Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 253 High IQ Little Jiji

Chapter 253 High IQ Little Jiji
Yuan Chen didn't care about what happened outside, because those people didn't care whether they were dead or alive, no matter who married whom, no matter if it was a mafia sensation or a government attack, as long as they didn't offend Yuan Chen Come to think of it, even if aliens invade, it’s none of Yuan Chen’s business. The only thing he cares about now is communicating with his three special pets. Huya, Black Winged Eagle, and Little Jiji. These three are Yuan Chen’s three most special pets. up!
Little Jiji is the first pet Yuan Chen adopted. Its body is a Chihuahua. Well, it is still a Chihuahua now. At that time, Yuan Chen just got garbage from another dimension, so he fed this Chihuahua in a daze. Yuan Chen regrets bringing this wretched and cunning foodie with him!

And Huya is a mutated tiger from the dimension of devouring the starry sky... Well, now it is just a tiger cub, but although it is a tiger cub, it has an extraordinary physique and not weak mental power, Yuan Chen I don't know if it's because it came from the dimension that devours the starry sky. In short, this tiger... the future tiger may not grow up yet, but after being fed by Yuan Chen with monster meat, there have been obvious changes. Whether it's body shape, intelligence or strength, they are all changing like flying!

When it comes to flying, we must talk about the black-winged eagle. Although this is not Yuan Chen's first flying pet, it is definitely Yuan Chen's first pet that can carry people in flight. He was abducted by Yuan Chen, and now that he is an adult, he has the feeling of riding the wind and waves. I believe that anyone who has watched martial arts dramas will more or less have a dream of the Condor Heroes. At least Yuan Chen You, flying on the big eagle, how cool it is, now the Condor Hero has... neuropathy, black-winged eagle, Yuan Daxia... But its meow companion, the unicorn arm that has been cultivated for more than 20 years will continue to be tempered ah!

So these three pets are very special three little guys for Yuan Chen, and what Yuan Chen thought of when he got the Myriad Beast Card was to communicate with these three guys, but the situation at that time did not allow Yuan Chen to come back first, because My Hantan fishery was poisoned, because my uncle was hacked and injured, because I wanted to take revenge!
Even after Yuan Chen came back here, Yuan Chen wanted to confess blood to these three guys at the first time... and talk with blood, but unexpectedly, another Xie Yunpeng came to make trouble, and this toss was a toss A few chapters... I mean more than a day, after finally killing Xie Yunpeng, I have to explain to Lin Qi the reason for killing Xie Yunpeng, so I have to wait until now!

Yuan Chen scratched Xiao Jiji's front paw with a dagger, then dripped a drop of blood on the beast card, and then just heard the first sentence that Xiao Jiji said, woo, this idiot-force Yuan What are you doing, Mr. Ji, who is stabbing you for no reason? Mr. Ji, I am thin-skinned and tender, I will go, I am bleeding, I am bleeding, help me!

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Chen, who originally wanted to throw a piece of monster meat to little Jiji, slapped little Jiji's head directly, the skin was tender and tender, slap, Master Ji, slap, silly-force Yuan Chen, slap Papa, Yuan Chen cursed while patting Xiao Jiji's dog's head!
"Fuck, master don't hit, master don't hit, lie, master, how do you know what I said, stop hitting, little Jiji knows it's wrong!" Little Jiji, who was complaining just now, begged for mercy, but it didn't Thinking, this master of mine can understand his own words, what is going on, but now is not the time for him to figure it out, because this time Yuan Chen really hit him, and even pulled his dog's paw Ah, no matter how little Jiji struggles, she can't escape, she can only beg for mercy!
"Hey, tell me the truth, you usually scold me a lot, don't you?" Yuan Chen asked in a good mood and a little bit of a smile. If it weren't for what he said just now, Yuan Chen would not have known that this guy scolded him like this. This guy has a high IQ. Yuan Chen knew about it, but he didn't expect this guy to scold him like this, he should be beaten, he should be beaten to death!

"No, no, I just said that when I was frightened just now. I didn't do it before!"

Seeing Yuan Chen toss the dagger in his hand, little Jiji stared at her dog eyes, and quickly shook her dog's head in denial, saying that she can't let Yuan Chen know that she is foolish every day. On the edge of his mouth, otherwise he would die miserably. It is inexplicable how Yuan Chen can understand his own words!

Seeing that little Jiji was depressed, Yuan Chen ignored it and whistled to the sky, and the black-winged eagle flew down!
"Sister Diao, run, the master wants to fuck you!" Just when the black-winged eagle flew down, and when Yuan Chen was about to stab the black-winged eagle with a dagger to bleed, the innocent-looking man just stood beside him. Little Jiji suddenly shouted at the black-winged eagle!
Yuan Chen almost fell to the ground. What does it mean that the master wants to pierce-you, that is called pricking, isn't this silly dog ​​usually very smart? He even scolded people just now. Damn, he suddenly pricked and pricked now. You This stupid dog did it on purpose, Yuan Chen was a little bit dumbfounded!
However, the black-winged eagle didn't retreat because of Xiao Jiji's words. It just hesitated in a very humane way, and then flew over directly, with a resolute attitude in its eyes. There are thousands of me!

"Silly eagle, don't you know that it will bleed when you insert it? It hurts, okay?" Just as the black-winged eagle was staying beside Yuan Chen, little Jiji yelled loudly again, and Yuan Chen directly held the black-winged eagle. The dagger flew over and stuck in front of little Jiji, so scared that little Jiji shut up quickly!
"If you talk nonsense again, I'll cut you up!" Yuan Chen said angrily, he really didn't expect that little Jiji had such a cheap mouth, and really wanted to slap it to death!
However, Yuan Chen's threat was obviously useful. He looked at the dagger not far from him in front of him, and then looked down at the middle of his two dog legs. Little Jiji finally gave up, and silently stepped aside without speaking. !
Only at this moment did Yuan Chen use his mental power to control the dagger and fly back, lightly stabbed the black-winged eagle's paw, and after dripping a drop of blood on the Myriad Beast Card, he took a piece of monster meat for the black-winged eagle to eat. The little Jiji, who was not far away, stared straight, swallowing unceasingly, but looked at the dagger in Yuan Chen's hand, and didn't dare to speak, so he could only draw circles on the spot!

Yuan Chen smiled and shook his head. This little Jiji is sometimes very noisy, but sometimes he is quite cute. Yuan Chen had no choice but to throw a piece of monster meat in front of little Jiji. I ate the monster meat with relish!

Yuan Chen also ignored little Jiji. After being fed by Yuan Chen with a variety of natural and earthly treasures, this Chihuahua has a very high IQ, but it still has a natural instinct as a dog.
Shaking his head, the black-winged eagle also swallowed the monster meat at this time, Yuan Chen stroked its feathers!

(End of this chapter)

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