Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 288 Real Garbage

Chapter 288 Real Garbage

Yuan Chen is very familiar with such things as receiving garbage. From the nervousness at the first time, to being generous now... It doesn't feel like receiving garbage, but now Yuan Chen is still looking forward to it, because the other party has many tricks , every time there is a new posture, ah no, a new dimension, the things given are different every time, and the feelings Yuan Chen gets are also very different, but every time Yuan Chen can reach the peak and fly to the sky, beautiful !

And recently, the other party seems to be tired of playing, and is not satisfied with one place, so they come to another place. Recently, they all receive garbage from QQ groups. I don’t know if they will change places in the future, will they come? It will use a data cable to connect to the computer to receive it. To be honest, Yuan Chen is still looking forward to it... Damn, can you stop messing around, is it easy to collect garbage?
Not much nonsense, at this time Yuan Chen is still looking forward to it, after so many chapters, ahem, I mean after such a long time, now I can finally see which world's garbage this is, Yuan Chen's My heart is disturbed, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...

After all, people always have an inexplicable sense of curiosity about unknown things, but they also have some worries while being curious, because they worry that what will appear later may not be what they want, or what will appear later may not be what they want. Things are beyond the scope of thought that I can understand, and Yuan Chen at this time undoubtedly has this kind of mentality!
He was worried that the garbage this time would have no effect on him, or that the garbage this time came from his own planet, and he was also worried that it would come from another dimension, but he brought a monster or monster, These are things Yuan Chen can't deal with now, so he has this kind of worry!
However, the vortex in the sky did not stop because of his worries. Not long after Yuan Chen clicked the download, the vortex in the sky appeared. It was not big, not as big as Yuan Chen's yard, but it was terribly dark. It seems that as long as you enter it, you can't come back!

At this time, the progress bar on Yuan Chen's phone also reached the end, and when the progress bar reached the end, the vortex in the sky was spinning, and a black mass was poured out by it. There was a lot of garbage this time, so it took a full 3 minutes to dump the garbage, and this 3 minutes is enough time for the sound here to go out!

Fortunately, in order to prevent some irresistible wild beasts from appearing, Yuan Chen has already surrounded the entire villa with mental power, otherwise, it will definitely attract the attention of some people outside. After all, because of the Huya incident just now, There are still quite a lot of people outside!
3 minutes is actually not long, but because Yuan Chen is waiting for the garbage, it feels like a long time. It was not until all the garbage was dumped, and the vortex in the sky disappeared, that Yuan Chen put on a mask and gloves. Start the journey of cleaning up the trash!
But when he approached the garbage, he was dumbfounded, because Yuan Chen knew all of these garbage, and they were all household garbage on this earth, clothes, bowls and chopsticks, refrigerators, air conditioners, and a tractor head, um, There are also bras... But those electrical appliances and tractor heads seem to be tens or hundreds of years old!
"Which era of garbage is this!"

Although these are all modern things, Yuan Chen still looked through them in the past. After all, he learned the lesson of devouring the starry sky dimension. These things are likely to come from the future time and space, but when Yuan Chen searched, it was Showed a disappointed expression!

Because Yuan Chen discovered that these garbage are all modern domestic garbage. Although it looks a bit old, it seems that a long time has passed, but even if these things have passed for a long time, they are still garbage, and they are still used in this era. Things, even if they are antiques in the future world, this world is still garbage!

So the rubbish Yuan Chen received this time is real rubbish. For the time being, he didn't find anything useful, but the style of the bra was quite novel. Yuan Chen considered whether to keep it for Chen Jiayuan...'s clothing company... The sample or something is also good!
But after thinking about it, it seems a bit perverted to do so, so Yuan Chen just took out his mobile phone and took a few photos, and also took pictures of those clothes, if anyone sees it, he will definitely call the police. Hey, are you Yaoyaoling?Here's a pervert taking pictures of underwear in the trash!

Sorry for the typo, this is Kiki!

After the filming, Yuan Chen threw them all aside, because he didn't know who these things were worn by, and he didn't know if the bathrooms were unhygienic. There is still work to be done to clean up. Although there is no motivation right now, it still needs to be cleaned up. It can’t just be left in the yard all the time!
"Well, what is this?"

Yuan Chen suddenly found something similar to a projector, but this projector looks different from modern projectors. Of course, the difference here does not mean that this projector is an antique, but that this projector is a super Times stuff!
This is a projector in the future world. Yuan Chen moved it and looked at it, and found that there was no damage. It seems that the quality of this thing is still good. It fell from such a high place and was pressed by many things. They are not broken, so Yuan Chen is also very happy, finally found something useful!
Even if this thing is really unusable, Yuan Chen can still throw it to the Future Technology Research Company for Huang Wei and the others to study it carefully to see if they can research something new. After all, this kind of thing is still considered a high tech!

However, after Yuan Chen cleaned up all the garbage, there was nothing left except for a few dishes that looked good but were a bit dirty. Because these plates were very light, the quality could not be discerned. , so Yuan Chen plans to keep it for the dogs!
After cleaning up everything, Yuan Chen also cleaned the yard and turned on the phone, because Yuan Chen knew that a video would be downloaded on the phone, and this video would largely tell Yuan Chen which dimension it was from. Rubbish!
In the past few times, Yuan Chen was able to guess which dimension it was, because every time there would be some iconic garbage thrown over, but in the last few times, there was nothing. The garbage thrown was either unknown to Yuan Chen, or very Chaos, so Yuan Chen also has no way to know which dimension of garbage those are. In the end, he only understood after watching the short video, so this time is the same!
But when Yuan Chen clicked on the video, he was instantly stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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