Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 251 Lin Qi's Blame

Chapter 251 Lin Qi's Blame

Xie Yunpeng didn't know until his death, what method Yuan Chen used to resist the throwing knife he sent out, he had decades of skill in flying the knife, and it never happened without exception. Every time he takes a shot, he can win one person, or he will be injured or killed, because his throwing knives have been cultivated to the point of being fast, accurate, and ruthless, and he really can't hit... He still has nine throwing knives in his pocket, I can't believe it!

But he never thought that one day his throwing knife would be blocked by someone, and it would fly directly towards him. The speed was much faster than his own, and the accuracy was much better than his own. Yes, there is no reason, this is much more ruthless than myself!
And just when Xie Yunpeng was stunned, the flying knife had already entered his heart directly, and there was no time to react, and there was no time to escape. He died under his own knife and disappeared forever in this world. This skin proves that he is still alive!

I can only utter that roar before I die... I will definitely come back, uh, no, I took the wrong script... let out that roar: The organization will avenge me... It feels worse than that sentence!

However, Yuan Chen felt that Xie Yunpeng was thinking too much, and made two mistakes in total. The first one was that Yuan Chen did not intend to let his skin remain in this world, because Yuan Chen wanted him to never Completely disappear in this world!

And the second one is that Xie Yunpeng's statement that his organization will come back to avenge him is wrong, because there is no way to keep the skin, how can the organization find Yuan Chen?

In fact, all of this was calculated by Yuan Chen. The only thing he didn't calculate was Xie Yunpeng's sudden attack, so he didn't expect that he would kill Xie Yunpeng so easily. The main reason for chasing Xie Yunpeng here is that he didn't want people to know that Xie Yunpeng was dead. This is also the reason why Yuan Chen didn't want Xie Yunpeng's body to stay. All he has to do is to be an ordinary businessman!

As for what to do with the corpse, Yuan Chen had already planned it out. He took out his phone, opened the void space, and directly picked up Xie Yunpeng's body, ready to throw it into the void space. Nine knives fell out. Yuan Chen frowned. When he knelt down to pick up the knives, he found that those small knives seemed a bit special. After thinking about it, he put the nine knives into his pocket Xie Yunpeng also pulled out the small knife in Xie Yunpeng's heart, wiped it on Xie Yunpeng's clothes, and put it in his pocket!
Afterwards, Yuan Chen searched Xie Yunpeng's body as if searching for a corpse in the garbage. He only found a small booklet. He opened it and looked at it. It seemed that what was recorded on it was some list of Xie Yunpeng's so-called organization members. After thinking about it, Yuan Chen also accepted it. These people are likely to be supernatural beings. Yuan Chen also needs to find out. What he found out later was a wallet and a plane ticket. However, Yuan Chen obviously didn't care about these, so he directly It was thrown into the void space together with Xie Yunpeng's body!

"This thing is really a good place to kill and steal, and hide corpses!"

Yuan Chen clapped his hands and said with emotion, rubbish like Xie Yunpeng should be thrown directly into the rubbish dump. This empty space is obviously the best place to throw rubbish. After finishing it, Yuan Chen looked at the blood on the ground, The spiritual power gushed out again, directly dug out that piece of land, cut it into countless pieces, and then scattered and flew out, scattered in every corner of the forest!

After doing all this, Yuan Chen walked towards the villa leisurely. When he returned to the villa, Huya, Xiao Jiji and the black-winged eagle had all returned home. Yuan Chen called Lin Qi before and told He himself was already chasing Xie Yunpeng, and asked Lin Qi to take Huya and them home to cook for him when he came back!
When Lin Qi heard Yuan Chen say that he was going to hunt down Xie Yunpeng, he didn't say much, and headed home with a group of pets, because he believed in Yuan Chen, as long as Yuan Chen made a move, that person would not be able to escape , Lin Qi had confidence in Yuan Chen, so he went home early and became the head of the house!
"Brother Yuan Chen, did you kill someone?"

As soon as she entered the yard, Lin Qi frowned and said to Yuan Chen!

"How did you know?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback. He had indeed told Lin Qi that he was going to hunt down Xie Yunpeng, but there was no trace on his body to prove that he had killed him, and because Yuan Chen killed Xie Yunpeng with Xie Yunpeng's flying knife, the distance at that time was It was still a little far away, so it was impossible for Xie Yunpeng's blood to splash on him. Yuan Chen was curious, how did Lin Qi know that she had killed Xie Yunpeng!
"The smell of blood on your body is very strong!"

Lin Qi did not hide it, frowned, then pointed to Yuan Chen's pocket and said, his nose is extremely sensitive, as long as there is a slight smell of blood, he can easily sniff it out!
"Oh, so it's this one, your nose is really good!"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, then opened his pocket, and there were ten finger-long knives lying in his pocket, he took out one of them, this one was the one he had killed Xie Yunpeng just now, and he had already wiped it It's clean, I didn't expect Lin Qi to smell this smell, I really have to admire Lin Qi's sense of smell!

"Brother Yuan Chen, why do you want to kill people? Didn't you say that this world is a society ruled by law, and killing people is not allowed!"

Lin Qi was not happy because of Yuan Chen's praise, but rather blamed Yuan Chen, which made Yuan Chen never expect that Lin Qi, who has always been well-behaved, would also blame herself!

"Hehe, of course it's because that person deserves to be killed. If I don't kill this kind of person myself, I won't be at ease!"

Yuan Chen did not lie, Xie Yunpeng is not an ordinary person, he is a supernatural person, if he is really allowed to escape this time, I am afraid it will bring him a lot of trouble in the future, so Yuan Chen treats this kind of person very well. He will never be soft-hearted, it is best to kill him if he can!
"Why? He's just a thief. Although what he wants to steal is silkworm sand with spiritual energy, it's not enough to kill him... And... and Brother Yuan Chen said that killing people will be punished, I...I don't want Brother Yuan Chen to leave!"

Lin Qi said a little excitedly. In the end, even with a crying voice, Yuan Chen was stunned. He didn't expect Lin Qi to think so much. I told him some legal things, but I didn't expect him to remember them all in my heart!

"Don't worry, brother Yuan Chen has already dealt with it, and that person is not just a thief, come on, I'll tell you while we eat in the house!"

Yuan Chen smiled, feeling a little moved, and led Lin Qi into the room!
(End of this chapter)

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