Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 229 The Surprised Master Hu

Chapter 229 Surprised Master Hu (four thousand chapters)
After discussing the price, the female manager took Yuan Chen upstairs directly, because the master processing master of this jewelry store lives upstairs. Business, but there are not many customers who ask to be on the side like Yuan Chen, but there are also some people who have such requests!

Some of them wanted to see how the master processed it, that is, they were curious, while some didn't believe in the store, thinking that only by being around could they ensure that their gemstones would not be tampered with. Although the store promised that there would be no problems, But they just don't worry!

Of course, Yuan Chen is not one of these two types of people, he is a combination of two types of people, one is curious about how gemstones are processed, and the other is because what Yuan Chen brings now are spirit stones that can enhance spiritual power Although ordinary people don't know that this kind of thing can improve mental power, they can clearly feel that their fatigue is slowly being swept away. Before that, Yan Lao felt this situation before bidding 150 Wan buy the more than ten grams of suet jade!
"Master Hu, there is a customer who wants to process some jewelry. Are you free now? The customer asks to watch!" Pushing open the door of a room, the space inside is quite large, but there is only one old man carving in it. His hair is gray and he wears reading glasses, but he seems to be in good spirits!
"Oh, really? What kind of carving do you want? If it's not complicated, you can do it now!" The old man looked up at Yuan Chen carefully, and then asked with a smile!
"Well...the customer said that there is no need for carving or polishing!" The female manager hesitated and said, this is the first time she has seen such a customer, no matter how precious the jade is, the guests will pass by some Grinding or carving, this is the first time not to carve or polish!
"Oh, that's it, then you go down first, and I will talk to the guests myself!" The old man called Master Hu waved his hand and said, since there is no need for carving or polishing, it is relatively simple, and it doesn't take much long time!
"Okay, then I'll go first!" The female manager retreated without saying anything. Usually, Master Hu communicates with the guests on such matters, so she doesn't have anything to do, and there are still many things to do below. She went to do it, so she went directly downstairs!

"Sir, don't you want to polish your gemstones, should you engrave them?" After the manager stepped back, the old man looked at Yuan Chen and asked, he has been in the jewelry carving business for more than 40 years, and this is the first time Meet such a guest!

"Hehe, it's just a few ordinary stones, but they have special meaning to me, so I want to make some accessories!" Yuan Chen said with a smile, anyway, it's best not to wear this kind of thing, a little wear and tear will It made Yuan Chen's heart ache!

"That's it, then show it to me first!" The old man also smiled, he knew that this kind of request is definitely not an ordinary thing, but since the guest is unwilling to say more, he naturally doesn't want to ask more, anyway Take it out later, you will know if it is the best or a waste product!
"It's these things!" Yuan Chen carefully took out the five pieces of spirit stones and two pieces of mutton fat jade, and put them on the old man's workbench!
"So many!" Master Hu was slightly surprised when he saw that Yuan Chen had taken out seven items, because Yuan Chen wanted inlays, which meant that the seven gems needed to be made into seven accessories. Yes, so the workload will be more!

"It's a bit too much!" Yuan Chen is also a little embarrassed, this thing is a bit too much, but he prepared it for his family, and he doesn't know if he will have time in the future, so he wants to prepare this thing at once now, and later Don't come here again!

"It's a lot of work!" Master Hu shook his head and said, he doesn't do a lot of things every day, and now Yuan Chen takes out so many jade stones to inlay by himself, although there is no need to polish them. , Carving, but it is also a lot of work!
"Yeah, since I don't have much time, I'm asking Master, I can double the price!" Yuan Chen thought that Master Hu thought the price was too low, so he directly gave double the price, as long as it can be done today. That's it!
"Hehe, it's not about the price, it's because I don't have that much energy. Hehe, I was fine when I was young, but now I'm old, and my body is getting worse and worse!" Master Hu shook his head and said with a smile , he doesn’t think he has little money, because the jewelry store pays him how many items he makes, so if he can make more every day, his salary will be higher. Not so much!
"Well, Master Hu, you can make as many pieces as you can, and rest when you are tired!" Yuan Chen thought about it for a while, after all, the other party looked like an old man in his 60s and [-]s, and he asked him to continue processing for him. Seven accessories are a bit too much!
"Okay, then you can sit next to me!" Master Hu also nodded, anyway, he can do as much as he can, so he will do it now, stop and go, and see if he can finish all the work within today. The jade inlay is good!

"Yeah, okay, master, I want to make two necklaces of suet jade, suitable for a man and a woman. This larger one is made into a men's necklace, and this smaller one is made into a girl's necklace!" Yuan Chen said that although the two mutton fat jades can both increase mental power and can be superimposed, Yuan Chen has other uses!
"Well, okay, no problem, the quality of this suet jade is really high!" That master Hu looked at the suet jade, smiled and said, maybe he is not as famous as Yan Lao, but he deals with jade after all It has been more than forty years, and his vision is not lower than that of Yan Lao, and even higher!
"Hey, this is a family heirloom jade!" Yuan Chen casually said something perfunctory, regardless of whether Master Hu believed it or not!

"Okay, what about the remaining five... jade stones?" When Master Hu saw the five spirit stones, he hesitated for a moment, because he found that he couldn't see the five pieces after dealing with gems for so many years. What exactly is jade!
"Hehe, these are just a few ordinary stones. I want to make three necklaces and two rings, two for girls in their 20s, one for women in their 40s, and two rings. One is for the middle-aged man, and the other is for the old lady!" Yuan Chen thought for a while and said, these things are also made according to his own requirements!
"Well, okay, there's no problem, but there may be no way to finish it today, so I'll start with these two suet jades first!" Master Hu also nodded with a smile. It's not too difficult, but it still needs a certain amount The workload, so I can only try it myself!
"Okay, master, you can try it first!" Yuan Chen said, and then sat down to watch Master Hu create the accessories he needed!

Master Hu first picked up the small piece of suet jade, looked at it carefully, sometimes nodded, sometimes shook his head, and then weighed it in his palm anyway, as if he was measuring the price of the suet jade. Then it’s time to start making!
Yuan Chen saw that Master Hu had no problems, so he started playing with his mobile phone on his own. He recently read a novel, which was not bad. It was about a young man who got garbage from another dimension by chance. This is a good-looking novel, and the author has worked hard to update it, but Yuan Chen found that there is no reward for this book, so he shook his head and gave the author a reward as a student!

Just when Yuan Chen was fascinated by the book, a soft cry of surprise appeared in the room, Yuan Chen looked up, just in time to see that Master Hu was carefully studying the little sheep fat jade in his hand, his brows were deeply furrowed!
"What's the matter, Master Hu?" Yuan Chen couldn't help asking curiously, because he saw that Master Hu's face changed a bit, so it could be that there is no way to inlay it, then it would be troublesome, he is going to give it away, so he can't just take it directly Keep these little things as gifts!
"Your mutton jade is a bit special. While I was making necklaces, it would have consumed a lot of energy and I would get tired easily, but now I am getting more and more energetic. If I keep doing this, I guess today will be very fast." Just being able to do these things well!" Master Hu raised his head and said with a smile, the way he looked at Yuan Chen also became different!
"Hehe, is there such a miraculous thing?" Yuan Chen also smiled. These suet jades have the ability to enhance the spiritual power, which can make Master Hu's spirit better and better, and eliminate the exhausted spirit caused by the high concentration of making necklaces. It is also a matter of minutes!

"Mr. Yuan, don't you know?" Hearing what Yuan Chen said, Master Hu was also very surprised. He thought Yuan Chen knew, but now it seems that Yuan Chen doesn't know, but it is really possible ?I was able to detect it after only being in contact with it for a while. Yuan Chen is the owner of these gems, how could he not know!
There must be only one possibility, and that is that Yuan Chen knew the functions of these jade stones, but there was something he didn't want to say. Yes, it can refresh your mind!

Naturally, Master Hu will not know that it is because the replenishment of mental power is faster than the consumption, so he will have this feeling. He can only describe this feeling with what people usually say is refreshing, really It is refreshing!

Yuan Chen didn't continue to answer, since he could finish what he needed today, it would be even better!

The reason why Yuan Chen made so many things was actually for his family. Of those necklaces of spirit stones, one was for his sister Yuan Xuan, one was for his mother, and the other was for Chen Jiayuan. There are two spirit stone rings, one is for dad, and the other is for grandma whom I haven't seen in a long time!
If you wear these spirit stones and breathe in the spirit energy produced by the spirit stones for a long time, you can also achieve the level of physical fitness. Although it is not as good as direct cultivation and absorption, you can still be surrounded by spirit energy all day long. Among them, not only can refresh the mind, but also can prevent various diseases, or the same sentence, self-defense if you are not sick, see a doctor if you are sick!
As for the two suet jades, the big one was prepared for myself, and I couldn't hold it in my hand, so I prepared to wear it as a necklace, and the small one was naturally needless to say, Yuan Chen It is intended to be given to another person who has spiritual power. Although that person cannot control his own spiritual power, the growth of spiritual power will not make her insane, but will only make her more powerful. That's all!

"Okay, Mr. Yuan, can you see if this is okay?" Just as Yuan Chen was thinking about something, Mr. Hu said again!
Yuan Chen turned his head and saw a silver necklace in Master Hu's hand, but Yuan Chen knew that it was not silver, but a platinum necklace. Looking carefully, the round mutton jade necklace was It is wrapped in the middle, but it is not really wrapped, but forms a small pattern!

"Okay, really well done!" Yuan Chen originally thought that if he asked not to carve or polish, the shape would be ugly, but he didn't expect that Mr. Hu's craftsmanship is so good, and he made the necklace completely according to the appearance of this jade. , not building necklaces for the sake of building necklaces!

"Hehe, I have been working for decades, and I still have this little skill!" Master Hu looked at the necklace made of suet jade in his hand, and nodded in satisfaction. He is still very confident in his craftsmanship. He has been in this industry for many years, and he is still very confident and sure about this little skill!
"The statement is indeed clever!" Yuan Chen also nodded and praised, the more he looked at the necklace, the more he liked it. He really didn't expect that this ordinary jewelry processing old man in front of him would have such extraordinary skills!
"Hehe, then Mr. Yuan should put it away first, your jade is really extraordinary, old man, I am getting more and more energetic, and now I can directly make the second necklace!" Looking at Yuan Chen's love, Mr. Hu He also nodded in satisfaction. My craft can make people happy, and I am also very happy. Perhaps this is the most ordinary wish of an ordinary old man!

"Then trouble Mr. Hu!" Yuan Chen said, and then put the necklace on his neck, feeling the slight increase in mental strength again, and nodded in satisfaction!
Watching Yuan Chen put the necklace up, Mr. Hu also devoted himself to making it again. When he picked up the second piece of mutton fat jade, he discovered that this piece of mutton fat jade also had a refreshing effect. Effect, he couldn't help being shocked, if it was only one piece, maybe it was a coincidence that he was in a better mental state today, but both pieces felt this way, and the feeling after the previous piece of suet jade was taken by Yuan Chen was Disappeared, and now the suet jade reappeared after taking it away, it can only be said that there must be something special about it!
Teacher Hu raised his eyes to look at Yuan Chen, he suddenly felt that the young man in front of him was becoming more and more blurred, as if it was impossible to see through!
(End of this chapter)

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