Chapter 259

Afterwards, Yuan Chen taught Huya how to practice, and Huya learned so fast that Yuan Chen even suspected that this little guy had not only mutated his body, but his head was terribly mutated. what will happen?

After the teaching, Yuan Chen was also relaxed. The next step is to see Huya's own performance. It can only work hard on its own, because no one can help it in the next thing, and it can only do it by itself. But Yuan Chen felt that with Huya's talent, it would not be too difficult to grow up!

In the next few days, you will see a raccoon cat lying next to a pile of black soil, except for eating, it has been sleeping there all the time, ignoring everything, while the other animals in the yard, the pile of dogs are all If you dare not approach this raccoon cat within five meters, you always hide far away!

Of course, these are what outsiders see. Only Yuan Chen, Lin Qi, and the animals in Yuan Chen's house know what kind of state Huya is in now. It is its obsession with wanting to grow up, which made Yuan Chen doubt whether he did something wrong, but after Lin Qi said a word, Yuan Chen finally felt relieved!

One day when Lin Qi left the customs, why did he say one day, because he was like Huya, he practiced all day except eating, not like little Jiji, who ate, slept, and ate, and the obsession that supported Lin Qi's cultivation was returning To his own world, although this idea is getting weaker and weaker now, but he still insists on practicing every day!

And that time when Lin Qi came out to absorb the aura, he also looked at Huya, because Yuan Chen had told Lin Qi before that Huya could practice aura, so he knew, but he was not too surprised, because his world It's not surprising that animals cultivate, but I'm just a little curious about how Yuan Chen guides an ordinary tiger to cultivate. Of course, this ordinary refers to the comparison with the tiger in Lin Qi's world!

And what he was curious about was that Yuan Chen was able to teach a tiger who had never practiced before, and this tiger couldn't speak, because Lin Qi didn't know that Yuan Chen could communicate with animals. Lin Qi taught Yuan Chen the method of cultivating spiritual energy. Lin Qi herself was not sure that she could teach Huya to practice, but Yuan Chen did it, which surprised him very much!

Of course, while being surprised, he was also a little skeptical, so when he came out to absorb the spiritual energy this time, he also deliberately looked at Huya, but it didn't matter if he didn't look at it, he was shocked when he saw it, Huya's cultivation talent is too high Well, in just a few days, a certain amount of aura has been stored in its body. If you eat it at this time, it will be a great tonic... Hey, the style of painting has changed!
Afterwards, Lin Qi also told Yuan Chen about this matter. His expression at that time was full of amazement, yes, not surprise, but amazement. He really did not expect that a small ordinary tiger would have such a high cultivation talent. And what Lin Qi said at that time, Yuan Chen still remembers it very clearly, Lin Qi said it at that time!
"Huya looks delicious now!"


Can we not mention eating?
At that time, Lin Qi said to Yuan Chen, "If Huya is placed in the Immortal World, it will definitely be contended for by various sects of cultivating immortals, because Huya's cultivation talent is enough to determine its future. If it dies young, it will definitely have a place in the Xianni Dimension in the future!"

But after that, Lin Qi also said two regrets in a row!

"It's a pity that Huya is not human. It's a pity that Huya was born on the earth instead of Xianni. It's a pity that Huya can absorb very little aura in this world, very little!"

Well, these are three pities. When she said this, Lin Qi shook her head sadly. She probably felt that it was a pity that such a good seedling of Huya was ruined. She also felt that although she was born in the Immortal World, But he didn't have such a high talent like Huya. If he was also very talented, then he would have entered the sect of cultivating immortals long ago, and he would not have fallen to such a point!

But isn't life good now?Obviously, no, Lin Qi feels that life is good now, but this is not her hometown, and she still feels homesick during the festive season. Although he is not on holidays, he still misses his hometown!
But Yuan Chen doesn't think so. Huya's cultivation talent is certainly good, but if it was born in the Xianni world, it might have died in those fierce battles, because there is never a shortage of geniuses in the Xianni world, but Yuan Chen doesn't know how many people can really make it to the end, but he knows that there will definitely not be many!
Therefore, Yuan Chen felt that instead of cultivating in the highly competitive world of Xianni, it would be better to cultivate steadily and steadily on this earth. Although the former can make your cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, the slow and long-term cultivation method may be more suitable for Yuan. Morning!
And the most important thing is that Huya has no desire to compete with others at all, it just wants to grow up, so Yuan Chen feels that this world is more suitable for it, there is no fighting, it is just a comfortable cultivation, although the aura Not much, but it is enough for Huya to absorb, and it is enough for it to grow its body!

And whoever said that without the support of a huge aura, you can't cultivate immortals, you can't become gods, and you can become immortals and gods if you accumulate slowly. Huya is not an ordinary tiger. As long as you give it enough time to practice, maybe one day it can too Success, one day you can step into the world of cultivating immortals, and you can break through!
Golden Scale - Is it a thing in the pool, a dragon that changes when the situation changes!

Seeing that the number of words is not enough for one chapter, let's talk about it again!


After that, Yuan Chen also dialed a number he hadn't contacted for a long time. This number was Zhou Mingxia, the director of Xiaguang Zoo. Many of the animals in Yuan Chen's family were transported from her zoo. After the animal exhibition, Yuan Chen didn't contact her, mainly because he was too busy!

"Hey, Yuan Chen, how many animals do you want this time? The animals here are almost full!"

The phone was connected, and when Yuan Chen was still hesitating how to speak, the other side suddenly spoke in a hurry, as if things were in a hurry and very busy!
"Um, just watch and send it away, well, I have something to trouble you!"

Yuan Chen was speechless and could only say this. In fact, he didn't want animals, but since Zhou Mingxia asked, Yuan Chen could only agree. The cost of feeding animals is very high, and there is not much meat from monsters!
"I know that you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so tell me, what's the matter?"

The other end of the phone seemed to stop suddenly, not as busy as before, and there was a bit of sadness in the voice, Yuan Chen hoped that he heard it wrong!
"Can you help me get a certificate for raising tigers or something!"

Yuan Chen said a little embarrassedly, he also knew that every time he called, he would ask Zhou Mingxia for help!
"This is a bit difficult, I will try my best, why do you want to raise a tiger all of a sudden!"

Zhou Mingxia asked curiously, before Yuan Chen was reluctant to raise large animals like tigers, why did he suddenly want to raise tigers this time!
(End of this chapter)

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