Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 307 Strange Biological Research Institute

Chapter 307 Strange Biological Research Institute
Yuan Chen didn't notice Li Xiao's expression, but carefully looked at the words on the gate. These words were written... really ugly. The characters were handwritten and then carved, but Yuan Chen didn't care. I know why the resulting characters are so ugly, but the chicken sausage characters next to it are beautifully written!
After reading these words for a long time, Yuan Chen finally understood, Alien Organism Research Center!
"There is actually a biological research center here, Emma, ​​it's amazing!"

Yuan Chen pointed to the sign and said, with a disdainful expression on his face. In fact, his mental power has already entered through this door directly. There is a corridor inside. To Yuan Chen's surprise, there is no one in the corridor. There were no guards, but no mechanism or camera was found!
And on both sides of the corridor, there are iron cages, in which there are common animals, ranging from cats, dogs, parrots, to lions, tigers, and elephants. There is only one or several animals of each type. Only, it feels a bit like a zoo!

"Let's go in!"

After Yuan Chen finished his investigation, he opened his mouth and said!
"Just go in like this? Is there any danger inside?"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Li Xiao was taken aback for a moment. It's not impossible to go in like this, but is there really no problem?There are two guards with guns guarding the door, and there are many traps when you get inside. If you just go in so rashly, there may be something wrong!

"It's okay, there are only some small animals inside, it's okay!"

As Yuan Chen said, he began to push the door hard. The door seemed to be made of alloy. Although it was hard, it was not heavy. In addition, Yuan Chen's strength was not comparable to that of ordinary people, so the door was in his hands. His hands trembled slightly!
"How do you know there are small animals inside!"

Seeing that Yuan Chen started pushing the door without making it clear, Li Xiao hurriedly stopped him. He didn't want to be shot to death just after stepping into the gate. Every time he set out a mission, he was careful, so every mission was completed It's very good, but this cooperation with Yuan Chen is directly to push open the door of others, and said that there are only some small animals inside, who would believe it!

"Didn't you see, the Variant Organism Research Center, there must be small animals such as cats, cats and dogs, at most a few lions and tigers, it's okay!"

Yuan Chen pointed to the sign at the door, rolled his eyes at Li Xiao and said, haven't you seen such big characters?

"Ah, so it turns out that these words are the Alien Organism Research Center. I wondered what the word was. It's so ugly that I can't tell it!"

Li Xiao was stunned. He also saw these words just now, but he didn't know what the words were at all, so he thought it was some kind of powerful weapon research institute, so it was set up in this corner of the mountain. It's a biological research center, so there's no problem!

Thinking of this, Li Xiao believed Yuan Chen's words. There were only a few small animals in it, and strange creatures were probably very rare species. That's why he hit the head of Yuan Chen's dog. Thinking of the half-meter-high Chihuahua, Li Xiao is also relieved, it is indeed different... kind, no wonder he was arrested and studied! (Why did you write him so stupidly? I feel sorry for Li Xiao for three seconds!)

The two pushed together, and the door was pushed open a crack, and after a little more push, a passage appeared that could accommodate a person passing sideways. The hole was originally small, so it was possible to open such a large The door gap is not easy!

Yuan Chen entered the gate first, because he had already detected it with his mental power just now, and there was no danger inside, so he walked in with confidence!
Seeing that Yuan Chen didn't let out any screams after entering, Li Xiao also found out and walked in. The corridor inside is not wide, but it is bright, so he can clearly see some things around him. , There are really some small animals inside!

But now Li Xiao is not surprised at all, nor does he think that Yuan Chen's supernatural power is some kind of prophecy, because isn't it written on the door?In the Variant Organism Research Center, it's normal to have small animals inside, um, that's right, but something is wrong!

The two walked all the way, Yuan Chen opened the way ahead with his mental strength, but he didn't find anything special here, except that the passage here seems to be a little bit downward, there is no other special place!

Until a certain place, Yuan Chen finally stopped his progress. It wasn't someone who discovered or something was blocking Yuan Chen, but a pair of little birds locked in this cage. The whole body of this pair of little birds was pink. , It's really beautiful, but Yuan Chen was not surprised, because this pair of little birds is exactly a pair of lovesick birds that Yuan Chen raised!

To be precise, it is a pair of lovesickness birds that Yuan Chen helped Xiaguang Zoo to cultivate. Yuan Chen doesn’t know why this pair of lovesickness birds are here. They probably got auctioned from Xiaguang, because Xiaguang’s auction animals are all for the highest bidder. They will not investigate the family background of those auctioneers, and even if they do, it will be useless, they can completely snatch it from others, or, like now, just steal it!

What made Yuan Chen feel strange was that the pair of lovesick birds didn't react when they saw him. Before, as long as they were pets raised by Yuan Chen, they would be very enthusiastic when they met Yuan Chen in Xiaguang, but this time There is no love for the lovesick bird, but it is still standing in the cage, not making noise or making trouble, just so good!
Yuan Chen frowned, and continued walking, and along the way, he saw several familiar animals, all of which were fed with monster meat by himself, but because the feeding of monster meat was very little, generally only the appearance became better. , the intelligence has also improved a bit, but compared with the patrol dogs trained by Yuan Chen, it is much worse!
What made him feel strange was that none of these animals could recognize him, and none of them responded, and their eyes were very cloudy, not as clear as before. Yuan Chen curiously used his mental strength to Entering the head of a dog, I found that its thinking is very chaotic. In human terms, that dog is stupid!

And Yuan Chen also used the same method to enter the minds of several animals with mental power, and found that no matter whether it was raised by him or other animals, every animal was thinking chaotically, and many animals could be seen on them. Obvious scars and pinholes, it seems that these animals have been used for some strange experiments!

Yuan Chen frowned, he couldn't care too much for the time being, he could only figure out the affairs of the research center first, and then he could understand what these animals were all about!

(End of this chapter)

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