Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 220 Experience Life

Chapter 220 Experience Life
"Yuan Chen, you are so bad!" Gao Enxing raised his head and said to Yuan Chen after putting away his documents. Before, he was in a hurry and showed the documents directly to Yuan Chen. Everyone knows how much a passport photo is. Looks good", so Yuan Chen said that real people still look good, and Gao Enxing realized it!

"You want to show it to me, okay? But then again, are you really a senior fashion designer?" Yuan Chen was very curious. Although he had seen Gao Enxing's beautiful certificate, he still didn't quite believe her. It will be a fashion designer, or a senior one. Yuan Chen remembers that when she first met her, she was a shop assistant, okay? How long has it been before she became a senior designer!

"I told you, that's experiencing life!" Gao Enxing only recovered at this time, and then started eating again!
"Hey, I really don't understand you people, you can make a lot of money, why do you come here to experience life?" Yuan Chen shook his head and said, he thought that only TV and novels can experience life, but he didn't expect that there is such a thing in reality people!

"No way, my dad asked me to come here. He said that only by truly understanding the needs of customers can we design good clothes!" Gao Enxing said!

"That's right, is your dad also a fashion designer? What he said makes sense!" Yuan Chen asked. It seems that people who can educate their daughters like this are not ordinary parents!

"Almost!" Gao Enxing's answer this time was a bit ambiguous!
Seeing what Gao Enxing said, Yuan Chen didn't say anything more, presumably Gao Enxing's parents are not ordinary people, otherwise Gao Enxing would not hide it!

"By the way, have you found a job yourself?" Seeing what he said, Yuan Chen had nothing to say, Gao Enxing was also a little embarrassed, and suddenly thought that Yuan Chen went to the store to buy clothes before, probably to apply for a job, and it seems that he didn't apply last time Success, now do not know how!

"Ah? My job?" Yuan Chen was taken aback. When did he find a job? It was almost a year ago. Now he still needs to find a job!

"Yes, didn't you buy a suit in the store to apply for a job last time? You failed last time. You should have found a job after so long!" Gao Enxing nodded. She has been too busy during this time, but she will I forgot about it until now!
"Oh, you mean the last time? Didn't find it!" Yuan Chen groaned, obviously remembering what happened last time. The last time was because he had a meeting, so he bought a suit to pretend he was in good health...cough Cough, it was simply pretending, and that was the first time Yuan Chen appeared in front of everyone as the person in charge of Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd.!
"No, are you really that bad?" Gao Enxing was speechless, how long has passed, and he has already experienced life, Yuan Chen has not found a job yet, he can't be really that bad, see It doesn't look like it, why don't you ask your father to arrange a job for him!

"I'm sure I'm not bad, it's because I'm too perfect that I can't find a job!" Yuan Chen said, Gao Enxing was very curious, what kind of material is this guy's face, so thick!

"Ahem, I'm Yuan Chen's face, I'm lost, Yuan Chen, do you still want face?" Gao Enxing was speechless, why didn't he realize that this guy had such a thick skin before!
"Okay, let me tell you a secret!" Seeing that Gao Enxing didn't believe it, Yuan Chen deliberately lowered his voice and said mysteriously!
"What a secret!" Obviously, every girl has a heart for gossip, it's just a matter of severity, so Gao Enxing came over curiously!

"Actually, I am the president of the company, and I also came down to experience life!" Yuan Chen whispered mysteriously!

"Cut, Yuan Chen, you hate it!" Gao Enxing thought that Yuan Chen still didn't believe what she said before, so when she heard Yuan Chen's words, she subconsciously said, but what she said seemed to be coquettish , Yuan Chen got goosebumps all over his body!
"What I said is true!" Yuan Chen continued, although he didn't come down to experience the life of poor people, because Yuan Chen didn't live very rich in the past 20 years, although he didn't dare to say anything about the poor. The days have passed by themselves, but some hardships still appear from time to time!

The situation of Yuan Chen and Gao Enxing is different. After listening to Gao Enxing's words before, Yuan Chen can already guess that Gao Enxing's family background is definitely not that bad, but he is different. I have never suffered a lot, but I have suffered a lot!
Therefore, Yuan Chen felt that he still had some understanding of the life of ordinary people. Even if he really became the president now, he didn't need to deliberately experience the life of being poor!
"Yuan Chen, if you laugh at me again, I'll be really angry!" Gao Enxing obviously didn't know that Yuan Chen was telling the truth, thinking that Yuan Chen was still joking about his affairs up to now!

"..." Yuan Chen was speechless. Since when did he laugh at her? Was everything he said true? But at this moment, there was a thunderous sound from the sky!
"Ah, there's thunder, Yuan Chen, did you swear just now, it's all thunder!" Gao Enxing obviously heard the thunder, and then asked Yuan Chen with a smile!

"Ahem, I don't have it!" Yuan Chen would not admit it even if he was killed. He was indeed thinking about whether to make a poisonous oath in his heart before, but judging from the current situation, combining the right time, place and people with the three , I found that I didn't account for any of them now!

"Really? It's going to rain, so I have to go home and collect my clothes!" Gao Enxing thought for a while, and said seriously, leaving Yuan Chen speechless!

"..." This is the first time Yuan Chen has been speechless today. Now Yuan Chen realizes that he is no longer a match for the women around him. It seems that no matter which woman he meets, he will be crushed and beaten!

And at this time, it was sunny just now, and it rained directly. It seemed to be a shower. In the past few weeks, there will be a shower from time to time. It is embarrassing to say that it is going to rain without thunder!
"Ah!" The rain fell as soon as it said it, and Yuan Chen and Gao Enxing couldn't avoid it, because the barbecue stall where the two sat was open-air, so when it was raining, Yuan Chen hurriedly dragged Gao Enxing towards his car. !
"What are you doing here?" Originally, Gao Enxing thought that Yuan Chen was going to take him to shelter from the rain, but he didn't expect to bring him to see the luxury car, but it's meaningless to look at it now!

"Go up, the rain is getting heavier!" But when Gao Enxing was stunned, Yuan Chen had already opened the car door, let Gao Enxing sit in, and then got into the car himself!

"Uh, are you really here to experience life?" Gao Enxing, who had been sitting in the car for a long time, suddenly said in surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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