Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 217 Conjecture on Continent 5

Chapter 217 Conjecture on Continent [-]

But it is true to say so, but now Yuan Chen has some regrets, because this kind of thing that can improve spiritual power, no matter how much Yuan Chen has, he will not be too much, not to mention that there are not many now, only two One is the milky white bead that Yuan Chen is holding now, and the other one was sold by Yuan Chen for just over 100 million!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen couldn't help but feel very heartbroken, because although the jade is much smaller than the current bead, it is also something that can improve spiritual power, not to mention more than 100 million, even if it is more than 1000 million Yuan Chen is not worth it. It will be sold, but having said that, money will be needed at that time, and Chen Jiayuan is still lying on the hospital bed, even if it happens again, Yuan Chen will choose to sell without hesitation!
"Hey, there are times in life, and there is always time in life, so don't force it!" Yuan Chen sighed, and it was impossible for him to get the jade back now, because Yuan Chen knew that it was impossible for the old man to sell the jade. , because at that time Yuan Chen could see how much the old man liked that suet jade!
Holding the white jade beads, Yuan Chen sat on the sofa and closed his eyes, slightly feeling the increasing mental strength, Yuan Chen's heart was bleeding continuously, if he knew that the white jade was so good, he would not have bought it back then, Sell ​​the small-leaf red sandalwood, and make up some more to cover the medical expenses!

Now that Yuan Chen has cultivated spiritual power, he knows how difficult it is to cultivate spiritual power, so he knows how cheating this white jade bead is. This can no longer be simply described as cheating. At that time, it was clear that wearing that little jade could restore fatigue, that is to restore mental strength, why didn't I think of it, how could I be so stupid, myself...well, I didn't understand mental strength at that time!

However, this phenomenon is obviously not limited to the small piece of white jade and the white jade bead in his hand now. Now that Yuan Chen thinks back, those ginsengs are also recovering their spiritual power. Now Yuan Chen's heart is bleeding even more. I only ate two ginsengs, why, the remaining half went into the stomach of that stupid little Jiji!

Yuan Chen can't wait to eat little Jiji now, but luckily Yuan Chen doesn't eat dog meat. Looking back now, that stupid dog didn't become so smart because of the ginseng supplement. Obviously, the injury on his body was also due to the spirit It is only slowly recovering after recovering physical strength. Obviously, becoming so smart is also due to the improvement of mental strength!

It is also because of the improvement of mental power that Yuan Chen's mind has become more and more bright, and his sixth sense, commonly known as intuition, has become more and more accurate. This is all due to the improvement of mental power!

But having said that, now Yuan Chen is becoming more and more curious about Continent [-]. What kind of continent is that? Not only does the white jade produced have the effect of restoring mental power, but also the effect of increasing mental power, even ginseng is also It has the effect of restoring mental strength, what kind of continent is this, Yuan Chen is very curious!
Thinking back a little on the novels I have read, what is there in the world of novels dominated by spiritual power?Could it be the anime world?Or maybe the game world?

"Oh..." Thinking of this, Yuan Chen slapped his thigh, and suddenly cried out. With this spiritual power, the world dominated by spiritual power, the answer is ready to come out. Isn't that the fifth continent?Damn, why didn't I write it down, how could I not think of such an obvious thing!
Ok!Stop talking!

After pondering over and over again, Yuan Chen still can't think of such a continent, or a certain place in which continent has such a thing. Yuan Chen doesn't know, so Yuan Chen doesn't think about it, he should let himself know Yes, I will let myself know sooner or later!

Just like the white jade beads in my hands now, I didn't notice it at all before, and I didn't notice it when I was cleaning the room, but now because Chen Jiayuan came directly to my hometown, I saw it, this is fate !
Yuan Chen knew that if he had discovered this white jade bead before, he would have sold it without hesitation, because at that time, 150 million was obviously a sky-high price for him, but now for him, That's just a small amount of money. Just now, Yuan Chen invested 300 million directly to Chen Jiayuan!
But even though Yuan Chen said it was an investment, it was mainly because of Chen Jiayuan's dignity. Lao Chen was a person with a lot of self-esteem since he was a child. I still remember when he was young, Lao Chen went to make soy sauce. The boss of the soy sauce shop... well, I know everyone I don't like to hear it, so I won't talk about it. Anyway, since that incident, everyone knows that Lao Chen is a girl with strong self-esteem!
That's why Yuan Chen proposed his investment in order not to hurt Lao Chen's self-esteem. Otherwise, Yuan Chen really didn't take the 300 million yuan to heart. This is a change in mentality. It's different, if Yuan Chen gave 300 yuan before he was rich, his heart would start to bleed, but now that he has given 300 million, his heart is also bleeding, old Chen, don't lose money!

Some people say that this mentality has not changed?This is wrong, although he is also dripping blood, but Yuan Chen's mentality has really changed. The previous self would definitely not spend 300 million to invest in others, well, he couldn't spend 300 million at that time !
Let's go back to the white jade bead in Yuan Chen's hand, we have already said above... this style is not much!

Now Yuan Chen really wants to redeem the mutton fat jade that was sold before, even if he paid more than half the price, Yuan Chen would not frown, because it is something that can enhance his spiritual power, this For Yuan Chen, this kind of thing is a priceless treasure!
And at this time, Song Wei called back. Yuan Chen called him when he was looking for a fashion designer, but he didn't answer. Now he probably finished his work, so he called Yuan Chen back!
"Yuan Chen, what's the matter, just turned the phone to silent during a meeting!" Song Wei on the other end of the phone said, he is also the boss of a small company, very busy!

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, do you know the designer!" Yuan Chen said, since Chen Jiayuan agreed, Yuan Chen will also do it, even if it can't be done, it doesn't matter!

"I know you!" Song Wei replied without thinking about it!
"Do you really know each other? Introduce one to me!" Yuan Chen said, he was just asking casually, but the other party actually knew, and sure enough, the brother is still very reliable!
"I'll give you his phone number, you can contact him directly, the phone number is 15012345678!" Song Wei read out the number casually!

"Damn it, you actually memorized the phone number. Tell me honestly, are you a little-lover? Wait, wait a minute. Isn't this my phone number?" Yuan Chen originally wanted to tease her. I didn't expect it to be easy to read, isn't this my own number?
"Hey, isn't it? Didn't you, me, and Liu Ke all pass the designer certificate?" Song Wei laughed. Although they didn't take the designer certificate, they did. It can be regarded as half a designer!

"Damn it again, labor and management want a fashion designer!"

 This week, thank you for the time lapse cg, Hua Xiaofeng Wuchen, Wei Xiaoq, "Looking for it in the crowd", better than God, Xingyue Mythology V5, Qiongqiong Mao, fengyu12138 for the reward, thank you, everyone can also guess Guess which continent No. [-] is, the continent of spiritual power, guess what novel it is?
(End of this chapter)

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