Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 278 Research Results

Chapter 278 Research Results
Reluctantly, Yuan Chen could only spend the night in the living room, because his parents slept together, and although the old sister had a 1.8-meter bed, Yuan Chen chose to go to the sofa in the living room by herself in view of her sleeping activity. Sleeping really well, that night a few years ago, Yuan Chen, who was sound asleep, was kicked out of bed for no reason, and the experience of his wrist hitting the corner of the table and breaking his bone was still fresh in his memory!

The next morning, after having breakfast, Yuan Chen took the big white chicken home, because Yuan Xuan said that she thought the big white chicken seemed very human and got along well with Yuan Chen, so she was very generous. It was generously given to Yuan Chen, but Yuan Chen also left a sum of money before he left... It was not for buying a big white chicken, but for breaking the newly installed anti-theft door at home. The next sum of money will be given to Yuan Xuan!
Yuan Chen didn't go back to the villa, but drove directly to the company in the countryside. Yuan Chen was also very curious about what the Future Science and Technology Research Company had researched. It was a garbage helmet thrown by Sword Art Online...Why are you saying so so much? It’s awkward, don’t worry, it’s a good thing after all. Although these are some game helmets, they are future technology, and they are helmets capable of virtual reality. If the Future Technology Research Company can really restore the helmet now, Yuan Chen knows that Definitely an epoch-making product!
When he came to the company, Yuan Chen immediately called Huang Wei. It was just noon, and he didn't know if Huang Wei was eating, but Yuan Chen was eager to know what the team led by Huang Wei had researched. Come on, so Yuan Chen didn't think so much!
"Hey Viagra, where are you now?"

When the call was connected, Yuan Chen couldn't wait and asked quickly!
"Mr. Yuan, I'm in the company's research room right now, and everyone else is here too. Are you going to come here now, or should we go there with something?"

Huang Wei on the other end of the phone was very happy to hear the voice, because they had finally made a new breakthrough in the past few days through the research of that helmet day and night, so he was naturally very excited!

"Let me go!"

Yuan Chen said excitedly. In fact, since he was a child, he has been reading science and technology novels, watching anime, and watching movies. Yuan Chen has been coveting these high-tech products for a long time. He also likes Transformers and Doraemon very much. Cough cough, Don't laugh, Doraemon is also a future technology product, okay?
"Well, this thing is not perfect yet, so it's not suitable for moving, so I'll trouble you to come here!"

Huang Wei on the other end of the phone also nodded and said, after staying in the company for a long time, Huang Wei also knows Yuan Chen's character. He knows that Yuan Chen is not the kind of person who likes to be well-behaved. That's good!

In fact, Yuan Chen also hates these things. After all, he himself doesn't like to be restrained, so he naturally won't add these things to others, so he calls Huang Wei and Tao Qiong Viagra, and sister Tao Qiong. And although Huang Wei and Tao Qiong are called Mr. Yuan Chen and Mr. Yuan, they are called the same title. There are not so many restrictions, and they can occasionally joke around!

So when he heard that Yuan Chen was coming, Huang Wei also said directly, this is not disrespect, on the contrary, this is real respect, respect for Yuan Chen, respect for the research team, and respect for the research results!
"Okay, then I will go there now, and I will be there in about 10 minutes!"

Yuan Chen said, in fact, he has come to the vicinity of the company, but because of the big white chicken in his car, he had to take it home first, otherwise, it would be boring to throw it in the car in this hot day. It's cooked, Yuan Chen has never eaten a cooked chicken!
And Yuan Chen is going to the research room now, it is naturally impossible to bring this big white chicken to that kind of place, and it is not good to leave it in the company, but Yuan Chen can only throw it at home first!
Back home, the door was ajar, Yuan Chen pushed open the door and saw that his uncle and niece Yuan Tingting were at home, because the fish at home had been stolen, Yuan Chen couldn't trust others, so he paid his uncle to help him. I raise fish here, but because I was stabbed before, my uncle's body is not as tough as before!
But the uncle is a person who can’t sit still. If there is nothing wrong, he will definitely go fishing, so Yuan Chen is also very worried. After all, the uncle is in his 50s and [-]s. It is too dangerous to go to sea, so Yuan Chen hired him here to help him feed the fish, and he can also bring his granddaughter with him!
Originally, the uncle was unwilling to accept Yuan Chen’s money, but after Yuan Chen talked a lot about what filial piety was and why Tingting should study, the uncle was willing to take Yuan Chen’s salary of 3000 yuan a month, and then he would pay for it every day. Just here to help Yuan Chen take care of those fish, and even help Yuan Chen clean the house when there is nothing to do!

This made Yuan Chen very embarrassed. He originally meant that he didn't want his uncle to be so tired, but now his uncle is here to clean the yard and the house. Well organized!
Yuan Chen thought about raising his uncle's wages, but he refused to ask for it. He also said that this was his old house. Now that he is old, what's wrong with taking care of the old house? Yuan Chen was also helpless. Indeed, this old house is The one left by Yuan Chen's grandfather should have been left to the eldest son, but because Yuan Chen's father was still poor at that time, his uncle moved out without saying a word when he got married, so this house will only be used now. It belongs to Yuan Chen's family!

So the uncle was also a part of this house growing up. This old house not only has Yuan Chen’s childhood memories, but also the uncle’s childhood memories. Later, because Yuan Chen’s father went to work in the city, the uncle often went fishing, so This old house will become more and more dilapidated!
Finally, Yuan Chen thought about it, and after discussing it with his father, he decided to let the uncle and the aunt move here, and the uncle's house was given to Yuan Chen's brother, the uncle's son, and Yuan Chen's family. The sister-in-law lives, after all, it's not big there, and the family is crowded together. Although the uncle and brother often went to sea before, it's not good to be crowded all the time!
After listening to Yuan Chen's suggestion, the uncle thought about it and thought it made sense, so he agreed to move here, so now the uncle and the aunt also live here!
Back home, I had a brief chat with my uncle, then handed the big white chicken to him, and told him that the chicken was not for eating before rushing to the company. Yuan Chen couldn't bear to eat spirituality!

After returning to the company, Yuan Chen rushed to the research room immediately, and Huang Wei's team was waiting here!
"Viagra, what did you research?"

As soon as he walked into the research room, Yuan Chen couldn't wait to ask!

"This is the thing, password account protection system!"

(End of this chapter)

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