Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 243 The Conflict

Chapter 243 The Conflict

"What did you just say? You said I'm a scum?" The young man with the crew cut walked towards the wretched young man not far away with a dagger in his hand. The kind who is naturally gloomy, when the young man with the short hair walked around, the atmosphere in the whole room became gloomy, and no one dared to speak!

"No, I... I didn't say anything!" The young man was obviously frightened and hesitated, but he didn't understand why he said that just now, although he seemed to have some thoughts in his heart , but I didn't dare to say it before, but I didn't expect to say it outright when my consciousness was blurred just now!

"Didn't say anything? I heard very clearly just now. You thought I was deaf, didn't you? Just now you called me a scum, right? Then let me show you a scum for once, okay?" , "Do you want me to use my left hand or my right hand? Or should I do it with both hands? Or, can you do it yourself?"

"This... this, big brother, I really didn't mean it. You just think I'm confused for a while and go around me!" How could he be so unlucky when he landed on the ground and only came out to hang out with the society for a few months?

In fact, the people here are all young people, most of them are in their early twenties, and some have just graduated from the society, and they accidentally went astray. Before, I thought it was good to eat and drink with this young man with a flat head. Yes, I didn't expect it to turn into such a situation now, and the other six people present felt somewhat regretful!

"Do it yourself, you also know that if I do it, I will be cruel. You can use one hand yourself, and you can use your left or right hand!" The young man with flat hair said coldly, giving people a cool feeling, and also Feeling a bit superior and in control of everything, he directly threw the dagger in front of that wretched young man!

"Hehe!" Seeing this scene, Yuan Chen sneered inwardly, and his mental power unfolded again, invading the mind of one of the men!

"Hehe, you've read too many novels, cut it yourself?" The man who was invaded by Yuan Chen's mental power suddenly said. Amused!
"Yeah, I've read too many novels, and now I still have people cutting them myself!"

"Is he stupid? Let people cut it themselves. If you don't cut it, you will be fine!"

"Cut yourself? Haha, why do I find it so funny? Who do you really think you are?"

Although everyone is afraid to speak, everyone has their own thoughts in their hearts. In this kind of society, is there really someone who will follow you, a killer who doesn't have much reputation and claims to be a killer?If it's so funny, let people cut it by themselves, if he can cripple one hand, then I dare to cripple his other hand, anyway, it's not my hand!

"Who said that just now, stand up for me!" Although everyone didn't say anything, they all looked like they were holding back their laughter. That kind of feeling made the young man with the short hair very uncomfortable. Indeed, this trick came from a novel. He learned it, but he felt that in his current position, he was able to make his subordinates obedient!

Why?Just because he really holds four lives in his hands, yes, the young man with the flat head in front of him has really killed someone. He entered society earlier than the other six young people, and because he likes to read novels, he especially likes killers In this profession, he accidentally killed a partner when he was in the society. He didn't mean it at the time, but he was afraid of another twisted feeling so that he didn't choose to surrender, but chose to escape!

Later, because he had killed someone, he could only escape to other places. After arriving there, he started to associate with some gangsters in society, and then killed again and escaped. Later, he had similar experiences twice, but he did not As scared as before, on the contrary, he still has some distorted psychology. He calls himself a killer. After killing someone, he runs away, and finally hides in this city of Yuan Chen. With such a few little brothers, I feel that I am very majestic!

"I said it!" Although the man didn't know why he blurted out that sentence before, although it was indeed what he thought in his heart, but since he said it, he said it. Could it be that he was still afraid, so he just walked forward One step!
This is a rather burly young man, obviously not very afraid of that short-haired young man, but he usually does not want to fight, so he always obeys the short-haired young man, but this does not mean that he is afraid of that short-haired young man!
Yuan Chen's spiritual power is not to control what other people say, he didn't deliberately control what others say, because that would make others doubt something, but to control those people to speak out the thoughts in their minds, such words are because of these words I went through it in my mind, so I didn't think it was too abrupt, and everyone drank a lot of wine at this time, so naturally I didn't think so much!
"Do you really dare to stand up? Do you think that I can't beat you because you are stronger? You are too naive, believe it or not?" The young man with short hair looked at the strong young man and said with a sneer!

"Hehe, naive, the people here can't understand you, whoever beat you up will fight you one-on-one!" Just as the short-haired young man said one-on-one, another man also said, of course, this is not the same as Yuan Chen It also has a great relationship!
"Say it again!" The young man with the flat head was about to explode in anger. He never thought that there would be so many people who would not give him face. It's all black, okay, since you are like this, I will kill three chickens and let you guys take a good look!
"So what if I say it again? I've hated you for a long time, everyone said, right? If everyone doesn't like it, I'll beat you up!" The man behind was also upset, after all, there are young people here, all angry It's also relatively big, and I got angry immediately, you really treat you as a person, if it weren't for other places not accepting me, I would not come here!

"Yeah, I can't get used to it either!"

"Yeah, beat him up!"

"How dare you put gold on your face!"

For a while, the crowd also gathered together, each of them was very angry. It seemed that they had been holding back for a long time, and they burst out immediately. Although there were only a few people in total, the young man with the flat head obviously didn't think so much, but now seeing These people were so united, they were stunned, and their hearts trembled. Damn, is it going to be 1v6!
(End of this chapter)

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