Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 305 Wolf Howl

Chapter 305 Wolf Howl
After Yuan Chen and Li Xiao traveled long distances for more than two hours, No. 37 also gradually slowed down their pace. Yuan Chen also knew that it was probably coming soon, so he slowed down accordingly, while Li Xiao was already Panting!

Along the way, apart from Yuan Chen, the dog and Li Xiao... Well, the strange name, that is, both No. 37 and Li Xiao were fed Warcraft jerky by Yuan Chen. Well, Li Xiao ate it himself, eating it. After eating the first piece of Warcraft jerky, he felt bad all over. What the hell is this? It’s so delicious. I’ve never eaten such a delicious thing. Comparable to this jerky!

But this meat is dried meat, and the fish meat just now is fresh, if this meat is also fresh, Li Xiao can't imagine how delicious this meat is, I have heard of a restaurant in the city before, what does it seem to be called? Names like Chenxuan Building, there used to be a kind of meat there, the meat was delicious, tender and juicy, it melted in the mouth, and the lips and teeth were fragrant. There is no such meat anymore, what a pity!
Wait, that restaurant didn't sell meat before, uh, after that kind of delicious meat, it seems to sell fish, and that kind of fish seems to be called Hantan white fish, and Li Xiao came here this morning. You see, Yuan Chen's company is called Hantan Fishery. It's definitely not a coincidence. Last time, because the meat was not sold, and he had something to do, he didn't try those fish. Thinking about it now, could it be that those fish It was provided by Yuan Chen Company!
And the meat from before was also provided by Yuan Chen, right? If you combine the meat with the jerky he ate just now, the answer will come out. Sure enough, the two of them are relatives... Nonsense, as expected, these two things are the same. It came from Yuan Chen's hands, and it is estimated that this kind of jerky was also the kind of fresh meat before, but because this kind of meat is relatively rare, Yuan Chen didn't sell it anymore, but kept it for dogs...Your sister, it's unscientific, so Good meat for dogs, can the meat for dogs be scarce?

Anyway, those meats are gone, so Yuan Chen provided fish that can be bred, and this kind of fish can be sold in large quantities because of the bred, so many restaurants now have cold pools from Yuan Chen's company. White fish, but I haven't seen this kind of meat, even the Chenxuan Building didn't sell it anymore!

I regretted it before. I heard from my friends that the meat is delicious, but the portion is small and the purchase is limited, especially the friends organized by a few supernatural beings. They said that the meat seems to have a little effect on improving their abilities. It made me feel itchy when I was on a mission abroad, and I wished I could fly back to eat meat immediately!
But because that task was more important, I couldn't leave at all, so after a few months, when the task was completed, I flew back to China the next day, but it was too late when I came back, and the restaurant was gone. Selling that kind of meat, what a pity I was at that time!

Looking at those friends with supernatural powers who used to eat once when they had time, Li Xiao could feel that their strength had improved after not seeing them for a few months. He was jealous and regretted why he didn't have the chance to eat them. He had been envious of him for a long time, until he had no choice but to search all over the country but could not find this kind of meat, so he gave up!
"Yuan Chen, what is your relationship with Chenxuan Building?"

Li Xiao asked, although he had already guessed it, but he still had to ask clearly before he could ask for some meat!

"Ah, Chenxuan Tower? Where is it? I only know Zuixian Tower!"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, and said casually, it wasn't that he was pretending to be stupid, but that he had completely handed over the affairs of Chenxuan Building to Liu Yuxuan, and Tao Qiong was also taking care of the delivery of Hantan Fishery. Chen is simply a hands-off shopkeeper, basically he doesn't care about everything, and he just messes around with the garbage all day long!

"You really don't know. The restaurant sold a kind of meat before. I heard it was delicious, but it was gone when I went there. That kind of meat can't be your kind of jerky!"

Seeing that Yuan Chen didn't say anything, Li Xiao thought he was pretending to be stupid with him. Originally, according to his personality, he wouldn't continue to ask, but this food was really delicious, so he still couldn't help asking. !

"Oh, you mean Chenxuan Building, that's a restaurant that I opened with my friends, well, it's true that this kind of meat was sold before, but now because there is no supply of this kind of meat, it's not for sale. It’s right, the Hantan white fish was sold directly, um, it’s the one you just ate, but it’s not as delicious as it was just now on the market!”

Yuan Chen said that because monster meat is non-renewable, he sold it only after his head was caught in the door. Now that I think about it, it still hurts, but the previous few million is indeed a big sum for Yuan Chen. It is enough to seduce Yuan Chen!
Now even if there is monster meat, Yuan Chen will not sell it anymore. Of course, this kind of good food must be eaten by himself, but because the monster meat is only some dried meat left, Yuan Chen also directly uses it to train his pets Guards, and I ate more advanced monster meat!

"Then can you sell me some of this jerky!"

Hearing Yuan Chen's confession, Li Xiao also said cheekily that this kind of jerky is simply a precious thing to him. It can improve his supernatural powers and heal wounds instantly. No matter how expensive this kind of thing is, Li Xiao is also willing to pay the price!

"Ah, do you want to buy this dog food? I don't have much left, how about this, I will give you a catty later, don't talk about money, just treat it as I paid you to come with me Pay it!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, then said, in fact, he still has a few hundred catties of this kind of monster jerky left over, but of course he couldn't let Li Xiao know, so he only gave him one catty, after all, Yuan Chen There may be things in the future that require him to help!
"That's fine... just tell me if you need help in the future!"

Li Xiao thought for a while and then nodded. A catty is already a lot to him, and he is not a mother-in-law. Yuan Chen also nodded when he said that. As long as he needs help with anything in the future, he, Li Xiao Definitely not second-guess!


At this moment, a wolf's howl was suddenly heard not far from them. This sound seemed a little sad and lonely!
"This is howling wolves, how could there be wolves in this place!"

Li Xiao frowned. Although this place is in the wilderness, there shouldn't be wolves here!

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Yuan Chen also shook his head, he had a bad feeling!
(End of this chapter)

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