Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 323 Abducting Lolita to Zhang’s House

Chapter 323 Abduct Loli Home ([-])

Yuan Chen took An Cai'er home, not to his hometown, but after explaining a few words to Tao Qiong, he brought home a few first-generation cold pool white fish!

When he arrived, the co-pilot was sitting in a big man who was chattering and asking questions, but now he was sitting in a cute little loli. Although he was also chattering non-stop, Yuan Chen felt that it was so It's different!

After returning to the villa, Yuan Chen introduced An Cai'er and Lin Qi to each other. Lin Qi looked at An Cai'er in a strange way, probably sensing something, but Yuan Chen didn't say much, and Lin Qi looked at Yuan Chen, but didn't say anything, just nodded!

"Wow, my brother's house is so comfortable!"

Seeing that Lin Qi was a little wary of herself, An Cai'er also noticed it. Although she was simple, she was not mentally handicapped. She just slept for more than 100 years, and her cognition was a little behind the times, but she didn't care. In the courtyard, he took a deep breath, and said excitedly!
Hearing An Caier's cheers, Yuan Chen and Lin Qi also turned their heads to look at her in surprise. Obviously, she could feel the presence of aura in this courtyard. The air is very fresh, and only those who can really feel the presence of aura will feel very comfortable!
That kind of comfort is spiritual comfort. Both Yuan Chen and Lin Qi have a deep understanding, because they are both people who can feel the existence of spiritual energy, so they also know what An Caier feels. Of course, this refers to ordinary people It includes people with supernatural powers. For example, Li Xiao can't feel that kind of feeling when he comes here. At most, he feels that the air is good!

"Can you feel it?"

Lin Qi was very surprised. Before, he just felt that the little girl in front of him was a bit unusual, but now he was a little surprised that she could feel the aura of their world. You know, Yuan Chen knew which world the garbage came from. , Only then did I deduce that it was aura, and it was only through spiritual power that I felt the real aura!

"Ah, what do you feel?"

Hearing Lin Qi's words, An Cai'er was taken aback for a moment, she just felt that she could relax physically and mentally in this courtyard, and was very comfortable!

"Ang, it's nothing!"

Lin Qi was also taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the girl in front of her might be able to feel the existence of aura, but she didn't know about aura, so she didn't know that what she inhaled was aura!

However, this made Lin Qi feel that the girl in front of her was very dangerous, because she was able to absorb the spiritual energy unconsciously, that is to say, she was cultivating there unknowingly and without guidance. , Absorbing spiritual energy, what a terrifying talent this is!

"Brother, when can we eat? I'm hungry. We want to eat that big chicken, or that dog. Wow, that big bird is also good, um~ that tiger seems to be delicious too , especially the small one, looks delicious!"

Seeing that Lin Qi stopped talking, An Caier went to find Yuan Chen, and pointed to the animals in Yuan Chen's yard and asked, the big white chicken, the little Jiji, the black-winged eagle, and even the tiger teeth, all of which were touched by her. up!

What's strange is that those animals also seemed to feel that An Cai'er was not simple, and they all hid aside when she pointed them out, except Huya who just gave her a blank look and continued to practice!
"I'm going, who is this little girl, it's so dangerous, so dangerous, I'm going to run away!"

This was the voice of the big white chicken, and it became fat after speaking!
"Well, this little girl has a bit of hostility, so it's better not to provoke her!"

This is the voice of the black-winged eagle. It dared to attack Huya before, but now it was frightened by An Caier's hostility, and then it flapped its wings and flew away!

"Brother Hu is still mighty, you dare to wink at such a scary girl... Uh, I mean, dare to show her face, amazing!"

Little Jiji also spoke without restraint, but halfway through the speech, seeing Huya staring at him, it quickly changed its words, and ran to the side after speaking, away from An Cai'er!
"We don't eat them, they're my good friends, don't eat them!"

Yuan Chen shook his head helplessly, he could only talk to An Cai'er, don't be inattentive at that time, if she ate one of them, Yuan Chen would cry to death!
"Friends? Friends are Cai'er's food!"

After hearing Yuan Chen's words, An Cai'er was taken aback for a moment, and then said something that made Yuan Chen's hair shudder, this guy, does he really regard his friends as his own food? If it was someone else, Yuan Chen would probably Take it as a joke, but An Cai'er is different, she has really tried cannibalism!
"Giggle, just kidding, a friend is a little friend, what can't be eaten, just like my big wolf, what can't be eaten!"

Seeing Yuan Chen's nervous face, An Cai'er smiled, and said, as I said before, she is not mentally retarded, nor is she mentally retarded, how could she not even know this!
"That's good!"

Yuan Chen nodded, and after telling Lin Qi to stare, he went into the house to prepare food, and Lin Qi nodded and meditated there, he seems to have encountered a bottleneck recently!

During the time Yuan Chen entered the house, An Caier obediently played with her big wolf in the yard!
And when Yuan Chen brought up the steaming monster meat and a generation of cold pool white fish, An Cai'er also smelled the smell and ran in quickly!
"Brother, what kind of meat is this? It seems delicious!"

An Cai'er smelled the food on the table, and exclaimed excitedly, the smell of these things was so delicious, An Cai'er couldn't help drooling when she smelled it, she threw the big wolf aside and ran into the house!
"It's just pork and fish. Try it and see if it tastes good. There are many more!"

Yuan Chen smiled and patted An Cai'er's head, then called Lin Qi to come in for dinner!

Looking at the two people in front of him, one kept eating fish, and the other ate more monster meat, Yuan Chen also shook his head, the house is quite lively now, two people and a bunch of small animals, also It's a good life!
"Cai'er, eat slowly, there are still a lot, don't use your hands with chopsticks!"

"I know, brother, but this thing is so hard to use, I'm so slow to pick things up with it!"

"Then I'll give you this fork, and Lin Qi, don't just focus on eating fish. Although the white fish in the cold pool has a lot of aura, the meat is not bad!"

"Well, I know Brother Yuan Chen, but I seem to have encountered a bottleneck recently, and I need to add more spiritual energy!"

"Oh? Bottleneck? Are you going to break through again? Well, I'll try and see if I can help you after dinner later!"

"Okay, thank you Brother Yuan Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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