Chen nodded and said with certainty, 300 million yuan may have seemed like an astronomical figure before, but it really doesn't make much sense to Yuan Chen now!

"You don't really want to sell the car, do you? Don't, your car is expensive, but it's not worth that much now, and who would spend so much money on a luxury car? Rich people are not bad That 200 million, whoever has no money will buy it!" Chen Jiayuan thought Yuan Chen was going to sell the car, so she hurriedly persuaded her!
"Ah, who said I want to sell the car?" Yuan Chen was stunned again, he didn't seem to say that he wanted to sell the car, the car drove well, why did he sell it?
"Huh, so you're teasing me. I'm still pretending to stop you now, and I'll take the money and leave when your car is sold!" Chen Jiayuan patted her chest and breathed out. Fortunately, Yuan Chen didn't want to sell the car. Just made a joke with myself, so she made a joke too!

"Who said I was joking with you, Lao Chen, don't you know me yet?" Yuan Chen shook his head. Why does Chen Jiayuan distrust herself so much? Is she like the kind of child who can lie? Lies were taken to the flag-raising platform by the teacher to "praise", but that was all in elementary school. Well, later on, I lied to you in junior high school, but it was April Fool's Day, ahem, well, you should have done that in high school. Forget it!

"Uh, yeah, I really know you too well!" Chen Jiayuan said with a smile, but why is that smile so weird, half a smile, don't look at me like this, panicked, well, you really don't know Not forgotten!

"This matter really does not lie to you!" Yuan Chen said, how could this Chen Jiayuan be so suspicious?
"Co-authors often lied to me before?" Chen Jiayuan asked with a smirk!
"Uh..." Yuan Chen was speechless, so he could only take out his phone, press it a few times, and hand it to Chen Jiayuan to see!

"Uh, this is..." This time it was Chen Jiayuan's turn to be stunned. What is it, did she read it correctly?
"What do you think this is?" Yuan Chen said amusedly, what Chen Jiayuan was showing must be her own bank account, otherwise Chen Jiayuan wouldn't know that she really has this ability, and dare to doubt a man's ability, hehe, Although my mother told me to keep a low profile, but now I have no other choice...

Well, this pretense is so cool, it’s really exciting to slap me in the face, I’m like the protagonist in the novel, I pretend to be slapped in the face, and it’s a lesbian face, it’s very exciting... ...Well, no, no feeling at all!

"Ten million...Yuan Chen, why are you so rich?" Chen Jiayuan counted, there were too many numbers on it, but she counted, here is tens of millions, although the number at the beginning is 1 but The second place is 9, which means that Yuan Chen has nearly 2000 million in his account!

"Didn't I tell you? I'm in business!" Yuan Chen could only make up nonsense. In fact, this is not a nonsense, because he really made so much money through doing business. Xuanlou's dividends, and some things he sold before, add up to so much!

After the establishment of Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd., most of those funds were used in the internal capital operation of Hantan Fishery Company. Yuan Chen did not get any money, but this does not mean that Hantan Fishery did not make money. On the contrary, Hantan Fishery has made a lot of money, so now there are so many funds to establish Future Technology Research Co., Ltd.!

As for Chen Jiayuan's investment, Yuan Chen wanted to use his own name to invest. Anyway, he didn't lack the 300 million. Being rich is self-willed!
"Uh, do you really want to invest in my clothing brand?" Chen Jiayuan still didn't believe it. Although she now believed that Yuan Chen had the money, was he really willing to invest?Risky boo!

"As long as you dare to do it, I will dare to invest!" Yuan Chen laughed!
"Okay, if there is anything you dare not do, the brand is the brand!" Chen Jiayuan hesitated for a moment, but said firmly!
(End of this chapter)

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