Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 234 Heavenly Wizards

Chapter 234 Heavenly Wizards
The next day, Yuan Chen came to Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. early in the morning, because the building of Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. and the building of Future Technology Research Co., Ltd. were located together. Yuan Chen also wanted to make it easier for the two companies to take care of each other. So I bought all the land around here and built these two adjacent buildings!

When Yuan Chen came to the company, Tao Qiong, Huang Wei, Huo Moyu and others had already arrived here. They were obviously more nervous and excited than Yuan Chen, but their excitement was obviously different from Yuan Chen's. Yes, they are excited about the completion of the new company building, and Yuan Chen is excited that the holographic projection will soon be put into research!

Soon the various ceremonies began, because the completion of the building followed the customs of Yuan Chen's countryside, and there were still some ceremonies, so there was still work to be done for a while, but these were all busy with the uncle and a few older employees in the company , there is basically nothing about Yuan Chen, so he is happy to relax!

On the side, chatting with Tao Qiong, Huang Wei, and Huo Moyu, but basically Yuan Chen was listening to Tao Qiong and Huang Wei's report on some recent company affairs and some directions of capital flow, as well as some thoughts about the future. plans, but Yuan Chen has no opinion on these, but is very interested in the research projects of the Future Technology Research Company!
"Huang Wei, do you think you can develop a real holographic projection game from that helmet!" Yuan Chen asked excitedly. Holographic online games are very yearning, so Yuan Chen is also most interested in this research!

"I have studied that helmet before, and I really admire your technology. I didn't expect you to be able to achieve this level of holographic game technology. Although I don't know if it can be really made, but for the research on the helmet, the theory It is possible to make a real holographic game!" Speaking of the helmet, Huang Wei was no less excited than Yuan Chen, because Yuan Chen had said before that he researched this helmet by accident!
And Huang Wei is also convinced of Yuan Chen's statement, because he still has a good understanding of science and technology in the world. He believes that no one in the world can make a holographic game like the helmet Yuan Chen gave, even if someone After making it, it is impossible to give it to Yuan Chen for research. It has been researched internationally, and only Yuan Chen can get it to his company for research if he makes it himself!

Moreover, Huang Wei also knew that Yuan Chen's future technology research company was established not long before he came here, so he knew that Yuan Chen had never done any research before, and it was completely something he tinkered with. Don't let Huang Wei admire Yuan Chen's talent very much, and only a highly talented person like Yuan Chen can tinker with this high-tech product!

However, Huang Wei also felt a little pity, because a high-tech genius like Yuan Chen didn't study science and technology, nor did he do science and technology research. However, Huang Wei found that Yuan Chen didn't care about it. This kind of mentality is also what he envied. If he researched this kind of thing by himself, he would definitely publicize it!

But Yuan Chen didn't. He just set up his own company to improve his own research. He kept quiet and took things very plainly. The mentality is not good, it is really throwing away when comparing goods, and people are dying when comparing people. I must study hard from my young boss in the future!

If Yuan Chen knew what Huang Wei was thinking right now, he would definitely find a hole to get in and have fun in it. If only he had such a good mentality, let alone whether he has that kind of mentality, even this helmet He didn't make it by himself, but he was forcibly pulled into his team by himself. The helmet was forcibly identified as the owner, okay?

Of course, Yuan Chen won’t tell the truth, although he is also very embarrassed, he doesn’t know much about high technology, let alone researching high technology, even if he wants to use high technology, he has to read the manual. How can such a person study Come up with something like this!

"Hey, it's just made out of tinkering!" Yuan Chen chuckled, but since others believe in him so much, he can't let others down, right? I just made it myself. Anyway, I can’t say that it’s from another dimension, and I can’t say that it’s a game helmet from the Sword Art Online dimension!

But even if Yuan Chen said so, no one would believe it. Who would believe that those fictional worlds would actually exist? This kind of thing can only be experienced by people like Yuan Chen who have been in contact with it. If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely not believe it!

"However, there is only such a helmet, and it will take a long time to research it. Even if our current team has ten people to study it, there is no way to study it separately. We can only study it together slowly, which will slow down the research. Time!" Huang Wei thought for a while and said, this is by far the most difficult thing to solve!

"That's it, then I'll think of a way to see if I can come up with another one!" Yuan Chen thought for a while and said, one is not enough, so I'll get another one, not to mention one or two, even if it's a team of ten people Yuan Chen can take it out one by one, but it will inevitably arouse Huang Wei's suspicion!
After all, if it is one, it can be said that it was made by myself, but it is hard to say if there are too many, so Yuan Chen only plans to take out another one for the time being, and we will talk about the later things. If there are two, it should also be able to improve. Lots of research time!

"Mr. Yuan, you still have that kind of helmet!" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Huang Wei asked in surprise. It's already very good to tinker with one helmet. Could it be that Yuan Chen still has a second one? Isn't this just a mess? ?How could there be a second helmet!

"Hehe, when I do research, I like to make double copies. If one fails, the other can directly learn from the experience of the first one and modify it to the best. So to tell you the truth, I still have another helmet, and It’s a helmet that I’ve slightly improved, next time I’ll bring it directly to Future Technology Research Co., Ltd.” Yuan Chen said with a smile, and lied again without heartbeat or blushing!

"That's really great. Mr. Yuan really has the foresight. If there is an extra helmet, the research time can be shortened a lot!" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Huang Wei was also very happy, and quickly praised Yuan Chen for his foresight. I also secretly made up my mind to make two copies of my own research in the future!
Alas, Mr. Yuan is really a genius. He can figure out this method. No wonder he was able to tinker with this kind of helmet. It seems that he did not follow the wrong person this time!

(End of this chapter)

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