Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 276 Yuan Chen, You Pervert

Chapter 276 Yuan Chen, You Pervert

"Haha, it's so simple, Brother Yuan Chen!"

Rowling looked at the white circle of light on her body. Although it was not as bright as that of Yuan Chen next to her, there was no doubt that this was her supernatural circle. After Yuan Chen, Rowling also successfully condensed her own circle of light. The supernatural aperture!
But it's okay if she doesn't speak, Luo Jin's face really can't hang when she speaks. It took him a year and a half to condense the supernatural halo that he could barely condense. I am ashamed to say that I am called a genius, but he still thinks that he is very good in his heart!
Luo Jin felt that even if he was placed in the whole country, he would still be among the best, but today's blows came one after another. Just after Yuan Chen successfully condensed the supernatural halo within 10 minutes, his sister, Luo Lin, was also within 10 minutes. He successfully condensed his own supernatural halo inside!

These two slaps hit Luo Jin's face, it was so painful, he even doubted his own life for a while, and when Luo Jin was still reminiscing about Yuan Chen and Luo Lin's slap in the face, Luo Lin's this This sentence made him doubt his life again, but the conversation between Yuan Chen and Luo Lin made him not want to mention life anymore!
"Well, that's right, that's true, it's very simple!"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Yuan Chen also nodded. At first he thought it would be difficult, but he didn't expect to be able to condense the supernatural halo with just this. This is really too simple!

"Yeah, before my brother kept saying that I was not strong enough, so I thought it was so difficult?"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Rowling also smiled and said that she wanted to learn it before, but her brother always told her it was difficult, so today is also the first time she has come into contact with the condensed power aperture. She did not expect to learn it after several experiments It worked, and it wasn't too difficult!
"That's right, I just don't know if the supernatural halo can be condensed so easily, and the effect of enhancing the supernatural power will be weakened!"

Yuan Chen frowned. He didn't expect to be able to condense the supernatural halo so quickly, so now that he successfully condensed the supernatural halo, he began to worry about whether the halo was reliable or not. I don't know how many abilities can increase the combat power!

That's right, it must be like this, the power aperture can be condensed so quickly, the effect of amplification is definitely not good, Luo Jin said secretly in his heart, otherwise he would vomit blood, he has condensed the power for a year and a half Aperture, but fully enhanced half of the supernatural power, this effect is already very good, many other supernatural powers are enhanced by [-]%, some are even less, [-]% to [-]%, so Luo Jin is proud!

"Hmm, it doesn't seem to be very good. I seem to have just doubled my strength, but I can't control my own strength right now, so I don't know if this doubled increase is calculated correctly!"

Rowling carefully felt her supernatural ability, and after a long time, she raised her head and said, Luo Jin fell into a pool of blood when she heard this sentence!
"Double? Impossible, you must feel wrong, you don't fully grasp your own power, it must be wrong!"

Hearing what Rowling said, Luo Jin quickly said, how is it possible, are you joking?I haven't heard anyone say that just by successfully condensing the supernatural aperture, the power can be doubled. Rowling can't control her power well, so she feels wrong, it must be like this!
"Well, you should feel wrong!"

Hearing Luo Jin's words, Yuan Chen also nodded seriously, and then said, because he also felt that Luo Lin's feelings were wrong, because it is impossible to double the amount!
"Yuan Chen, you are the best, you can condense the supernatural aperture in such a short time, the increase must be weak, but don't worry, it will still increase in the future, as long as you practice for a year or two, It must be able to increase the growth rate, I can have the growth rate I have today, and it is also my achievement in the past two years, so don't pay too much attention to the growth rate!"

Hearing what Yuan Chen said, Luo Jin quickly echoed and comforted Yuan Chen by the way. Sure enough, the supernatural halo was condensed in such a short period of time. The effect must not be that good. It would be good to increase the supernatural power by [-]%. Rowling's children don't understand, and thought that the increase of the power aperture is so strong, doubling, but fortunately, I said it here, if I told others outside, I would be laughed to death!
"Yeah, I see. Although it is a bit rare to triple the ability now, it is still acceptable if it will increase in the future. Xiaolin, you must feel wrong. According to my analysis, you have at least increased One and a half times the strength, maybe even twice, your strength is enough!"

Hearing Luo Jin's words, Yuan Chen also nodded. Just now he felt that his mental power has increased by about three times, but the consumption of this power seems to be about three times faster than the usual use of mental power. It seems that this power aperture cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary!
"Yeah, I see, brother Yuan Chen, eh? What's wrong with you, brother?"

Hearing Yuan Chen's comfort, Rowling also smiled. Anyway, she still can't completely control her supernatural ability now. If it really triples, she probably will be backlashed, so she doesn't know how to use it. Of course, if it really threatened her life or had to use it as a last resort, she would risk using it. This can be regarded as her last trump card!
Then she turned her head, just in time to see her brother Luo Jin staring at Yuan Chen dumbfounded, Luo Lin quickly asked, could it be that she was beaten stupid by that skinny man just now?

"You... you said... how many times did you increase your strength?"

Luo Jin did not answer Luo Lin, but looked at Yuan Chen with dull eyes, because he was shocked by the multiple that Yuan Chen just said!
"Three times, it's a little less, but you don't have to look at me like that, do you?"

Yuan Chen was speechless. Although his strength had only tripled, it was pretty good, right? Don't look at yourself in this way, I will grow up in the future, okay?

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Luo Jin immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. He didn't know if it was because he was injured just now, or because he was pissed off by Yuan Chen!

"Brother, are you okay? Did you get hurt just now? Hold on, uncle should be here soon!"

Seeing Luo Jin vomiting blood, Rowling hurried over to support him!

"Rojin, are you okay?"

Yuan Chen also frowned, he didn't notice whether Luo Jin was injured just now, so seeing him vomit blood now, he also frowned!
"You...you...Yuan Chen, you pervert!"

Luo Jin barely stopped, pointed at Yuan Chen, and wanted to say something, but in the end he just said this sentence!
And at this moment, Yuan Chen's cell phone rang. It was Huang Wei's call. After thinking about it, Yuan Chen still connected!

"Mr. Yuan, new progress has been made in the research!"

(ps: There are 64 chapters in this book, 261 words. Thank you for your support here. Without you, the little zombie would not be able to make it to today, so thank you. This book has a book friend group , everyone who is interested can join, the house number is 667-655-[-], and finally, at the end of the month, no monthly ticket, no recommendation, just a reward, a reward, a reward, the little zombie starved to death, and turned into a mummified corpse. If you reward more, consider changing it three times a day for the next month!)

(End of this chapter)

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