Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 227 Small Plants

Chapter 227 Small Plants

Yuan Chen didn't go back to the villa tonight, and stayed at the old house, because it hasn't been cleaned for a long time, so Yuan Chen is also planning to stay and clean it, anyway, he is idle, and he still There is a purpose, that is, he wants to see if there is any garbage in the corners of this old house that he has not noticed before!

When Yuan Chen came into contact with these rubbish for the first time before, he didn't have that much strength and physical strength. On the contrary, his body became worse than that of high school after three years of university, so Yuan Chen didn't clean it up before. Lift up those wardrobes, TV cabinets and the like!

Because at that time, Yuan Chen was exhausted just from cleaning, so he didn't have so much energy to manage the garbage in the corners, it would be nice to be able to clean up all the garbage on the surface!

But Yuan Chen is different now, he has plenty of strength now, and there is not much difficulty in tidying up these things, so he quickly moved the wardrobe, TV cabinet, bed and bookcase in the room!
This move, not to mention, was really discovered by Yuan Chen... a pile of garbage, yes, there are still a lot of garbage in the corners, those are the ones that Yuan Chen didn't clean up before, and they are still there. Stay in the corner!
Helpless, Yuan Chen could only continue to work and clean up those things!
"Huh? What is this?" While cleaning up the garbage, Yuan Chen found a grass in the garbage dump. If there was a grass in the corner wall of his previous home, Yuan Chen might be surprised. But he won't be as cautious as he is now!
Because if it was in the past, the grass in the house must be small grass, but now the grass in the house is not necessarily small grass, especially the small grass that grows under the garbage of another dimension, it is even more likely that it is not ordinary. thing!

Yuan Chen carefully cleared away the rubbish, revealing the grass inside. Now Yuan Chen could see clearly that the grass was growing in the cracks in the wall, but Yuan Chen didn't know what kind of plant it was, nor I don't know if it is a plant that exists or does not exist on the earth!
He took out his mobile phone, took a photo and posted it on the Internet to inquire about it. Afterwards, Yuan Chen continued to clean up and sorted the garbage. Although there was not much, it had been accumulated at home for several months, so it was more troublesome to clean up!
After sorting, Yuan Chen opened the empty space and threw the garbage that had just been cleaned up. It's been a long time since I did this job, and it's still so easy to do!

At this time, it is finally time to take a rest. Although Yuan Chen is not tired, lying on the old sofa, Yuan Chen feels quite comfortable. Afterwards, he turns on his phone to see if there is any reply on it!

Sure enough, when I opened it, there were really a lot of replies on it. It seems that this plant is unlikely to be a plant unique to another dimension, and it also exists on the earth!

Yuan Chen looked carefully, and most of the replies in it actually said that it was ginseng. This answer made Yuan Chen, who was a little disappointed just now, feel better immediately!

Because there is no ginseng planted in his family at all, and all the garbage comes from the fifth continent, and the previous ginseng also came from the fifth continent. Combining them together can quickly give the answer, that is the ginseng in the corner of the house now. The small plant is a ginseng seedling from the fifth continent!
Although he already had the answer in his heart, Yuan Chen still found pictures of ginseng leaves on the Internet, and after careful comparison, he found that the small plant at home was indeed a ginseng seedling. This news made Yuan Chen very happy. Be excited!

Now Continent [-] is very mysterious to Yuan Chen, because many of the things transmitted from it are treasures for improving spiritual power, whether it is jade or ginseng, they all have a great effect on improving spiritual power!
Now Yuan Chen regrets selling that wooden trash box to Director Sun, not because Director Sun insulted Mr. Yan, but because those lobular red sandalwoods also come from the fifth continent, and maybe they can also improve the spirit. force!

Now Yuan Chen regrets it very much, blaming himself for being too big-hearted before. He knew that it was something from another dimension, but he only left some ginseng and jade, kept the small-leaf red sandalwood as a trash can, and finally put the small-leaf red sandalwood and jade It was sold, and the ginseng was fed to the dogs!
As for the other things, Yuan Chen didn't look at them carefully at all. He just sorted them into categories and threw them all into the empty space. Thinking about it, Yuan Chen felt distressed!
Fortunately, after tasting the ginseng, when the garbage from other continents came, Yuan Chen carefully studied and sorted it before throwing them into the empty space, but he didn't feel like he missed anything!
After confirming that it was a ginseng seedling, Yuan Chen was also very excited, but he was not in a hurry to move the ginseng seedling, because it was there, no one would touch it, and no one would know that there was a special ginseng seedling here. , Even if someone knows Yuan Chen is not afraid, because he is still very confident in his current strength!


The next morning, Yuan Chen found a small flowerpot, which was taken from Uncle Xu's house next door, and the price was that Yuan Chen helped him catch caterpillars from the flowers. Those caterpillars hiding under the leaves were exposed to Yuan Chen's vision, and he picked them all out with a mental force!

In less than 5 minutes, Yuan Chen cleaned up all the caterpillars on those pots of flowers, and there was not one left. After that, Yuan Chen took the small flower pot as a reward and went home. Soil, of course, is not for eating!
Back home, Yuan Chen carefully prepared to transplant the small ginseng seedling. Yuan Chen first used his mental power to detect the root of the ginseng, and found that it was not deeply rooted. Maybe it was because Yuan Chen's house was made of cement floor tiles!
Although the ginseng came from the mysterious fifth continent, the hardness of the cement floor is not so easy to penetrate, and there is no moisture in the cement, so the ginseng is only rooted on the surface, no matter where it is This reason made Yuan Chen feel a lot easier!

If the roots are too deep, it will take a lot of effort for Yuan Chen to transplant the ginseng without damaging the roots, but now it will be much easier!

With the assistance of mental power, and light force on the hand, Yuan Chen pulled out the leaves and roots of ginseng without any damage. This is also the reason why Yuan Chen used mental power to help. It's so easy now!
After planting the small ginseng seedlings in the flower pot, Yuan Chen felt relieved, happily took the ginseng seedlings into the car, and drove towards the villa. He has other things to do later!
(End of this chapter)

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